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QSE Managers Working Group. Meeting Notes 10 August, 2010 Report to WMS 18 August, 2010 David Detelich - Chairperson. QMWG Topics.
QSE Managers Working Group Meeting Notes 10 August, 2010 Report to WMS 18 August, 2010 David Detelich - Chairperson
QMWG Topics • NPRR256, Synchronize Nodal Protocols with PRR787, Add Non-Compliance Language to QSE Performance Standards (formerly Add Violation Language to QSE Performance Standards) • 2011 Ancillary Service Methodology WMS Recommendations • Generation Resource Energy Deployment Performance (GREDP) Calculations and other Nodal Reliability Performance Metrics - Recommendations • Draft NPRR: Wind-powered Generation Resource (WGR) / Intermittent Renewable Resource (IRR) Base Point Deviation • WGR Real-Time Production Potential (RTPP) Data and Meteorological (MET) Data Update
NPRR256, Synchronize Nodal Protocols with PRR787, Add Non-Compliance Language to QSE Performance Standards ERCOT still developing start up and shut down recommendations ERCOT not in agreement on exceptions. ERCOT will review the 125% rule for regulation deployment: (1) Luminant continuing to comment on this NPRR based on discussion at NATF
2011 Ancillary Service Methodology ERCOT reports that the AS Methodology will be presented to the Board of Directors at the September 21, 2010 meeting. The Board will be asked to approve the methodology which was presented at the July 2nd workshop. The document should be posted on the meeting page one week prior to the meeting.
GREDP Calculations and other Nodal Reliability Performance Metrics Review • ERCOT producing a business Practices for LFC document • Expected to clarify the answers from the AS workshop • ERCOT may produce an NPRR to cover issues such as: • How to make units coming on line available to SCED • Quick start units • QMWG expressed a flag may be needed
Intervals GREDP is not Calculated • Automatic exclusion of intervals could hurt score • The resource may perform well to frequency event or emergency base points. • Including passing intervals would help score. • QMWG request that ERCOT publish a report of excluded intervals each day • Difficult to determine if frequency deviation is due to forced outage • MP’s need to shadow this metric.
Methodology ERCOT will be using to group LaaR resources into Group A and B on a daily basis • ERCOT presented methodology • QMWG questions are • Will the list be available via XML or only a report? • Can MP’s request to switch groups? • Concern with deployment by XML and compliance timing.
Further action Review ERCOT documents for effect on compliance measures Compare GREDP with the AABP from the Base Point Deviation Charge. ERCOT to provide reports that can be used to set the X, Y and Z GREDP/CLREDP performance criteria variables IRR Generation Resource Base-Point Deviation Charge If AABP q, r, p > (HSL q, r, p– QIRR) BPDAMT q, r, p = 0 Otherwise BPDAMT q, r, p = Max (0, RTSPP p) * Max (0, TWTGq, r, p – ¼ *AABP q, r, p * (1 + KIRR))
IRR Generation Resource Base-Point Deviation Charge AppliesWhen: Metered generation > Adjusted Aggregated Base Point * 110% And AABP < HSL – 2MW And the QSE cannot show that they took necessary control actions to control to base point but increasing wind countered those efforts.
HSL for the Hour that includes the Settlement Interval • This has been implemented using the HSL from the COP. • SCED uses the HSL sent via telemetry before each SCED run. • If no curtailment: • HSL will be actual MW output • Base point will equal that HSL
Can Implementation result in charges under no Curtailment? The COP HSL will not be equal to the HSL used by SCED The Base Point will not be equal to the HSL in the COP. If COP HSL is greater than Telemetered HSL and Metered Generation is greater than the Base Point received and the SPP is positive.
Calculated Charge • Curtailment test is true because: • If AABP q, r, p > (HSL q, r, p– QIRR) is false • 27 < 56 - 2 • BPDAMT = $40 * .25(33 – 27 * 1.1) • BPDAMT for interval ending 1015 = $33
Solution Options • Create a flag for curtailment • Curtailment may not last the 15 minute interval • Benefits SCED with latest HSL • Use GREDP Calculation for IRR BPD charge • Should frequency exemption apply to Wind Resources? • Apply a charge even when SPP is negative
Next meeting • September 7, 2010 • GREDP Calculations and other Nodal Reliability Performance Metrics Review and Compliance • Adjusted Aggregated Base Point • AWS Truewind forecasts and data requirements. • Nodal WGR Issues – Base Point Deviation