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Aravali College of Engineering and Management, Faridabad

Session on Project writing

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Aravali College of Engineering and Management, Faridabad

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  1. ProjectWriting

  2. Objective By the end of this module, you will be ableto apply some basic writing guidelinesto communicate effectively…

  3. Its about using your whole brain not just one side or the other!!

  4. Project PlanningVision What is it I really want?? How will I know when I have it??

  5. Currentreality What is my current status in relation to this project reallylike??

  6. Topicselection Criticalreading Criticalanalysis Working on project Results &Discussion INTRODUCTION TO THE PROJECTWRITING

  7. Project??  A successful project proposal is one thatis well prepared, thoughtfully planned, and conciselypackaged  Unique and timebound  Needs proper planning andresources  Project design - goals and key personnel, beginning, end, approach, deliverables / result oriented  Rationally appealing to thedonors’  Involvesuncertainty

  8. Conceptualization Phases of aproject 1. • Feasibility 2. • Preliminaryplanning 3. • Detailedplanning 4. • Implementation 5. • Result 6. • Referencing 7.

  9. Importance ofproject  An essential part of learningprocess  Analyzing the subject ofconcern  Involves you in close investigation of thechosen subject  Implementation of learning both practicallyand theoretically  Helps in developing research and writingskills  Develops a student’s creativity, rationalskills, critical thinking, planning and problemsolving

  10. ChoosingTopic  Choosing thearea  Identify your strengths and innovative aspects ofproject  Critical Thinking  Research  Identifygap  ProblemScoping  Name of theproject

  11. Identify yourstrengths  Multi-dimensionalthought  Identify skills and expertise of thecollaborators  Try to identify your weakpoints  Do not go for a topic where subject area isnew  Interest and awareness of yourstream

  12. Choosing thearea  Check for any existing college guidelineson topicselection  Consult your faculty regarding youridea  Check for research literatures whichare not more than five yearsold  Do background reading for narrowtopic  Do focusedresearch  Refresh your knowledge in thatarea

  13. Ask questions based on Why, Who,Whom, What, When andWhere. Why are you choosing thistopic? Who are the information providers and publishers? Whomwill it benefit? Whom areyou targeting? What are the issues being addressed? Is it an experimental study/descriptive study and soon?

  14. Whatdata do you need to gather? What methodology of research are you adopting? Whendo you have to finish? Will it be covered in the stipulated time? Currently, what is the importance of thetopic? Wherewill it beused?

  15. Identifygap Gap identification is basedon:  What is the present status of thechosen subject  Is there any existing problem (generalor specific)  Devised for alternatives??  Challenges and deadline-driventasks?  Root cause analysis of theexisting problems andchallenges  Possible approaches for gapreduction

  16. ProblemScoping Problem scoping is part of problem solving process. It enablesin:  Informationgathering  Interpreting andprioritizing  Deciding feasible alternatives to the problem chosen forstudy  Identifying important issues related to the study  Time and resourceboundaries  Gathering the significant effects andaffected factors

  17. Focus on existingwork  Existing work in the area of interestshould be carefullyread  Draft should be prepared on thesame  Any point not clear should benoted separately for detailstudy  References should be carefully notedas per theguidelines  Text referencing ismandatory  Copying more than 3-4 wordswithout referencing isplagiarism

  18. Analyze the criticality ofimplementation  Clearly mention the limitation of theproject  Initially write pseudocode  Run it manually and then write finalcode  Check if concept and operational methodis justified  Acknowledge possible errors, limitations andany contradictory evidence  Justifyit

  19. Result anddiscussion  Compare your work with theexisting  Justify how it isdifferent  Draft thedetails

  20. Aravali College of Engineering And Management Jasana, Tigoan Road, Neharpar, Faridabad, Delhi NCR Toll Free Number : 91- 8527538785 Website : www.acem.edu.in

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