Coast Miwoks By: NaatyaAnukonda
Coast Miwoks ate lots of different kinds of food. Such as acorns, fish, and berries. Some of the animals they did not eat were snakes and lizards. Acorns were one of their main foods, they were stored in granaries that were on stilts to keep away small animals, granaries were lined with bay leaves.
The Coast Miwoks have many important plants such as soap plant and tule. Tule is used for covering kotchas. Kotchas are also used for making clothes such as skirts. Soap plant is used for glue, shampoo, and hunting fishing. The root hairs used for making paintbrushes.
Coast Miwok lived in houses called kotchas. A kotcha’s frame is made of willow branches, after the frame is made the Miwoks they cover it with mats of tule tied together.