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Empowering the People: Libraries and the Attainment of an Information Society in Africa

Empowering the People: Libraries and the Attainment of an Information Society in Africa. ALA June 21-26, 2012 Role of Zimbabwe's Parliamentary Constituency Information Centres (PCICs) in providing information for democracy to citizens By imunyoro@parliament.gov.zw. Outline. Introduction

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Empowering the People: Libraries and the Attainment of an Information Society in Africa

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  1. Empowering the People: Libraries and the Attainment of an Information Society in Africa ALA June 21-26, 2012 Role of Zimbabwe's Parliamentary Constituency Information Centres (PCICs) in providing information for democracy to citizens By imunyoro@parliament.gov.zw

  2. Outline • Introduction • Background • Reforming Parliamentary Information Services • Defining PCIC • PCICs objectives • Special considerations for PCICs

  3. Outline (contd) Challenges Lessons from Zimbabwe’s PCICs Conclusion

  4. Introduction This paper explores Parliament of Zimbabwe (PoZ) information services reforms that have been implemented in order to improve, among other objectives, participation of citizens in Parliamentary affairs, and access to Parliamentary information by Parliamentarians and citizens. PCICs have brought Parliamentary activities close to the people and at the same time empowering them with Information generated from the Parliament as well as within the constituency

  5. Background • Zimbabwe has a Bi-cameral Parliament • Consists of the House of Assembly and the Senate (Upper Chamber) which has been in existence from 1980 to 1989, dissolved and reintroduced in 2005 • Information Services departments include library (founded in 1923), ICT, and Research and PR

  6. Reforming Parliamentary Information Services Parliamentary Information Consultancy report by Dermont Englefield, May 1996 Dr J R Verrier (1997)'s consultancy report Parliamentary Reform Committee Reports (PRC), produced in two volumes in 1997 and 1998.

  7. Defining PCIC Differennt meanings in different countries and different contexts Referred to as PCICs in Zimbabwe IPU (2009): A district based office that act as a key contact office for electors with their representatives. Can also be taken to mean a place where members of the constituency can:

  8. Defining PCIC (contd) Find information about subjects interest to them Take part in learning activities Discuss & share information, knowledge & concerns with extension officers, planners & administrators Meet to organise & work together on community projects Practice recordings in local culture Enjoy local activites (COMLA Newsletter, No. 92 Feb. 1997, 6

  9. PCICs Objectives Strengthen capacity of MPs to contribute effectively & meaningfully to parliamentary proceedings Give Parliament a stronger and more systematic oversight role, with emphasis on promoting greater efficiency in the management & utilization of public resources Provide a resource centre for Parliament-generated information

  10. PCICs Objectives (Cont...) Enhance the participation of the public in the legislative process Act as a co-ordination centres for constituency activities Provide specific socio-economic data of the constituency Provide a meeting place for the sitting MP and his/her constituents

  11. Special consideration for PCICs Central location Informatics database Equipment Office Assistant Training Setting up a Library

  12. Challenges Getting politicians to focus on long term objectives is difficult Effects of political, economic, social turmoil from late 1990s-2008 Resource constraints Skilled personnel Infrastructure – lack of clear model PCIC office Need to ensure offices are non-partisan

  13. Lessons Other countries in the region such as Botswana, SA, & Zambia followed suit Empowering public with Parliamentary information Access to reliable, accurate and timely information Powerful tool for the PoZ to communicate & deliver Parliamentary information to the public Tool for learning & capacity building for Parliaments Improve image of Parliament through public participation Adds to limited literature on the role of Parliament Information Professionals in developing countries

  14. Conclusion PCICs vital centres for public participation PoZ has made positive progress -implementing & opening up Parliamentary business to public participation Challenges Long term solution needed


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