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Medication List

Configuring RPMS-EHR for Meaningful Use R esource P atient M anagement S ystem. Medication List. Presenters: Mary Ann Niesen, PharmD IHS OIT EHR Pharmacy Consultant Carla Stearle, PharmD, BCPS IHS OIT EHR Pharmacy Consultant. Core MU Objective.

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Medication List

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Configuring RPMS-EHR for Meaningful Use Resource Patient Management System Medication List

  2. Presenters: Mary Ann Niesen, PharmD IHS OIT EHR Pharmacy Consultant Carla Stearle, PharmD, BCPS IHS OIT EHR Pharmacy Consultant Medication List

  3. Core MU Objective “Maintain an active medication list.” - 42 CFR Part 495.6,(d)(5)(i) Medication List

  4. Applicability • Eligible Professionals (EP) • Eligible Hospitals • Critical Access Hospitals (CAH) Medication List

  5. Training Objectives • Maintain an active medication list. • Order a medication in EHR. • Record an outside medication in EHR. • Document “no active medications” in EHR. Medication List

  6. MU Measure Type of Measure: Rate Medication List

  7. Threshold More than 80 percent of all unique patients seen by the provider have at least one entry (or an indication that the patient is not currently prescribed any medication) recorded as structured data. Medication List

  8. RPMS Reporting Logic Denominator Inclusions: COUNT: each patient HAVING: one or more face-to-face visits with the provider during the EHR reporting period Medication List

  9. RPMS Reporting Logic Numerator Inclusions: COUNT: each patient in the Denominator HAVING: documentation of No Active Medications on any visit during the EHR reporting period OR HAVING: a medication in the Prescription file WITH: an Issue Date equal to or less than 365 days before the start of the reporting period AND WITH: an Issue Date on or before the end of the reporting period AND NOT WITH: a Discontinued Date before the start of the reporting period Medication List

  10. RPMS Reporting Logic Numerator Inclusions (cont): OR HAVING: an Outside Medication in the Pharmacy Patient file HAVING: a Documented Date on or before the end of the reporting period AND WITH: a status of Active OR HAVING: a Discontinued Date on or after the start of the reporting period. Medication List

  11. RPMS Reporting Logic Measure Exclusion: None Medication List

  12. Configure RPMS During our how-to session we will: • Follow the same configuration as for CPOE Medication Orders. • Discuss optimal outside medication setup. • Document No Active Medication in EHR. Medication List

  13. Evidence of Functionality During our how-to session we will: • Order a medication in EHR. • Record an Outside medication in EHR. • Display No Active Medication in EHR. Medication List

  14. How-to SessionQuestions & Discussion Medication List

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