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Grace Fellowship Church. www.GraceDoctrine.org. Pastor/Teacher Jim Rickard Tuesday, September 14, 2010. Doxology Praise God, from whom all blessings flow; Praise Him, all creatures here below; Praise Him above, ye heavenly host; Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost.—Amen.
Grace Fellowship Church www.GraceDoctrine.org Pastor/TeacherJim Rickard Tuesday, September 14, 2010
DoxologyPraise God, from whom all blessings flow;Praise Him, all creatures here below;Praise Him above, ye heavenly host;Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost.—Amen.
Memory VersePhil 2:5, “Have this attitude in yourselves which was also in Christ Jesus.”
John 15:16Predestined to Glorify God!John 15:16c Protocol for Prayer
This is the 2nd purpose of our Election and Appointment.Under the 1st:1) Preparation - to be able to go out with the authority of God’s Word in our souls, 2) Application - to produce Divine Good, 3) Rewards - to glorify God / the Lord Jesus Christ.
Our prayers should be aligned to the will of God. That is the only limiting force regarding prayer.
AITEO - Aorist, Active, Subjunctive, “to ask, request or demand.” The disciples are to begin the action of praying “in His name.”
We have been entered into the Royal Family of God as Royal Priests, in order that we ask the Father for whatever is necessary to fulfill His will in our lives and the lives of others.
In the Septuagint AITEO is used in Deut 18:16; 1 Sam 1:17, 20, 27; Psa 27:4
TON PATERA –the Father. This indicates the one that receives our prayers; …
… not Jesus, the Holy Spirit, Mary, or any other saint, angel, person, animal or thing. We only pray to God the Father.
EN TO ONOMATI MOU - Dative of Sphere. We pray “in the sphere of My (Jesus’) name.”This is the protocol for all of our prayers.
Every believer is a priest. Our high priest is Jesus Christ.We recognize we are in Union with (in the sphere of) Christ when before the Father’s throne in prayer, Heb 4:16.
Heb 4:16, “Therefore let us draw near with confidence to the throne of grace, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help in time of need.”
DIDOMI - Aorist, Active, Subjunctive, to “give; grant, allow, permit, etc.” The Culminative Aorist means God will answer your prayers. This is the effectiveness of supergrace prayer.
2 Parts to the Second Purpose of our Election and Appointment.
1) That we pray to the Father in the name of Jesus Christ. This is God’s protocol for our prayers. John 14:13-14; 16:23-24, 26
2) That He answers our prayers. This is our assurance in prayer.1 John 5:14-15
Giving us this protocol empowers us to fulfill His plan for our lives.
#2 stands for division or separation. This is God’s Plan to separate out the believer from Satan’s Cosmic System in fulfillment of His perfect pre-designed protocol plan for our lives.
John 15:16, “You all yourselves did not choose Me, on the contrary I Myself have chosen you all and appointed you all for the purpose that you might keep on going out (under the authority of God’s Word), and you all might keep on bearing fruit (Divine Good Production), and your fruit, it might keep on remaining (with the result of eternal rewards), for the purpose that whatever you all ask the Father in (the sphere of) My name (God’s protocol plan for our prayers), He (God the Father) may give to you all (answered prayers).”
Part 1:1) Preparation - to be able to go out with the authority of God’s Word in our souls.2) Application - to produce Divine Good.3) Rewards - to glorify God / the Lord Jesus Christ.
Part 2: 1) Protocol - Prayer to the Father in the Name of Jesus Christ.2) Assurance - Answered prayers on behalf of ourselves and others.
Part 1 is God’s Divine Perfect Plan for our lives.Part 2 is God’s provision for the fulfillment of His Plan for our lives.
All together we have the #5, = Grace. So this is the Grace Plan of God for the believer.
He gives us power and provisions for the fulfillment of His Pre-designed Protocol Plan for our lives, through preparation, application, rewards, protocol and assurance.
If we fulfill this Christ-abiding and fruit bearing destiny to which we were called, we will enjoy the special blessing of regularly answered prayer, John 15:7.
Grace Fellowship ChurchTuesday, September 14, 2010Tape # 10-101 Predestined to Glorify God, Part 6Upper Room Discourse, Part 415John 15:16; 14:13-14; 16:23-26; Heb 4:16James H. Rickard Bible Ministries 2010