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The California Earthquake Clearinghouse: Shared Observations

James D. Goltz Branch Chief, Earthquake, Tsunami and Volcanic Hazards Program California Emergency Management Agency and Anne Rosinski Senior Engineering Geologist California Geological Survey. The California Earthquake Clearinghouse: Shared Observations.

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The California Earthquake Clearinghouse: Shared Observations

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  1. James D. Goltz Branch Chief, Earthquake, Tsunami and Volcanic Hazards Program California Emergency Management Agency and Anne Rosinski Senior Engineering Geologist California Geological Survey The California Earthquake Clearinghouse: Shared Observations

  2. What is the California Earthquake Clearinghouse? An organization that “coordinates field investigations and shares observations and knowledge among emergency responders and the engineering and scientific communities.” First mobilized following the 1971 San Fernando Valley earthquake . Subsequent events include 1975 Oroville, 1987 Whittier Narrows, 1989 Loma Prieta, 1992 Landers, 1994 Northridge, 2010 El Mayor Cucapah Per USGS Circular 1242, a clearinghouse is now required by the National Earthquake Hazards Reduction Program Western States Seismic Policy Council (WSSPC) in Policy 10-3 advocates establishing clearinghouse organizations in states with seismic hazards Organized and managed by a coalition of organizations with diverse interests in field investigations

  3. Objectives of the Clearinghouse Facilitate field investigations by earth scientists, engineers and social scientists who converge on the disaster site Assist researchers in accessing perishable data through coordination with emergency management organizations Provide a forum for sharing information via meetings at a physical location (field office) and through the Clearinghouse UICDS data sharing framework Track fieldwork progress and minimize duplication of effort; organize imagery via GIS applications; and synthesize information for response agencies Clearinghouse does not direct or control activities

  4. Some Recent Developments: Authorization for Clearinghouse activities written into State’s Official Response Efforts Recognition of the California Earthquake Clearinghouse by the State will secure priority mission requests including (but not limited to): A state-designated facility to host the Clearinghouse Law Enforcement Branch assistance to allow Clearinghouse experts into areas cordoned off to the public Aerial/overflight reconnaissance missions

  5. Clearinghouse Structure: Response based on Region/Scenario In alignment with FEMA Hub/Spoke concept Clearinghouse Southern California Region/Response Group established on Clearinghouse website http://www.eqclearinghouse.org/CA Make your voice heard - Tailor Clearinghouse resources to assist response efforts of established local research community PRE-PLAN! Develop Clearinghouse resources based on “grass roots” input from local experts i.e. “Angie’s List” for earthquake response: Identify designated overflight participants? Identify airport(s) for overflight participants to assemble? Compile a list of researchers needing credentials (e.g. out-of-state researchers) Identify pre-designated meeting location?

  6. Quid Pro Quo Communicate information potentially useful to emergency managers responding to the event Cooperation helps Clearinghouse secure resources for future efforts El Mayor -Cucapah 2010 Tohoku Japan Tsunami in CA 2011 Lateral spread of levee fill (Photo: J. Tinsley) Santa Cruz Harbor (Photo: J. Hansen)

  7. Clearinghouse UICDS data sharing framework UICDS is being developed under a contract with the Department of Homeland Security, Directorate of Science and Technology, Infrastructure and Geophysical Division. UICDS is the “middleware” foundation that enables information sharing and decision support among commercial and government incident management technologies used to support the National Response Framework (NRF) and National Incident Management System (NIMS), including the Incident Command Structure (ICS), in order to prevent, protect, respond, and recover from natural, technological, and terrorist events.

  8. Clearinghouse UICDS data sharing framework Because UICDS is middleware: No user interface to learn No cost to obtain it You retain complete control over your data Are notified when an agency provides new or updated incident data You share your data with whom you want instantaneously and in the background without disruption to your operation How does it work? UICDS includes software to adapt data to other applications Adaptors are the responsibility of the companies developing software. So far, of ~125 vendors, all but one are providing free adaptors with software Should require no more than ~1hour/month to maintain

  9. UICDS™ Adds Intelligent Connectivity to Applications California Earthquake Clearinghouse Unified Incident Command and Decision Support™ (UICDS) UICDS uses existing applications to visualize shared data – there is no UICDS user interface UICDS adds intelligent connectivity to all compliant applications adaptor adaptor adaptor Individual applications continue to support users as always California Geological Survey SCEC USGS Data Data Data Slide courtesy www.UICDS.us

  10. Clearinghouse UICDS data sharing framework • Why would I want to “host’ UICDS? • If your organization uses any form of technology that collects, processes, or provides data to aid in your management of an emergency, you may want to host UICDS. • If your organization receives information from another organization that is used to manage an emergency, you may want to host UICDS. • If another organization relies upon you for information to manage an emergency, you may want to host UICDS.

  11. Clearinghouse UICDS data sharing framework Cal EMA - Clearinghouse partner lead on establishing California Earthquake Clearinghouse UICDS UICDS demonstration: a 4 minute movie that highlights about 10 information exchanges through UICDS. http://shop.uicdsappstore.com/downloadlogin.sc?invoiceId=0000001127&accessId=2vf3umbvxunaExample showing: 3 CAD systems 4 Incident Management Systems 3 GIS Viewers Video feeds View of incident on mobile (iPad, Android smartphone, etc.) and web platforms

  12. Summary Many people in this room may become field investigators in a large California earthquake: Be aware of the Clearinghouse and the advantages it offers Become acquainted with how emergency response works and the needs of emergency management Consider the potential applications of your investigation for emergency response A close relationship between the research and emergency management communities will result in better public policy and a safer environment.

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