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Developing and learning from measures of social inclusion in the EU E. Marlier ( CEPS/INSTEAD, LU) B. Nolan (UCD, IE) B. Cantillon, K. Van den Bosch and T. Van Rie (UA, BE) (website: www.ceps.lu ). Eric MARLIER – CEPS/INSTEAD 2. EU SI portfolio: Primary Indicators.
Developing and learning from measures of social inclusion in the EU E. Marlier (CEPS/INSTEAD, LU) B. Nolan (UCD, IE) B. Cantillon, K. Van den Bosch and T. Van Rie (UA, BE) (website: www.ceps.lu)
Eric MARLIER – CEPS/INSTEAD 2 EU SI portfolio: Primary Indicators
Eric MARLIER – CEPS/INSTEAD 3 EU SI portfolio: Secondary Indicators
Eric MARLIER – CEPS/INSTEAD 4 1. Correlations among the 8 Primary Indicators across EU-27 countries, EU-SILC and LFS, 2007
Material deprivation Eric MARLIER – CEPS/INSTEAD 5 People living in households who cannot afford 3+ of the following items: • to face unexpected expenses; • one week annual holiday away from home; • to pay for arrears (mortgage/ rent, utility bills, hire purchase instalments); • a meal with meat, chicken or fish every second day; • to keep home adequately warm; • to have a washing machine; • to have a colour TV; • to have a telephone; • to have (access to) a personal car. Aggregate of information focused on some key aspects of material living conditions. The aim is not to cover all the dimensions of social exclusion (i.e., health, employment, education, social participation, etc). Focus on enforced lack and not personal choices.
2. Material deprivation & at-risk-of-poverty rates, EU-27, EU-SILC, 2007 Eric MARLIER – CEPS/INSTEAD 6
Eric MARLIER – CEPS/INSTEAD 7 3. Material deprivation & AROP rates, poverty risk thresholds, EU-27, EU-SILC, 2007
Eric MARLIER – CEPS/INSTEAD 7bis 3bis. AROP rate and PR threshold (in PPS), EU-27, EU-SILC, 2007
Eric MARLIER – CEPS/INSTEAD 7ter 3ter. Deprivation rate & PR threshold (PPS), EU-27, EU-SILC, 2007
Eric MARLIER – CEPS/INSTEAD 8 4. Material deprivation depth for income-poor and non-income-poor population, EU-27, EU-SILC, 2007
Eric MARLIER – CEPS/INSTEAD 9 5. Deprivation (%) & Median PR gap (%), EU-27, EU-SILC, 2007
Eric MARLIER – CEPS/INSTEAD 10 6a. Quartile scores of EU countries for the 6EU Primary Indicators, EU-SILC and LFS, 2007
Eric MARLIER – CEPS/INSTEAD 11 6b. Quartile scores of EU countries for the 6 EU Primary Indicators, EU-SILC and LFS, 2007
Eric MARLIER – CEPS/INSTEAD 9 Monthly at-risk-of-poverty thresholds (illustrative values) for households with 2 adults & 2 children, PPS, EU-27, 2007 Huge range to be kept in mind when comparing national poverty risks [8 red circles: <750 PPS ; 12 black circles: >1600 PPS]… Source: Eurostat; EU-SILC 2007 - Income reference year 2006 except for UK (2007) and IE (moving reference period 2006-7)
More information? Report prepared by the EU Task-Force onChild Poverty and Child Well-Being (2008): http://ec.europa.eu/employment_social/spsi/docs/social_inclusion/2008/child_poverty_en.pdf Report on Tackling child poverty and promoting the social inclusion of children in the EU, prepared for COM by EU Network of non-governmental social inclusion experts (2007): http://ec.europa.eu/employment_social/spsi/docs/social_inclusion/experts_reports/synthesis1_2007_en.pdf On some of the main challenges facing the social inclusion strand of the EU Social OMC, including children mainstreaming,social impact assessment of policies and policy analysis: Eric Marlier, AB Atkinson, Bea Cantillon and Brian Nolan (2007): The EU and Social Inclusion: Facing the Challenges, The Policy Press, Bristol http://www.policypress.co.uk/display.asp?K=9781847424198 For an in-depth theoretical and empirical discussion of comparative social indicators for use by country and EU in Social OMC: Tony Atkinson, Bea Cantillon, Eric Marlier and Brian Nolan (2002): Social indicators: The EU and Social Inclusion, Oxford University Press, Oxford http://ukcatalogue.oup.com/product/9780199253494.do Eric MARLIER – CEPS/INSTEAD 31
Box 1: Social Open Method of Coordination (OMC) Framework For Social OMC as a whole: EU overarching objectives ------------------------------------- Portfolio of EU overarching indicators plus context info. For social inclusion (SI) strand of Social OMC: EU objectives for SI ---------------------------- Portfolio of EU SI primary & secondary indicators plus context information For pensions strand of Social OMC: EU objectives for pensions ---------------------------- Portfolio of EU pensions primary & secondary indicators plus context information For health care & long-term care strand of Social OMC: EU objectives for health ---------------------------- Portfolio of EU health primary & secondary indicators plus context information Eric MARLIER – CEPS/INSTEAD 2
Eric MARLIER – CEPS/INSTEAD 6 Evolution of Material deprivation & poverty risk, %, EU, EU-SILC, 2005-2007