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Habits Of Highly Effective Agency Owners

Learn from industry experts how to manage your agency efficiently for increased revenue and profit. Discover essential insights on business planning strategies, revenue-generating activities, and valuable tools for success. Stay ahead of the competition by focusing on key performance indicators and actionable steps to achieve your goals. Don't miss this opportunity to enhance your agency's performance and reach new heights in the industry.

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Habits Of Highly Effective Agency Owners

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  1. Habits Of Highly Effective Agency Owners May 15, 2018 Tips to Managing Your Agency for More $$$

  2. “The only person in your company who will be genuinely motivated to grow your company is you. Every minute that you spend working on tasks that can be delegated is a minute that you are not planning, strategizing and building the best business possible. This is why it's important to work on your business, not in your business.” •  Rhett Power Head coach, Power Coaching and Consulting

  3. If the value of your time to your company is worth $75 an hour, quit spending time doing $15 an hour work! • The most important work to a growing company is new & renewal revenue generating work! • Producers need to produce. Owner/Producers need to produce!

  4. Direct Live poll • Please take out your smartphones to participate in our live poll. • In your browser go to this url: • http://etc.ch/wiJx • Case Sensitive • Start Poll

  5. Overview Of Topics Today • How to be more effective • Agency Business Planning to Succeed • Key Indicators in the Agency • Keys to Higher Income & Profitability • Revenue Generating Activities • What is Your Value Proposition? • Tools to Help You Plan & Succeed

  6. How To be More effective • “Efficiency is doing things right; effectiveness is doing the right things.” • Peter Drucker (Recognized as "the founder of modern management“)

  7. How To be More effective • “There is nothing so useless as doing efficiently that which should not be done at all.” • Peter Drucker (Has been described as "the founder of modern management“)

  8. How To be More effective • Your Personal Life • As an Agency Owner • As a Producer • As a Boss • You have ONE life with different Roles in it • Daily Planning in calendar tool– Priority list – Clear Goals – Consistent Habits – most important things first – Scheduled block times for activities including daily planning • Resource Article • Multiple ways and opinions – Only wrong things to do is NOTHING to improve! • More this afternoon Session from Dr. Dennis Deaton

  9. Agency Business Planning to Succeed • Do you have a written plan to achieve your desired success? • A goal not written is only a wish • Business Planning is essential for success • Detailed=Marketing – Income – Growth – Expenses – Profit – Future – 1,3,5 Years • Did your employees give input into the plan and do they know what it is? • Do you have success defined for your agency & employees? Is it: • % profit • # of dollars • #of policies • Retention % • What is it? • Reasonable Expectations – 30% profit might be nice but….is it really reasonable?

  10. Agency Business Planning to Succeed •  “What gets measured gets improved.” – Peter Drucker • “You can’t manage what you don’t measure.” – Peter Drucker

  11. Agency Business Planning to Succeed • Do you measure your performance regularly to know if you are on target to achieve the goals & plans? • How often? • How do I evaluate

  12. Agency Business Planning to Succeed • Business plan must be in writing • Budgeting is part of the plan • Income & Expenses • Profit % • Future Needs – employees, equipment, location, automation • 1 Year Detailed • 3 Year Skeleton • 5 Year Goals • Must include measurable goals and objectives • Revenue monthly – How? • New revenue weekly – How? • Increase average commission per account – How? • Increase average policies per account – How? “If you don't have daily objectives, you qualify as a dreamer.” - ZigZiglar

  13. Agency Business Planning to Succeed • Annual plan must be very detailed & specific – Not just goals but steps to achieve those goals daily, weekly, monthly! • PL & CL – Other • Marketing to write Preferred business w/ Strategic Partner Companies • Front Line Underwrite – Protect Your Loss Ratios • Review plan at least monthly • Monitor results and make adjustments as needed • Agency Management System – Owners Best Friend – More later! • Agency Planning • Sample Business PlanSample Business Planning Tool

  14. Agency Business Planning to Succeed • I have a plan! Now What? • Execute! Execute! Execute! • Daily activities to execute the plan.

