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Developing Your Creativity Skill

Developing Your Creativity Skill. Brainstorm. 組別: 3-2 成員:楊勝安 吳持尊. Question :. How many words can you make using the letters in the word brainstorm ?. at as an arm armor ain air ass aim ambition ambit atman A.I AIA ar = attack rate 攻擊率.

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Developing Your Creativity Skill

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  1. Developing Your Creativity Skill Brainstorm 組別:3-2 成員:楊勝安 吳持尊

  2. Question: How many words can you make using the letters in the word brainstorm?

  3. at as an arm armor ain air ass aim ambition ambit atman A.I AIA ar = attack rate 攻擊率

  4. A.I.A建築師協會 ATM abracadabra ATS= 在列車的ATS為自動剎車系統 AAR = at any rate ABM= 作業制成本管理 brain boom brim bar bait bin bot boss

  5. bomb bottom boo boob BT = P2P下載軟體 BOM = 物料清單 BOT = Build-Operate-Transfer Baron bass bias broom bra bbs = Bulletin Board System簡稱

  6. I in is it inn into iron I.O.I.O ISAR = Initial Sample Approval Reques首批樣品認可 ISO = 國際標準組織 IATA = Internatoinal Air Transport Association IBM = 國際商務機器公司 IRS = (美國)國稅局

  7. mm Ms. Mr. mar man main mob Mars Mon. moon moot moist m&m

  8. most moan moat mist miss motion monsoon MRT MSN moa MMO = Massively Multi-player Online

  9. nation noon no not nor noma norm norm.=normal Norm.=Norman 北歐人 Norma NASA noob NO.NO

  10. on omit onion oasis oat oar OR O ratio ration rain ran roam roar roan robin O + O = ? Ans:

  11. room roost riant riata rmb R&B RMA storm strain strain to star start tation sonar sot

  12. so-so so sob soar soir sort sorta sortation sin SOOOOOOON = coming SOON看似短暫但很多O其實要等很久 SM = 這…就不多做解釋了 SIS = 瑞典標準規格 SOS = 求救信號 soot

  13. to ton tri transmit train trait transition transit tin tit toot tan = tangent Timor TA = teaching assistant 助教 TS = 恐怖分子

  14. 下列三者為吉他和絃: Bm Bb Ab 化學元素、化合物: Na Rb Sr Ba Ra Ti Br MnO氧化錳 ((這種可以有很多

  15. 俄羅斯方塊術語: ARR:Auto Repeat Rate BB :Blockbox SRS: Super Rotation System ARS:Akira Rotation System

  16. 圖片參考網址: http://www.biology-blog.com/images/blogs/10-2007/organic-armor-for-dogs.jpg http://www.sleevelessin7.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/06/istock_000006194613xsmall.jpg http://www.cjc.dk/uploads/RTEmagicC_Contamination_Ozygen-air-gas.jpg.jpg http://mypaper.pchome.com.tw/show/article/magic/A332094 http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_HaQt8-pBKFY/TFiMNQKgR5I/AAAAAAAALUA/BLHLuoFtGOQ/s400/01.jpg http://thefilmtalk.com/wp-content/uploads/instead-of-abracadabra.jpg http://static.ddmcdn.com/gif/brain-1.jpg http://www.bazaardesigns.com/wp-content/uploads/vector_bomb.jpg http://www.yf66.com/shownews.aspx?id=30 http://ptt-kkman-pcman.org/images/bbs-ptt-01.png http://www.theinnatblockisland.com/images/top-photos/barrington-inn.jpg http://i.eimg.com.tw/d/alb/81/29681.300.jpg?ver=0 http://jgospel.net/media/23486/.jpg http://i.telegraph.co.uk/multimedia/archive/01209/mars-planet_1209092c.jpg http://blog.jokeroo.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/05/monday-killer.jpg http://www.southernhospitality.co.uk/blog/wp-content/uploads/2011/03/sob-stories-500x500.jpg http://www.nmns.edu.tw/public/star/images/9703-2.jpg

  17. http://intrepidchronicler.files.wordpress.com/2010/10/full_moon_by_josgoh.jpghttp://intrepidchronicler.files.wordpress.com/2010/10/full_moon_by_josgoh.jpg http://img686.ph.126.net/lNukPoGhbRBzCRyIsCh1_Q==/2857815438544253104.jpg http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/6/6e/Moat_of_Royal_Wall_At_Ceuta_2.jpg http://citycat.theweb.tw/tpmrt/mrt33.jpg http://www.spacefacts.de/groups/patches2/nasa.jpg http://imgcache.chinayes.com/cnews/20101015/201010151400403287180.jpg http://highered.mcgraw-hill.com/sites/dl/free/0073017795/cover/cover_big.jpg http://www.clubpenguininsiders.com/forum/uploads/1277344420/gallery_237_116_4967.jpg http://i.telegraph.co.uk/multimedia/archive/01772/robin_1772536b.jpg http://thumbs.dreamstime.com/thumblarge_247/1205231613hvEGG5.jpg http://farm5.static.flickr.com/4046/4678769102_bffd3c9a69.jpg http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/7/7e/Trigonometry_triangle.svg/400px-Trigonometry_triangle.svg.png http://pic.wenwen.soso.com/p/20100309/20100309192315-22259113.jpg http://www.gzxkzy.com/Article/UploadFiles/201104/20110404114506384.jpg http://pic3.nipic.com/20090715/2062840_074204004_2.jpg http://www.dzez.com/ms/UploadFiles_4781/200909/20090922101002396.jpg http://www.nwlink.com/~donclark/perform/brainstorm.jpg http://ibc.lynxeds.com/files/pictures/Great_Tit_0.jpg http://www.lpgbrc.com/UICvTguTucA.jpg http://i.gbc.tw/gb_img/7/001/539/1539917.png

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