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The Portas Pilots 25 June 2012

The Portas Pilots 25 June 2012. The 7 Principles.

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The Portas Pilots 25 June 2012

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  1. The Portas Pilots 25 June 2012

  2. The 7 Principles The Portas PrinciplesTo help the first twelve Pilot Town Teams deliver with conviction and creativity we have developed a series of seven principles. These will ensure the pilot towns go through the same methodology and process, anchoring their work in real data and ensuring its sustainability and scalability

  3. The Town Team Principle 1 The success of the pilot is underpinned by the group support and aligned vision of the “Town Team”. • Right Mix: • Empowered Council Representatives • Retailers and Businesses (large and small) • Landlords • Consumers and local residents • Identified Skills and Roles: • Town Team Leader • Financial and Legal • Marketing • Project Management • Community Relations Home: The “Town Team Campaign Room”

  4. The Audit Principle 2 Before work can begin to bring the Town Teams’ Bid ideas to life, they need to align these with what the town really needs and ensure that the whole community benefits. Quantitative: Springboard and the Local Data Company (LDC) are providing factual insight such as: -current footfall -retail offer/mix -town magnets Qualitative: The Town Team will need to gather information about what the town needs, its strengths and uniqueness Conclusions: Analysis of the data will lead to the foundations for the Town Team’s vision to be built from

  5. Dashboard 1 - Environment Who, what and where are the retail and leisure magnets in the area. Twitter @Matthehopkinson The leader in retail location data and insight

  6. Dashboard 2 - Drivers Analysis of offer and attractiveness in profile. Twitter @Matthehopkinson The leader in retail location data and insight

  7. Dashboard 3 – Internet Interest Internet drivers by type and place. Twitter @Matthehopkinson The leader in retail location data and insight

  8. The Vision Principle 3 The Town Team can now establish their shared vision, supported by a clear set of desired outcomes. With a clear core vision and objectives decision making will be easier and their ‘Big Idea’ will be responsive to the towns needs, viable and, most importantly, sustainable. • Key Criteria for The Vision: • anchored in shoppers and locality • supported by the audit • financially viable • sustainable • scalable • aligned with town planning • Key Aim for The Vision: • Drive Footfall • Weekly Essentials • Social • Needs Based Services

  9. The Pledge Principle 4 It’s not all about the Town Team! The whole community needs to get behind the initiatives; turning up, taking part, engaging in the acivities, spending money, telling their friends, driving advocacy and awareness. Everyone has a role to play. We have called this the pledge and will have a forum to commit this promise on Mary’s website (www.maryportas/portaspilots.com) Support The Vision: Communities and Stakeholders will need to support the vision but also to pledge to change their behaviour for long term success Support The Process: Volunteers will be critical to make the vision come to life

  10. The Pledge Principle 4 (visual for inspiration only) I pledge to support the work of my local town team I pledge to put our town first in the way I shop I pledge to put our town first in the way I socialise I pledge to put our town first when meeting my daily and weekly needs

  11. The Blueprint Principle 5 A: Create the plan Outlining the activities and deliverables which will achieve the objectives Bringing the vision to life... D: Create the toolkits Marketing plans, creative design, operational guidelines B: Highlight and challenge the obstacles From parking to absent landlords and excessive business rates, whatever will hinder success in the town E: Timeline and Responsibilities Clarify process, key events, timings and who is responsible • C: Utilise the available assets • Community resource and national bodies will assist: • BITC • BPF • BCSC • ATCM • NMTF F: Present to wider audience to ensure buy-in

  12. Implementation Principle 6 Having decided on the vision, created a blueprint and removed all obstacles, the Town Team will implement the plan. To do this in line with the Portas Principles the Blueprint will be broken down into manageable mini projects which need a few things: Project/Operations Manager: Each deliverable needs a designated owner to oversee the organisation of all stakeholders and operations of the project Marketing Plan: To promote activity and enable the community to honour their pledge to support the Town • Community Relations: • On the ground engagement of the entire community, campaigning and canvassing for opinions and support • Schools • Religious Institutions • Businesses • Shops • Residents

  13. Share and Evaluate Principle 7 This phase is only for the first 12 Pilot Towns, but 371 towns wanted to get involved. How can success be shared and celebrated, and every opportunity to learn from the first 12 towns be utilised? Website Documenting the good, bad and ugly via a designated town blogger on a website hosted by Mary and her team On-going Auditing Evaluating objectives as they are, or aren’t met. National Town Team Meetings All 12 town teams are invited to share progress, learn from other towns and strengthen the support network for the Town Teams

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