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Concurrent Education Q&A. Practicum Session. Practicum Housekeeping – Timed Agenda. Primary/Junior: Junior/Intermediate. General Information. Practicum Binder Year 1 Teacher Candidates are required to purchase a practicum course pack which consists of:
Concurrent EducationQ&A Practicum Session
PracticumHousekeeping – Timed Agenda Primary/Junior: Junior/Intermediate
General Information Practicum Binder Year 1 Teacher Candidates are required to purchase a practicum course pack which consists of: 1. 2014-2015 Practicum Handbook2. Practicum Binder with tabs3. Photo ID card for practicum purposes Course packs can be purchased in the Practicum Office (50 Wellington, Room 201) on: September 15 from 11:00 am – 2:00 pm. • The Program Handbook can also be located at: http://www.nipissingu.ca/departments/brantford/practicum/Pages/Teacher-Candidate-Handbook.aspx
General Information Police Vulnerable Sector Check (PVSC) Information • Is a Police Vulnerable Sector Check mandatory for practicum? • How often must we obtain a Police Vulnerable Sector Check? • What must I do with my PVSC after I receive it? • Original and copy to Practicum Office • Original MUST be placed in Practicum Binder and be shown on any practicum day, if requested • What happens if I fail to obtain an annual PVSC? • Failure to provide PVSC to the Practicum Office by the specified deadline will result in the cancellation of practicum for the current year. Exceptions to the deadline will not be made for any reason.
General InformationPolice Vulnerable Sector Check Where can I get a PVSC? • For all students residing in Brantford for the 2014/2015 school year: September 15, 2014 from 11:00 am – 1:00 pm LOCATION: Room 202, 50 Wellington Street • If you DO NOT take advantage of the on-campus dates OR are a commuting student living outside of Brantford, please see the following link: http://www.nipissingu.ca/departments/brantford/practicum/general-info/Pages/Police-Background-Check.aspx • Failure to provide a current PVSC to the Practicum Office byDecember 12, 2014 will result in the cancellation of placement for the 14/15 academic year (Year 1).
General InformationPersonal Safety in PracticumDigital Professionalism • Your signature at the bottom of this form indicates your understanding and acceptance of the outlined conditions. • Unauthorized Use of Digital Recordings • Awareness of school’s computer policies and guidelines for electronic communications • Discretion in personal website content • Be aware of social media and its possible implications • WSIB Insurance Program Form • WSIB coverage while on practicum • Contact the Practicum Office immediately with any injury received on placement
General InformationRoles, Responsibilities and Expectations • How do I go about finding a placement? • How do we find out about our placement? • Can I request a specific school or teacher? • What is considered a reasonable commute to practicum? • Can my placement be changed based on transportation or other concerns? • Where should I register and seek support, should practicum accommodations be necessary? (WLU Accessibility Services)
ProfessionalismAttendance and Punctuality Year 1 Practicum Schedule: January 19, 26 February 2, 9, 23 March 2, 9, 23, 30 Final Week Placement: April 23, 27, 28, 29, 30, 2015 (5 Consecutive Days) • What time should I arrive at my Practicum placement? How late do I stay? • Do Teacher Candidates go to workshops with Associate Teachers on PA days, or do we get those days off? • Can Practice Teaching placement dates be changed?
ProfessionalismAttendance policy In the event of absences from Practicum, Teacher Candidates are required to: • Inform the Associate Teacher, Faculty Advisor and the Nipissing University Practicum Office before the school day begins • Provide the Associate Teacher with lesson plans for all lessons that were to be taught and reschedule absent days in consultation with the Associate Teacher. • Develop a communication plan with your associate teacher – what is the best means of communication if I am absent? Fax, phone, email? • What should I do if the school board declares a ‘snow day’?
Professionalism Dress Code Dress to the norms of the school and inquire at the office if unsure of guidelines Are there any exceptions to the dress code? Confidentiality Teacher Candidates must maintain the utmost confidentiality of all practicum information such as observations of students, student records, and teacher information
Practicum – Expectations • Is it possible to change the School Board in which you do your Practicum placement? • I am a Junior/Intermediate student. Will I be guaranteed a placement in Grade 9/10?When? • How do we get evaluated at our Practicum? • When can we do a placement in our home area?
Peer Mentorship Informal School Based Model In some instances, Teacher Candidates will be placed in pairs within the same classroom. This provides Teacher Candidates with a unique opportunity to explore collaborative teaching and planning and to learn from their peers. • Are we all guaranteed a Mentor at our Practicum? • What type of support would a Mentor be able to provide?
Alternative Practicum Placements • What is an Alternative Placement? • When does it take place? Which year? • Are there any other types of placement? • How long is an International Placement?
International Practicum • How do you apply for an International Placement? • What are the requirements?
Contact Information PRACTICUM OFFICE 50 WELLINGTON ROOM 201 Deanne Osborne Practicum Officerdeanneo@nipissingu.ca519-752-1524 ext. 7502 Jamie McGinnisPracticum Coordinatorjamiem@nipissingu.ca519-752-1524 ext. 7503