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Personal Definitions of Family . 1a. our personal beliefs about how families should be structured and behave. 1b. Professional Definition of Family. 2a.
our personal beliefs about how families should be structured and behave. 1b
definitions of “family” that are provided by professional organizations. Professional definitions of family may not reflect legal definitions. 2b
according to the U.S. Census Bureau, “a family is a group of two people or more (one of whom is the householder) related by birth, marriage, or adoption and residing together.” This definition is sometimes too narrow to encompass all the different family arrangements encountered by teachers. 3b
the family structure that is considered the norm in society at any given point in time. 4b
a traditional family consisting of a husband and wife and their children. 5b
the nuclear family as well as immediate relatives such as grandparents, aunts, uncles, and cousins. 6b
individuals with no biological or legal relationship to a family but who are nevertheless viewed as part of the family and are given family responsibilities. Fictive kin can include neighbors who care for children, Godparents, youth workers, and teachers. 7b
families that previously were viewed as atypical but are now considered a part of “normal” American society. Normed families include single-parent families, stepfamilies, and adoptive families. 8b
families who, because of their life circumstances, experience financial, emotional, and physical stress that can impair their functioning and well-being. 9b
families whose incomes remain below the poverty threshold despite family members’ full-time employment. 11b
family arrangements that are becoming more visible and gaining recognition in American society. 12b
also known as network or friendship families, families of choice are formed when individuals who are not related join together to provide each other with emotional and / or financial support. 13b
recognized in a few states as the legal union between gay and lesbian partners. No state is required to recognize same-sex marriages, according to the U.S. Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA). 15b
Serial Monogamy 16a
describes the series of monogamous relationships that individuals may experience over their lifetime. 16b
refers to adults who have children with more than one partner. Multiple partner fertility may accompany serial monogamy. 17b
couples voluntarily enter into covenant marriages with the understanding that their state will grant a divorce only in a limited number of situations. Pre-marriage counseling also is often mandated as part of a covenant marriage. 18b
Household 19a
Family Household 20a
a type of household in which at least one individual is related to the householder by birth, marriage, or adoption. 20b
a type of household in which a householder lives alone or with nonrelatives only. 21b
Parent 22a
from a legal perspective, a biological or adoptive adult. This definition stands in contrast to a professional definition of parenthood. 22b
Extended Parents 24a
relatives of a nuclear family who assume parenting responsibilities. 24b
parents who assume the mother or father role even though they are not biologically related to a child. Examples include foster parents, adoptive parents, and stepparents. 25b