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CHAPTER 4. The Central Processing Unit. Chapter Overview. Microprocessors Replacing and Upgrading a CPU. Microprocessor Basics. Components How microprocessors work PC microprocessor developments and features.

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  1. CHAPTER 4 The Central Processing Unit

  2. Chapter Overview • Microprocessors • Replacing and Upgrading a CPU

  3. Microprocessor Basics • Components • How microprocessors work • PC microprocessor developments and features

  4. The External Data Bus- Information is transmitted through a computer using binary code traveling through a bus.- 8 bit data bus: allowed for the transfer of 1 byte of information at a time.- The width of the external data bus increaed to 16, and the 32 current width of conductors.

  5. The CPU • Performs operations , decodes and executes instructions • Controls computer operation • Includes transistors, integrated circuits, and microprocessors

  6. Note: P4 775 pins

  7. Microprocessor Design • Three subsystems • Control unit (CU): The control unit of the CPU contains circuitry that uses electrical signals to direct the entire computer system to carry out, or execute, stored program instructions . • Arithmetic logic unit (ALU): The arithmetic/logic unit (ALU) contains the electronic circuitry that executes all arithmetic and logical operations. • Input/output (I/O) unit Fetches data from the outside and passes data back to the external bus

  8. Registers: Are temporary memory storage areas used during data manipulation. - Codes ( ASCII) • Clock : • Timing allows the electronic devices in the computer to coordinate and execute all internal commands in the proper order. • Pulse of voltage is called clock cycle. • Every computer command needs at least 2 clock cycles. • Clock speed • The clock rate suggests how many commands can be completed in two cycles. • Adding two numbers would take 4 commands (8 clock cycles).

  9. REGISTERS Control unit components

  10. Memory

  11. How Microprocessors Work

  12. Adding Two Simple 2 + 2 involves more steps than a man : A = 2 Translated into binary and routed to CU and sent to X location of memory When we press + , it is translated into binary and alerts ALU to be ready for addition B= 2 is translated into binary again ALU sums A and B ALU sends the code for 4 to be stored in an address register Pressing = key is the last user action BUT the = is also translated into machine language Sum is computed

  13. PC Microprocessor Developments and Features • Use the following elements to measure CPU performance: • Speed : max no. of clock cycles measured in MHz • Higher the speed, quicker a command will be executed • Transistors: More switches means more power • Registers: Larger the register size, more complicated command can be processed • External data bus: if large , more and complex can be executed • Address bus: determines the max amount of memory that can be addressed by CPU • Internal cache It is high speed Memory built into the processor. It is the place to store the most frequently used data instead of sending it to the slow speed devices ( HDD , RAM)

  14. Virtual Memory • Is the art of using Hard disk space to hold the data not immediately required by processor

  15. Possible Upgrade Scenarios • 8086/8088 • 80286–80486 • 80386SX • Pentium I • Pentium II • Pentium III

  16. Superscalar Technology • Main components of processor –registers, decoders, and ALU are called Instruction Pipeline • To carryout a single instruction, a processor must: * Read instruction * Decode instruction * Fetch (for math function) * Execute * Write back the result Combining all above steps in a single step is called Pipelining

  17. Pipelining types • Superscalar technology allows the Pentium to have two instruction Pipelines–called U and V. • U Pipeline can execute the full range of Pentium instructions • V Pipeline can execute a limited number • Pentium processor breaks a program into small tasks that are shared b/w pipelines , allowing Pentium to execute two simple Instructions simultaneously-known asMultithreading

  18. Inserting a CPU • Low-insertion-force (LIF) • Zero-insertion-force (ZIF) • Single-edge connector (SEC/slot 1)

  19. Chapter Summary • Understanding processor development and progress is essential. • The three key elements for measuring a CPU’s performance are its speed, address bus, and external data bus. • Several key CPU developments have occurred since the 80286 processor. • Today’s standard processor is the Pentium III chip. • Replacing a CPU is usually simple. • You must watch for electrostatic discharge (ESD) and pin damage when handling a CPU.

  20. Assignment • Presentation slides About CPU history from page 53 to 66. • Last day: Monday 14th , April

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