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This article clarifies about the Bone Cancer Treatment; there are different approaches to distinguish bone malignant growth. The most widely recognized side effect is tormented during the bones. This torment is commonly consistent and deteriorates after some time.
Bone Cancer Treatment Bone CancerTreatment bone cancer treatment, bone cancer, bone cancer symptoms bone cancer prognosis, osteosarcoma, signs of bone cancer, types of bone cancer, bone marrow cancer, bone cancer pain, cancer of the bone, bone cancer stages, bone cancer survival rate,is bone cancer curable, what causes bone cancer, stage 4 bone cancer,bone marrow cancer symptoms,bone cancer causes,can bone cancer be cured,what is bone cancer,bone tumor, secondary bone cancer,metastatic bone cancer,bone pain,hip pain cancer,secondary bone cancer prognosis,bone tumor symptoms,bone cancer diagnosis,bone cancer survival,bone cancer in children,bone cancer symptoms in leg,is bone cancer painful,bone lesions,how is bone cancer treated,symptoms of bone cancer in hip,leg cancer symptoms,back bone cancer,bone cancer signs and symptoms,primary bone cancer,leg cancer,knee cancer symptoms,bone cancer in leg,knee cancer,bone cancer life expectancy,cancer treatment,best cancer hospitals,best cancer treatment,best bone cancer hospital,best cancer treatment centers in the world,cancer treatment centers ofamerica Snippet: Bone cancer or bone marrow cancer has many types and develops in various ages of life. We have provided an elaborate guide about bone cancer treatment, Symptoms, causes,hospitals. Bone Cancer is a painful and deadly disease. But this can be cured in early stages easily. So this article provides you information related to bone cancer, Signs or symptoms of bone cancer, what may be the causes of bone cancer, How often does it occur, what treatment option do patients have, what are the best hospitals for the bone cancertreatment. What is bonecancer? Bone cancer is a malignant (cancerous) tumor of the bone that destroys normal bone tissue. All bone tumors are not malignant. Benign (non-cancerous) bone tumors are more common than malignant tumors. Malignant and benign bone tumors can develop and compress surrounding bone tissues, but when compared to malignant tumors benign tumors do not spread, do not destroy bone tissue, and rarely pose a threat tolife. Malignant tumors that start in the bone tissue are called primary cancer of the bones. Cancer that spreads to the bones of other parts of the body, such as the prostate, breast or lung, is called metastatic cancer and is named after the organ or tissue in which it began. Primary bone cancer is much less common than cancer that spreads to thebones. How many types of bone cancerexist?
The bone cancer has different types, In this article we have covered most common ones and listedbelow. Osteosarcoma Osteosarcoma is the most common type of bone cancer. Osteosarcoma most commonly occurs in ages from 10 to 19, and is more common in men. In young people, osteosarcoma tends to develop at the ends of long bones in areas where bone grows actively, often around the knee, either at the end of the femur (femur) or at the level of the tibia (tibia) near knee. The next most common location for bone cancer is in the arm bone. Even though, it is possible that osteosarcoma develops in any bone. Depending on the appearance of the tumor cells under the microscope, there are also many other subtypes ofosteosarcoma. Chondrosarcoma Chondrosarcoma is the second most common bone cancer. It comes from cartilage cells attached to or covering the bone. It is more common in people over 40, and less than 5% of these cancers occur in people under 20 years of age. It can grow quickly and aggressively or develop slowly. Chondrosarcoma is most commonly found in the bones of the hips andpelvis. Ewingsarcoma Ewing's sarcoma, sometimes called the ESFT, is an aggressive form of bone cancer that is most common in children aged 4 to 15 years. It can occur in bones or soft tissues and is thought to originate in primary nervous tissue. These are more common among men than women. The most common place for Ewing's sarcoma is the middle part of the long bones of the arms andlegs. Pleomorphous Sarcoma (Malignant Fibrous Histiocytoma) OfBone Pleomorphic sarcoma is a cancer formerly called malignant fibrous histiocytoma or MFH. Pleomorphic sarcomas are usually not bone cancers but soft tissues. However, they can occur in the bone up to 5% of cases. Pleomorphic sarcomas usually occur in adults and can be found anywhere in thebody. Fibrosarcoma
