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Metis Rebels. Canadian Army. Fools And Traitors. Tom. Luc. Places. 50. 50. 50. 50. 50. 50. 100. 100. 100. 100. 100. 100. 150. 150. 150. 150. 150. 150. 200. 200. 200. 200. 200. 200. 500. 500. 500. 500. 500. 500. Who was the leader of the Northwest rebellion?.

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  1. Metis Rebels Canadian Army Fools And Traitors Tom Luc Places 50 50 50 50 50 50 100 100 100 100 100 100 150 150 150 150 150 150 200 200 200 200 200 200 500 500 500 500 500 500

  2. Who was the leader of the Northwest rebellion?

  3. Louis Riel

  4. Which Metis was shot in cold blood and killed at Duck Lake?

  5. Isidore Dumont

  6. Which man was in charge of the Metis fighting strategies during the rebellion?

  7. Gabriel Dumont

  8. The main strategy that the Metis used against the Canadian army is called what?

  9. Ambush

  10. What type of government did Riel setup among the Metis that the Canadian government saw as an act of treason?

  11. Provisional Government

  12. Who was known as General Big Belly according to Snell?

  13. General Middleton

  14. What company did Tom and Uncle Jim belong to?

  15. G Company

  16. What members of the Canadian army could ride horses as well as the Metis?

  17. Boulton’s Scouts

  18. What colour of uniforms did the 90th Battalion wear? What was their nickname?

  19. Black Black Devils

  20. What was the name of the army’s photographer?

  21. Captain Peters

  22. How old was Tom when he applied for the position of Bugle Boy?

  23. 13 years old

  24. What is the age and name of Tom’s sister?

  25. Violet and 17 years old

  26. Tom’s father and Uncle Jim fought together in which war?

  27. American Civil War

  28. Name Tom’s friend who was shot at the Battle of Fish Creek?

  29. Patrick Flaherty

  30. What happened to Tom’s mother?

  31. She died giving birth to Tom.

  32. How was Luc persuaded to act as a spy for the Metis?

  33. His father would be arrested for not joining the Rebellion.

  34. What skill did Luc have that he was selected to become a spy?

  35. He could speak and understand English.

  36. When Luc entered the Canadian camp and meets Jerome Henry, what is the password?

  37. Antoine de Padoue

  38. What commandment did Luc’s mother give him before he left as a spy?

  39. Thou shall not kill.

  40. What advice did Luc’s father give him before Luc left as a spy?

  41. Scouting is like hunting. Observe and be patient, let your prey do the moving. Stay under cover.

  42. The Canadian army left by train from this city in Manitoba.

  43. Winnipeg, Manitoba

  44. According to the station sign, what was the name of the place where Tom was discovered frostbitten by the Canadian soldiers?

  45. Troy

  46. What village was the capital of Riel’s government?

  47. Batoche

  48. What was the name of the territory that Tom and his uncle wanted to establish a large farm?

  49. Saskatchewan Territory

  50. Name in order the three main battles of the Northwest Rebellion.

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