“Arranging a Marriage in India” http://bit.ly/pYmpkg(Odd-Numbered Teams)1. Analyze “Arranging…India” as a team while completing Google Doc sheet.2. Create an individual project that highlights a minimum of 20 tools from the toolbox AND accurately answers the following questions: How does the writer make meaning? What tools does the writer use? What effect do these tools have on the reader? 3. Read “A Tale of Two Divorces” with the same study team while completing all ten questions at the end of the essay. All students will have their own copies of the answers.
“A Tale of Two Divorces” http://bit.ly/mPjUeP(Even-Numbered Teams)1. Analyze “A Tale of Two Divorces” as a team while completing Google Doc sheet. 2. Create an individual project that highlights a minimum of 20 tools from the toolbox AND accurately answers the following questions: How does the writer make meaning? What tools does the writer use? What effect do these tools have on the reader? 3. Read “Arranging a Marriage in India” with the same study team while completing all ten questions at the end of the essay. All students will have their own copies of the answers.