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Indoctrination vs. Education

Indoctrination vs. Education. Differences between Indoctrination and Education. Which school subjects were given priority and why?. Rewards and sanctions. Indoctrination and education applied to Nazi Germany. Hitler’s youth. Differences between Indoctrination and Education.

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Indoctrination vs. Education

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  1. Indoctrination vs. Education Differences between Indoctrination and Education Which school subjects were given priority and why? Rewards and sanctions Indoctrination and education applied to Nazi Germany Hitler’syouth

  2. Differences between Indoctrination and Education To know how was the education and indoctrination at Hitler's time, first we need to know what is the meaning of Education and Indoctrination. Next

  3. Education is an act that have a formative effect in people's mind. Is similar to education but is not the same. Indoctrination is to implant ideas on someone's mind Education Indoctrination Next

  4. In schools many textbook were changed to put Nazi pictures. Teachers must be from the German Teachers League to across Nazi ideas. Most subjects contain Nazi ideas to brainwash the children. At Hitler's Time Indoctrination Education Home

  5. Indoctrination and education applied to Nazi Germany Nazis education consists in teaching the children since they were young who ruled in that time, who was the boss and changed their minds and their ideas. They ended up making the children believe that Hitler was the best and loyally follow him until the end. Next To teach the philosophy of National Socialism.

  6. Indoctrination and propaganda helped Hitler because made that more people could follow him. It helped Hitler and make more people follow him.It showed that Hitler's idea were alright. In this diagram is shown the aims of indoctrination and the German education. Home

  7. Which school subjects were given priority and why? Next

  8. History “History was changed to celebrate the German victories and all the disasters were blamed on the Communists and the Jews” • The German crush in 1918 was thought as consequence of the Jewish. • Treaty of Versailles was the work of nations jealous of Germany's might and power • the hyperinflation of 1923 was the work of Jewish saboteurs Next

  9. Physical Education “A young German must be as swift as a greyhound, as tough as leather, and as hard as Krupp's steel." – Adolf Hitler PE was 15% of a timetable of a school. Boxing became necessary for boys. The ones that failed the “fitness test” could be expelled from school Next

  10. Biology Biology lessons in German schools were dedicated in teaching kids the differences between races and explaining them the importance of the Aryan race. In some oportunities teachers took Jews to class show the kids how to recognize them. Next

  11. Maths A bomber aircraft on take-off carries twelve dozen bombs, each weighing ten kilos. The aircraft takes off for Warsaw, international centre of Jews. It bombs the town. On take-off with all the bombs on board and a fuel tank containing 1000 kilos of fuel, the aircraft weighed about eight tons. When it returns from the crusade, there are still 230 kilos of fuel left. What is the weight of the aircraft when empty? Schedules and Timetables

  12. Schedules and Timetables Next

  13. Home

  14. Rewards and sanctions Next

  15. Order castles Theorder castles werethemost elite out of allGermanschools. OnlythemoststrongNationalSocialistwereallowedtogotothisschool. Thestudentschosentogototheorder castles wereselectedfromthe Adolf Hitler schools. Next

  16. Thestudentswhowereselectedfortheordercastleswerethosewhowereoutstanding in P.E (physicalactivity) orveryathletic. The Nazi ordercastlestoughtabsouloutobedience and discipline and longhours of physical training. ThosewhohadpotentialweresenttoOrderCastle and itwasobligatory. Thechildrencouldnot decide iftheywantedtogoornot, neithercouldtheparents. Theypracticedforwhenthepupilsleftforthearmy, so theyhadtotakepart in wargameswithliveammunition, and somepupilsgotaccidentlykilled. Next

  17. Therewere 4 castles: • Krössinsee: Thefirst 6 yearswerespentstudying “racial science” and all Nazi believes. • Vogelsang: In thesecondcastletheypracticed more sports and athletics. • Sonthofen: In thethirdcastle, government and militaryinstruction. • Marienburg: In the 4th castletheywentto East Prussia, wheretheyweretoughtabouttheimportance and theneed of expandingGermanlands. Thosewhograduatedfromtheorder castles wereexpectedtoget a high place in thearmyorthe SS. Home

  18. Hitler’s youth Hitler’s Germany future Next

  19. Membership • The Hitler Youth grew from a group with a handful of boys to one of the most important uniformed youth group in Europe. • Membership increased from about 1,000 boys in 1923 to nearly 8 million in 1939 when Hitler launched World War II. Next

  20. Outsideschool activities Next

  21. Hitler’s aims for the Hitler Youth: “The weak must be chiseled away. I want young men and women who can suffer pain. A young German must be a swift as a greyhound, as tough as leather and as hard as Krupp’s steel.” Links

  22. Links • http://histclo.com/youth/youth/org/nat/hitler/hitler.htm • http://www.schoolhistory.co.uk/year9links/nazigermany/young.pdf • http://www.historylearningsite.co.uk/Nazis_Education.htm • http://edhelper.com/ReadingComprehension_35_371.html • http://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:RQaerVqzSkcJ:en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Education_in_Germany+nazi+school+timetable&cd=3&hl=es&ct=clnk&gl=pe • http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Order_Castles_of_the_Third_Reich • http://histclo.com/schun/country/ger/era/tr/lev/ned-levt.html

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