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THE APOSTLES’ CREED – 1 ST ARTICLE GOD THE CREATOR. Lesson 31 Faith Foundations Course One. What do we believe about the creation of all things?. OUR MAGNIFICENT UNIVERSE.
THE APOSTLES’ CREED – 1ST ARTICLEGOD THE CREATOR Lesson 31 Faith Foundations Course One
What do we believe about the creation of all things?
OUR MAGNIFICENT UNIVERSE • Recall the Bible story of God’s creation is Genesis 1:1-27. The world and everything in it came into being in a very short time, not over the course of billions of years as many unbelievers teach. What words in these verses tell us that? “And there was evening, and there was morning.”
OUR MAGNIFICENT UNIVERSE • Read 2 Peter 3:5. Why do you think so many people deny that God created the world? They either forget it or would rather accept the theories of evolution.
OUR MAGNIFICENT UNIVERSE • Some people say that they believe a god created the world, but that he used the process of evolution to accomplish the creation (“theistic evolution”). How could you use Exodus 20:11 to show that they are wrong? God makes it plain that he created the world and everything in it in six days.
OUR MAGNIFICENT UNIVERSE • Read Psalm 115:3. How do we know that God’s power is not limited? He does anything he wants or pleases to do.
OUR MAGNIFICENT UNIVERSE • What do we see in the way God created the world that demonstrates his absolute, almighty power? He could create anything he wanted to in just one day by simply saying the words.
OUR MAGNIFICENT UNIVERSE • Evaluate this statement: The key to understanding how God could create the world in six days is the truth that God is all-powerful (“omnipotent”). True.
OUR MAGNIFICENT UNIVERSE • Why do many schools teach the theory of evolution as if it is a proven fact? Why don’t they admit that the evidence for evolution is pretty skimpy? Our human nature wants to believe that we are gods and that the real God doesn’t exist. It doesn’t want to acknowledge that we can’t live up to God’s perfect will for us.
KEY POINT #1 We believe that God made heaven and earth with his almighty power.
EARTH’S INHABITANTS • Recall again the Bible story of God’s creation. List the things God created on the fifth and sixth days of creation (Genesis 1:20-27). Day 5 = fish & birds Day 6 = land animals & humans
EARTH’S INHABITANTS • Read Colossians 1:16. We see the visible creatures God created around us every day. This box represents the invisible things God created. In the box, list some of them. Angels, radio waves, the jet stream, ocean currents, love, etc.
EARTH’S INHABITANTS • Read Genesis 2:7 and 1:26,27. List several things that were unique about the creation of humans. God formed man & breathed life into him. He made humans in his image (holy). He gave them authority over the rest of the creatures.
EARTH’S INHABITANTS 11. Lately Tonya has been very depressed. “Life is just a cruel accident of nature,” she sighed. “There is no mean or purpose, just a lot of trouble.” If you were Tonya’s friend, how might you use the account of God’s creation to help her? God created everything in the world for us. This shows that God is wise and powerful, and that he can help us in all our troubles.
EARTH’S INHABITANTS • Some people think that worth and value is only “skin deep.” But even someone who is in a coma and is slowly dying is valuable in God’s eyes. Why? All people are special creations of God and have souls. Everyone is valuable in God’s eyes because Jesus lived and died for each and every person in the world.
EARTH’S INHABITANTS • God saw that his creation was good. That includes everything about the creation of our bodies. Though we often take our bodies for granted, explain how the following body parts demonstrate God’s wisdom: teeth elbows eyes fingernails shinbones
EARTH’S INHABITANTS • How did the creation of the creatures also demonstrate God’s almighty power? He simply said so, and they came into being.
KEY POINT #2 We believe that God made all creatures with his almighty power.
WHAT DO WE BELIEVE ABOUT THE CREATION OF ALL THINGS? • We believe that God made heaven and earth with his almighty power. • We believe that God made all creatures with his almighty power. SUMMARY We believe that God made heaven and earth and all creatures with his almighty power.