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The Urgency of Using Alternative Fuels for a Sustainable Future

Our reliance on oil and coal is damaging the planet, leading to global warming and severe weather patterns. Switching to cleaner, renewable energy sources can mitigate these effects and create a better future. Explore the impacts of fossil fuel dependence and the benefits of alternative fuels in this insightful discussion.

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The Urgency of Using Alternative Fuels for a Sustainable Future

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  1. Should we use more alternatives fuels today to help save this planet? By Justin Amerson

  2. Introduction • The dependence on foreign oil is dependent that we have hurt or damage this earth so much that its beginning to be too late to fix what we created. We continue to use this type of fuel today because we easier access these fuel and we don’t have to make it. Oil and coal are the two main type of fossil fuel we use today. Our dependence on these two types of fuel will eventually bite us back. They will not last forever and we eventually run out. Prices will sky rocket as there is no more oil coming out of the ground. Same goes for coal. It will cause panic all around the world. Not only will it cause panic around the world, its also hurting the world that keeps us alive. Coil, gasoline, oil are not eco friendly fuels. These give of bad carbon dioxide and the smog. These two are the contributing factors of the global warming we have today. The more sever weather we have today is a cause of the dependence on foreign oil and fossil fuels. These are the two reason on why we need to use and switch our dependence on alternative fuels as well as renewable source. We need to use cleaner fuels, more efficient fuel to be able to continue everyday lives and not have any problems with fuels later on in the century. It will dramatically reduce the continuing effect of global warming which is the more important issue we have today. If we continue what we are doing today and not change a thing, all will get worse. If we change to a alternative idea, it will all get better. This is why we need to use more alternative fuels than rely on foreign oil, coal, gasoline.

  3. Cartoon- Where all our energy is • This clearly shows where all our time and money is going. • This cartoon is saying that everything is being fueled by foreign oil which is a fossil fuel. • Gasoline we all use today is made up of oil as well. • Its not eco friendly • As of December 13, 2012 price of oil per barrel is $85 • Never steady, goes up and down and is very inconsistent.

  4. Public Advertisement • This graph was shown by the president during one of his appearances on tv or speech that he gave. This was presented showing that we are decreasing our dependence on foreign oil but is still very high today. Its still at almost 50% which is a lot since we are relaying on other countries a lot for oil and not our own. It was said this was a false graph, if it were true, the percentage is still very high and is not anywhere near acceptable. Here is a graph below showing how much more fossil fuels and oil products we use over the renewable sources.

  5. Speech • This speech was given by a random person at Post Carbon Institute. Its starts of on how we found oil and coal and then all the sudden it grew massively and everything we do is related to it. Then goes into the effects that are happening now and what will happen if we continue the same trend we are on now. It was also stated that we lose jobs because of our dependence on foreign oil. So many contributing factors are pointed out in the speech. Lastly, he also goes over what we can do differently and how it will effect us in a positive and how the world will become a better place, • http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cJ-J91SwP8w

  6. Survey • This survey supports our dependence on other recourses other than renewable. Its sickening seeing this chart as only 9 percent or renewable recourses are being used to help save this country and ultimately the planet. Its showing that we are not relying on renewable sources to run things more efficiantly than the other sources that are being used such as oil, coal, gasoline, etc.

  7. Reasons why we depend on fossil fuels. • To heat homes and businesses • It’s a great way this to help the united states save money • Its not a issue factor today, don’t have to deal with the issue now • We don’t have to use our own fossil fuels • We get it imported form around the world so we don’t have to use our own • We are so dependent on it that we cant just change over night

  8. Effects of fossil fuel dependence • Global warming • Severe weather • Carbon dioxide rising • Greenhouse effect is getting worse • Killing other species • Ruining the earth’s atmosphere • Less jobs in the U.S. • Causing future problems

  9. Global warming • Global warming is the term used to describe a gradual increase in the average temperature of the Earth's atmosphere and its oceans, a change that is believed to be permanently changing the Earth’s climate(LiveScience.com) • http://www.livescience.com/topics/global-warming/

  10. Severe weather • Warmer oceans produce more evaporation; warmer air holds more moisture. The average temperature has risen by more than 2 degrees Fahrenheit over the last 50 years. This increases water vapor in the air; even small increases have a big impact on the size of storms because storms draw moisture from far beyond their locales. (Gov. Steve Beshear) • http://www.kentucky.com/2011/05/29/1756577/climate-connection.html

  11. Killing of species • All kinds of species have been killed off because of our dependence of foreign oil. Polar bears got hit the most as they can live with the increasing temperature around the world. The BP oil spill that leaked into the gulf of Mexico killed so many sea life and animals. Birds, fish, sharks, beavers, sea turtles were all affected by the oil spill and many dies and almost became instinct

