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Grace Fellowship Church

Pastor/Teacher Jim Rickard Thursday, Sept 1, 2011. Grace Fellowship Church. www.GraceDoctrine.org. Doxology Praise God, from whom all blessings flow; Praise Him, all creatures here below; Praise Him above, ye heavenly host; Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost.—Amen.

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Grace Fellowship Church

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Pastor/TeacherJim Rickard Thursday, Sept 1, 2011 Grace Fellowship Church www.GraceDoctrine.org

  2. DoxologyPraise God, from whom all blessings flow;Praise Him, all creatures here below;Praise Him above, ye heavenly host;Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost.—Amen.

  3. New Memory VerseJohn 17:4, “I glorified You on the earth, having accomplished the work which You have given Me to do.”

  4. John 17The Great High Priestly Prayer of our Lord!

  5. John 17:2Doctrine of Eternal Life!Part 6

  6. John 3:36,“He that believes on the Son has eternal life, but he who does not believe on the Son shall not see life, but the wrath of God abides on him.”

  7. J. The Marriage of the Lamb. Rev 19:7-9

  8. “Bride” should be “wife” (GUNE) indicating the marriage ceremony is complete. It was completed at the Rapture of the Church when the Lord (bridegroom), comes and takes His bride.

  9. “Marriage” – GAMOS, here is a marriage banquet or feast since the marriage is already completed at the Rapture.

  10. The Wedding occurs in heaven, the Marriage supper is on the earth – the Millennium.

  11. 1. Chronological Order. In Rev 19:7, “the marriage of the Lamb is come”, signifying a completed act, the marriage has been consummated by this time.

  12. 2. The Time of the Marriage: It precedes the BEMA of Christ, because in Rev 19:8 the “wife” appears “clothed in the righteous acts of the saints.”Cf. 2 Cor 5:10; 1 Cor 3:10-15

  13. 3. The Place of the MarriageIn heaven, “in the air”, 1 Thes 4:17; Rev 19:14. No other location would fit a heavenly people, Phil 3:20.

  14. 4. The Participants in the Marriage. It involves only Christ and the Church.

  15. Dan 12:1-3 and Isa 26:19-21, the resurrection of Israel and the O.T. saints will not take place until the Second Advent of Christ. See also Rev 20:4-6 for tribulation saints.

  16. 5. The Marriage Supper:

  17. Isa 25:6, “The LORD of hosts will prepare a lavish banquet for all peoples on this mountain; a banquet of aged wine, choice pieces with marrow, And refined, aged wine.”

  18. “Invited” or “called”, KALEO, in Rev 19:9, implies that these blessed ones have not only received the invitation, they have accepted it, as opposed to those “called” in Mat 22:1-10.

  19. The one title that Christ wants emphasized for all eternity is “the Lamb”. It speaks of His love for the Church and the price He paid to purchase it.

  20. The marriage feast will bring great honor and give great glory to God the Father as a culmination of His great plan of redemption.

  21. The marriage supper is ultimately the Millennial reign of our Lord Jesus Christ, to which believing Jews and Gentiles are invited.

  22. The parable of the ten virgins in Mat 25:1-13, is the perspective of those invited to the marriage supper, the friends of the bridegroom, O.T. saints.

  23. John the Baptist refers to himself in John 3:29-30 as a “friend of the bridegroom” and Abraham is called the friend of God, James 2:23 cf. Luke 13:28-30. They were O.T. saints of the Age of Israel.

  24. Grace Fellowship ChurchThursday, September 1, 2011Tape # 11-097Doctrine of Eternal Life The Marriage of the LambGreat High Priestly Prayer, Part 11John 17:2; Rev 19:7-9; 1 Thes 4:14-17; Mat 22:1-10James H. Rickard Bible Ministries 2011

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