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Pair Production at PrimEx Event Selection: GEANT4 Simulation and Yield Extraction

Investigating pair production mechanisms and nuclear contributions through GEANT4 simulation for PrimEx events, focusing on theoretical considerations, cross-section estimation, error analysis, and addressing potential problems.

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Pair Production at PrimEx Event Selection: GEANT4 Simulation and Yield Extraction

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Pair Production at PrimEx

  2. Event Selection

  3. Event Selection

  4. Event Selection

  5. Event Selection

  6. Event Selection

  7. GEANT4 Simulation

  8. GEANT4 Simulation

  9. GEANT4 Simulation

  10. GEANT4 Simulation

  11. GEANT4 Simulation

  12. GEANT4 Simulation

  13. GEANT4 Simulation

  14. GEANT4 Simulation

  15. GEANT4 Simulation

  16. GEANT4 Simulation

  17. GEANT4 Simulation

  18. Yield Extraction

  19. Yield Extraction

  20. Yield Extraction

  21. Yield Extraction

  22. Yield Extraction

  23. Yield Extraction

  24. Theoretical Considerations • Bethe-Heitler mechanism of pair production on the nucleus with screening effects due to atomic electrons and Coulomb distortion • Pair production off atomic electrons, considering excitation of all atomic states and correlation effects due to presence of other electrons and the nucleus • Radiative corrections (of order ) (i) virtual-photon loops and (ii) real-photon process like  + →e+ + e- +  +  • Nuclear incoherent contribution,  + p →e+ + e- + p • Nuclear coherent contribution (VCS),  + →* + →e+ + e- + 

  25. Theoretical Considerations

  26. Theoretical Considerations

  27. Cross Section

  28. Cross Section

  29. Cross Section

  30. Preliminary Error Estimate • Statistics (per bin) < 2.35% • Number of Carbon atoms 0.05% • Photon flux • Statistics <0.34% • Systematic ~0.97% (assuming no leakage) • Backrgound subtraction ~0.50% • HyCal Resolution <0.10% • HyCal Calibration ?% • Multiphoton Events ?% • TOTAL (per bin) 2.42%(stat.) 1.1%(sys.) -(the ? Still need to be added in)

  31. Problems

  32. Problems

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