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ECO 4001 Structure of Turkish Economy

ECO 4001 Structure of Turkish Economy. Assoc.Prof.Dr. Pınar NARİN EMİRHAN Room No: 240 E-mail: pinar.emirhan@deu.edu.tr Web: http://kisi.deu.edu.tr/pinar.emirhan. ECO 4001 Structure of Turkish Economy. Objectives:

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ECO 4001 Structure of Turkish Economy

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  1. ECO 4001 Structure of Turkish Economy • Assoc.Prof.Dr. Pınar NARİN EMİRHAN • Room No: 240 • E-mail: pinar.emirhan@deu.edu.tr • Web: http://kisi.deu.edu.tr/pinar.emirhan

  2. ECO 4001 Structure of Turkish Economy • Objectives: • To provide necessary knowledge and information regarding Turkish economic system starting from late Ottoman period to modern Turkey. • Learning Outcomes: • By the end of the course students should have acquaintance with the overall structure of the Turkish economy; contemporary problems confronting the Turkish economy, structural adjustment reforms and macroeconomic policies. • Contents: • Features of the Turkish economy in the pre-republican period; Turkish economy during the formative years of Turkish Republic (1923-1930); Etatism in the Turkish Economy (1930-1945); new economic order in the World Economy and the incorporation attempts of Turkey to this system (1946-1962); planning period and implementation of import substitution policies (1963-1980); liberalization attempts and structural transformation in the Turkish economy (1980-Onwards); structure of production; recent economic crises.

  3. EC0 4001 Structure of Turkish Economy • Teaching And Learning Methods: • The composition of the course consists of lectures and class discussions. Students therefore should read the assigned chapters and be prepared for class participation at each session. Also students will be asked to prepare an assignment. • Textbook: • Kepenek, Yakup (2011) Turkish Economy, METU Press: Ankara. • Kepenek, Yakup ve Yentürk, Nurhan (2003) Türkiye Ekonomisi, 13. Basım, Remzi Kitabevi. İstanbul. • Assessment: • Literature Review 20 % • Term Paper:25 % • Class Presentations 25 % • Midterm Exam: 30 %

  4. Term Papers • GDP, it’s components and growth rates • Income distribution • Public sector economics (Budget revenues and expenditures) • Domestic and foreign debts of Turkey • Inflation • Unemployment • Industrialization • Technology indicators of Turkey • The structure of agriculture • Services sector in Turkey • The structure of international trade of Turkey • Turkey’s balance of payments • 1994 Economic crisis • 2000-2001 Economic crisis • 2008-2009 Global economic crisis • Effects of 2008-2009 global economic crisis on Turkish economy

  5. Have a good semester!

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