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Looking to the future: working together to meet the needs of employers and the NI economy. Kirsty McManus Assistant Director | CBI Northern Ireland. The CBI. CBI is the UK’s premier business lobbying organisation - providing a voice in government for employers.
Looking to the future: working together to meet the needs of employers and the NI economy Kirsty McManus Assistant Director | CBI Northern Ireland
The CBI • CBI is the UK’s premier business lobbying organisation - providing a voice in government for employers. • Currently represents some 240,000 businesses - together employing around a third of the private sector workforce. • Located around the UK and internationally in Brussels, Beijing, Washington and New Delhi.
What we do • Our lobbying and campaigning helps keep business interests at the heart of policy across the UK and internationally. • Keeping members at the cutting edge of business and political intelligence. • Market leading economic surveys and forecasts. • Influential thought leadership research reports. • Strategic insight to help guide business decision making through our IntelligenceFIRST offering. • Linking businesses to the right people through our annual calendar of events.
CBI in Northern Ireland • CBI NI operates in a different environment to other UK regions i.e.: Devolved government – more contact with government. • Our Policy Priorities in NI: • Securing a lower Corporation tax rate • Maximising the capital expenditure programme outlined by the Executive and ensuring we get the most “bang for the buck” • Making it easier for businesses to employ people • Devising ways business and our Executive can work together to sort out our youth unemployment issue • Counter-balancing the long term liquidity issues that we are likely to face
Education • Almost 1 in 5 children leave primary school without achieving their expected level in English and Maths in 2009/10. • 20% of the adult population suffering serious literacy and numeracy problems • The percentage of school leavers achieving 5 GCSEs A*-C including English and maths was 59.0% in 2009/10 • The percentage of school leavers entitled to free school meals achieving 5 GCSEs A*-C including English and maths was 31.3% in 2009/10 • 85,000 empty school places which is equivalent of 150 schools
(un)Employment • NI unemployment rate is currently at 8.1% - (NISRA – NI Statistics and Research Agency) • 45.5% have been unemployed for >1 year. (NISRA – NI Statistics and Research Agency) • Highest inactivity rate among the twelve UK regions at 26.9%. • Youth Unemployment for 18-24 year olds 23.5% • Employment rate by education attainment • No Qualifications-40% employment rate/60% unemployment rate • Degree or above-84%
Growth industries Advanced Manufacturing Advanced Materials Life & Health Sciences Telecoms & ICT Agri-food
Wages of Growth Sectors £592 £507 £471 £454 £372
Potential job opportunities by 2020 Oxford Economics, Jan 2011
Employability Skills • Self Management-readiness to accept responsibility, time management, readiness to improve own performance • Teamworking-respecting others, co-operating, negotiating/persuading, contributing to discussions • Business & Customer awareness-basic understanding of the key drivers for business success and the need to provide customer satisfaction • Problem solving-analysing facts & circumstances and applying creative thinking to develop appropriate solutions
Employability Skills • Communication & Literacy-application of literacy, ability to produce clear, structured written work and oral literacy • Application of numeracy-manipulation of numbers, general mathematical awareness • Application of Information technology-basic IT skills, including familiarity with word processing, spreadsheets, file management and use of internet search engines • Positive Attitude