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Investigating pair production mechanisms and nuclear contributions through GEANT4 simulation for PrimEx events, focusing on theoretical considerations, cross-section estimation, error analysis, and addressing potential problems.
Theoretical Considerations • Bethe-Heitler mechanism of pair production on the nucleus with screening effects due to atomic electrons and Coulomb distortion • Pair production off atomic electrons, considering excitation of all atomic states and correlation effects due to presence of other electrons and the nucleus • Radiative corrections (of order ) (i) virtual-photon loops and (ii) real-photon process like + →e+ + e- + + • Nuclear incoherent contribution, + p →e+ + e- + p • Nuclear coherent contribution (VCS), + →* + →e+ + e- +
Preliminary Error Estimate • Statistics (per bin) < 2.35% • Number of Carbon atoms 0.05% • Photon flux • Statistics <0.34% • Systematic ~0.97% (assuming no leakage) • Backrgound subtraction ~0.50% • HyCal Resolution <0.10% • HyCal Calibration ?% • Multiphoton Events ?% • TOTAL (per bin) 2.42%(stat.) 1.1%(sys.) -(the ? Still need to be added in)