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Collaborative Science Project: Group 4 Project Stages and Reflection

Group 4 Project is a collaborative activity where students from Physics, Chemistry, and Biology work together on scientific topics. Learn about project stages, planning, action, and reflection.

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Collaborative Science Project: Group 4 Project Stages and Reflection

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  1. Group 4 Project

  2. Content • What is Group 4 Project? • Project stages • Planning • Action • Research Question • Poster Exhibition • Reflection

  3. What is Group4 Project? It is a collaborative activity where students from different G4 subjects (Physics, Chemistry, Biology) work together on a scientific topic, allowing for concepts and perceptions from across the disciplines to be shared.

  4. to develop and apply your information and communication technology skills (ICT) in the study of science,(Aim 7) • to raise your awareness of the moral, ethical, social, economic and environmental implications of using science and technology,(Aim 8) • to encourage an understanding of the relationships between scientific disciplines and the overarching nature of the scientific method. (Aim 10)

  5. to decide the main focus, make sure that all the subjects are included. • to decide which practical activities you will carry out and what equipment you will need… You should communicate with the appropriate science technician and teacher. • to keep communicating among yourselves… You need to let others in your group know how your part of the project is going!

  6. G4 Project Stages 10 hour activity is allocated to the G4 project which can be divided into three stages: • Planning (2 hrs) • Action (6 hrs) • Evaluation (2 hrs)

  7. Planning Allinvestigationsshould be simpleenoughto be carriedout in schoollabconditions. Theactivitiesthatwill be carriedoutmust be clearlydefinedbeforemovingfrom the planning stage to the action stage. At theexperimentalstage, apparatus should be specified so that there is no delay in carrying out the action stage.

  8. Clear • Sharply focused • Should be answerable • Arguable

  9. Unclear: Does concententration affect the rate of chemical reaction? Unfocused: What are the the factors affecting the rate of a chemical reactions? Too simple : How does the temperature affect the rate of a chemical reaction?

  10. ToobroadRQs • UnclearRQs. • MultipleRQs. • RQ which does not lead to a systematic investigation.

  11. Assumeaschool selects the G4 Project to be Energy • Assume a group picked the subtitle "Light energy“

  12. In Physics, students are investigating “how is the angle of deflection affects the rate of photosynthesis of Elodea canadensis”. • The correct form of the RQ is; “how does the angle of light deflection affect the rate of photosynthesis of Elodea canadensis by measuring the volume of oxygen gas produced” .

  13. In Chemistry, students are investigating “how does the exposure to light affect the Vitamin C in orange juice by determining the vitamin C content by titrating it with iodine solution.” • The correct form of the RQ is; “how does the timeof exposure to sunlight affect the decomposition of Vitamin C in orange juice by determining the vitamin C content by titrating it with iodine solution.”

  14. In Biology , students are investigating “how does light affect the rate of photosynthesis, by counting the number of produced oxygen bubbles” • The correct form of the RQ is; “how do different wavelengths of light affect the rate of photosynthesis of Elodea canadensis, by counting the number of oxygen gas bubbles produced”

  15. How can a subtitle be relatedwith G4 subjects? Here is an example from G4 project of previous years: The school topic was choosen to be “Water.“ A group of students picked the subtitle “Conductivity of Water"

  16. In Biology, students investigated “How does the type of water affect the transport in xylem of celery which is indicated by the height of water at a certain temperature and pressure?” In Physics, students investigated “How does the type of water affect the conductivity of water indicated by the potential difference that is shown in voltmeter using a simple electric circuit and metal plates?” In Chemistry, students investigated “How does the concentration of sodium cloride (NaCl) affect the volume of hydrogen collected during electrolysis process?”

  17. At the end of the G4 Project : • The results must be communicated to the CIS community in some way • This could take several forms. For Example: • A poster display in the front lobby of the school • A science fair with some other IB schools in HCMC • A video highlighting the theme and the experiments done by each group. This could be shown at a school assembly • OTHER IDEAS??? • You must also reflect on the experience you had • You are expected to write your opinions about what you obtained from this group work

  18. How to prepare a POSTER? • List all of the things that you want to say, and put them in the order of importance. • Remember that this is a poster to give a quick overview of your research. • Plan on limited text and strong images in the poster.

  19. TED Ankara College

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