  12. Future problems • If we continues at the same trend to day. We will run out eventually and cause a global panic. The increase in world temperature will effect everything.(Cassandra Wiesner) Attics will melt and cause the sea levels to rise which leads to more flooding. More and more species will be affected. Food will start becoming more scarce as the temperature is rising and is harder to grow produce. Storms will become more severe as it gets hotter. Storms form over warm air. Hotter air equals more intense storms. • http://envs1020ko.blogspot.com/2010/10/fossil-fuels-are-slowly-destroying-our.html

  13. Alternative fuels today • Compressed natural gas- More and more cars today are being able to run of compressed natural gas. It is a cleaner and does not contaminate the atmosphere or water around us. • E-85 (Ethenal 85)- is primarily of corn so it is now considered a renewable energy source. Its cheaper and a lot less carbon dioxide and smog then coal and gasoline • Electric- No harms chemicals released. Is becoming more popular around the world. It’s a renewable source since most electricity is created.

  14. Ways to help our dependence on fossil fuels • Spend more money on generating more alternative fuels availability. • Research new methods that are more eco friendly • Pass a bill to set lower standards by that year • Push and push to make new cars and machines that run of alternative fuels

  15. Go green movement • The Green Vision Plan • The Go Green Movement is a non-profit organization on a mission to help... • Save our world by doing everything in our power to reverse the effects of global warming, to prevent future and expose current man-made pollutions, to preserve life on our planet, and the life of our planet as well.  • Educate the world, while being educated by the world on how we can build a smarter, cleaner, and greener tomorrow together.  • Evolutionize the green industry into The Peoples Industry by assisting our members with creating green jobs for themselves and others; thereby helping to solve our energy crisis and other enviormental problems, while providing job oppurtunities for everyday people. And last but not least... • http://www.thegogreenmovement.org/

  16. Conclusion • We have to do something with in the next century if we want to save this planet. What we are doing now is hurting us and will continue until its too late. We need to reduce our dependence on foreign oil and fossil fuels. We have move on to new technology and use alternative fuels. These fuels will only help save this planet and us form a catastrophe . It will most likely fix all these problems that are occurring today and these that keep occurring like the sever storms and global warning. Starts now or it will be too late! We need to quit about how much money we can make of this and realize that maney will be no use once we ruin this planet.

  17. Bibliography • https://mysteryoftheinquity.wordpress.com/2011/02/03/got-oil/ • http://ycharts.com/indicators/crude_oil_spot_price • http://fullmetalpatriotblog.com/2012/03/white-house-makes-fallacious-claim-our-dependence-on-foreign-oil-is-declining/ • http://www.google.com/imgres?start=114&um=1&hl=en&tbo=d&biw=1920&bih=976&tbm=isch&tbnid=2tohGuugao977M:&imgrefurl=http://www.eia.gov/&docid=OXx_6bt2TNKwMM&itg=1&imgurl=http://www.eia.gov/todayinenergy/images/2012.12.13/feature_p1.png&w=323&h=202&ei=UK3KUIGEE4qQ9QTg4YHYBQ&zoom=1&iact=rc&dur=312&sig=111187407805381083604&page=3&tbnh=148&tbnw=237&ndsp=59&ved=1t:429,r:29,s:100,i:91&tx=149&ty=85 • http://www.google.com/imgres?um=1&hl=en&tbo=d&biw=1920&bih=976&tbm=isch&tbnid=LhsTEC5eZ4512M:&imgrefurl=http://saferenvironment.wordpress.com/2008/09/17/oil-spill-adverse-effects-on-marine-environmental-bio-system-and-control-measures/&docid=NWH-vRRxCpjUNM&imgurl=http://saferenvironment.files.wordpress.com/2008/09/oil_spill.jpg&w=400&h=435&ei=0rTKUOb9I4rC9gSe5oCIBw&zoom=1&iact=hc&vpx=2&vpy=104&dur=1000&hovh=234&hovw=215&tx=108&ty=138&sig=111187407805381083604&page=1&tbnh=137&tbnw=128&start=0&ndsp=54&ved=1t:429,r:0,s:0,i:88 • http://www.google.com/imgres?um=1&hl=en&tbo=d&biw=1920&bih=976&tbm=isch&tbnid=FRCylEYZN7nXJM:&imgrefurl=http://www.thedailybeast.com/newsweek/2010/05/24/the-great-unkowns-in-gulf-oil-spill.html&docid=og51jCFy7DYbxM&imgurl=http://www.thedailybeast.com/content/newsweek/2010/05/24/the-great-unkowns-in-gulf-oil-spill.img.jpg&w=1000&h=667&ei=0rTKUOb9I4rC9gSe5oCIBw&zoom=1&iact=rc&dur=312&sig=111187407805381083604&page=1&tbnh=131&tbnw=198&start=0&ndsp=54&ved=1t:429,r:36,s:0,i:201&tx=106&ty=16 • http://www.dailygazette.com/weblogs/hartley/2008/aug/26/alternative-fuels-today/ • http://www.thegogreenmovement.org/

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