  15. Key Indicators in the Agency • Know your numbers! • What are they? • How do you monitor them? • Agency Management Systems Reports • Garbage in Garbage out! “A few percentage points can make the difference in barely surviving , or really thriving. It is not always just working harder, but worker smarter to!”

  16. Key Indicators you need to know • Average commission % in PL & CL • Preferred vs. non-standard or E&S = 15% plus vs. 10% commission = 33 1/3% less income • You can’t make it up on volume! • E&S More work and greater E&O risk • Average revenue per account – PL & CL • Needs to be increasing each year • Retention % for policies & revenue • Increasing retention increases dollars – Need to increase average policies per customer • Average # of policies per account in PL & CL • Mining for gold in your accounts – no more monoline accounts • Cross Selling Program for PL & CL • Identifies missing opportunities and go after them • More policies per customer = Higher retention “A few percentage points can make the difference in barely surviving , or really thriving. It is not always just working harder, but worker smarter to!”

  17. Keys to higher income & profitability • Focus on preferred business • Higher commission % • Manage your loss ratios – front line underwrite • Profitability is KING in 2018! • Have to be diligently writing quality business • Quit writing borderline business with preferred carriers • Policy retention above 90% - Goal to have above 95% plus • Cheaper to retain than write new business • Improving 3 points of retention could mean.....$$$$$$$$ • Example of increase $$$$$ • 34 Insurance Agency retention Strategies

  18. Keys to higher income & profitability • Must have an active referral program that brings you consistent good referrals every month – 20 plus! • Must have an active cross sell/account rounding program to write the low hanging fruit and eliminate competition. • Minimum of 2-3 policies per account – Goal 3+ on every account • Auto, home, umbrella, boat, motorcycle, toys, life insurance– Package, auto, w/c, umbrella, epli, cyber • Multiple policies increases retention significantly • Life Insurance – increases retention by as much as 10% • Use the SIAA National Strategic Partner Companies as much as possible – goal of 75% • Higher commissions • Local & national bonuses • Guaranteed national Bonuses • Write profitable business and MANAGE your loss ratio to Qualify for Profit Sharing Bonuses Every Year • The real operating profit of an agency comes from earning these bonuses every year • how about 20-30% Net operating profit each year?

  19. Keys to higher income & profitability – Producer Cautions • Straight commission producers still cost you money • How? Time – E&O – Time – Reputation – Time – Loss Ratio – Time – Support – Time • You must make money on every producer sooner than later – How much? • You should expect to make at least your % profit goal on every producer after covering your costs • Don’t be fooled by making it up on volume – a little bit of something is always a little bit • Every producer has to produce every month • You must manage every producer • Hidden costs that can kill your profit • Producers writing bad business that increases loss ratios • Carrier relationships and your reputation • Negative attitude with staff • E&O costs • Legal costs

  20. Revenue generating activities • Producers Produce – Owner producers Produce – producing new business is your top priority and should be 70% of your time • Target focus of success – Target Marketing in PL & CL • Quit chasing bad business • Preferred vs. Non-standard or E&S • Loss Ratio Matters more than ever - It okay to say NO! • Quit trying to be everything to everybody • Focus on what you do well and keep doing it better • Know your differentiators (Price cannot be all you have to offer) • Know your stuff – you are supposed to be a professional – act like it – ongoing education • Under promise & Over deliver • What’s your WOW advantage to bring people to you?

  21. What is Your Value Proposition? • Why am I choosing you to do business with? • Are you worth 10% more? • Can you sell that value proposition? Practice, practice, practice! • Become a better time manager – what is your hourly rate to do what you do? $50, $100, $200, $300 • Quit spending so much time on nonrevenue generating activities • Use your time to do things that are worth doing and are worth paying the hourly rate you have!

  22. Tools to help you plan & succeed • Agency Planning Tool • Producer Planning Tool • Producer Compensation Tools • Agency Management System Reports • Agency Management System Reports

  23. Questions??

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