Fibrosarcoma is a rare type of bone cancer. It is most often found behind the knee inadults. Chordoma Chordoma is a very rare cancer usually seen in people over 30 years old. It is most often located in the lower or upper ends of thespine. Signs Of BoneCancer We have listed common symptoms or signs of bone cancer. Sometimes people with bone cancer do not have any of these changes Or In some cases the cause of a symptom may be a different medical condition that is notcancer. When a bone tumor develops, it presses on healthy bone tissue and can destroy it, causing the followingsymptoms: Bone Pain.: The first symptoms of bone cancer are pain and swelling where the tumor is located. The pain can come and go at the beginning. Then it can become more severe and more stable later. The pain may worsen with movement, and there may be swelling in the surrounding softtissues. Swelling And Stiffness Of The Joints: A tumor that occurs near or in a joint can cause swelling of the joint and become tender or rigid. This means that a person can have limited and painful range ofmotion. Claudication: If a bone with a tumor breaks in one leg, it can lead to pronounced lameness. Goiter is usually a symptom of advanced bonecancer. Some other symptoms can be seen rarely like weight loss, fever, general malaise, and anemia, which is a low red blood cellcount. If you are concerned about the changes it is advised to talk with your doctor. Your doctor will ask you how long and how often you have experienced the symptom, in addition to other questions. This is to help them indiagnosis. If cancer is diagnosed, symptom relief remains an important part of cancer care and treatment. It can also be called supportive care, symptom managementor
palliative care. Be sure to talk to your health care team about any symptoms you may have, including any new symptoms or changes insymptoms What Causes BoneCancer: There are many factors can often influence cancer development, but most of them do not directly cause cancer. Some people with multiple risk factors never develop cancer, while others have no known risk factors for developingcancer. We have listed below some of the factors that may increase the chance of developing bone cancer: Genetic: Osteosarcoma may develop in Children with familial retinoblastoma (type of eye cancer). People from families with a history of sarcomas are observed with Li-Fraumeni syndrome, which can lead them to osteosarcomas. Researchers are discovering genes passed down from generation to generation that increase the risk of developing osteosarcoma compared to the general population. All these conditions arerare. Previous Radiotherapy Therapy: People who have had radiation treatment for other conditions have a higher risk of developing bone cancer at the site of radiation therapy. The majority of sarcomas caused by radiotherapy include angiosarcoma and soft tissue of the ASI orosteosarcoma. Chemotherapy: Certain drugs, including anthracyclines and alkylating agents, which are used in cancer treatment may lead to developing a secondary cancer like osteosarcoma. Benign Tumors Or Other Bone Conditions: Paget's disease of bone can lead to osteosarcoma. Other non-cancerous bone diseases may also increase the risk of osteosarcoma. How often does bone canceroccur? Primary bone cancer is rare. It accounts for much less than 1 percent of all cancers. Different types of bone cancer are more likely to occur in certain populations:
Osteosarcoma most often occurs between 10 and 19 years of age. However, people over 40 who have other conditions, such as Paget's disease (a benign disease characterized by abnormal development of new bone cells), have an increased risk of developing this cancer. Chondrosarcoma occurs mainly in the elderly (over 40 years). The risk increases with age. This disease rarely occurs in children andadolescents. FHTs occur most often in children and adolescents under 19 years of age. Boys are more often affected than girls. These tumors are extremely rare among African- Americanchildren. Can Bone Cancer BeCured? Yes. Bone cancer is a curable disease in its early stages. Just like other types of cancer this can be cured in early stages easily. So please be aware of symptoms of bone cancer and consult yourdoctor. Bone CancerDiagnosis In the process of diagnosis the doctor may enquire about medical history of patient and also family members. The doctor conducts physical examination and can order laboratory tests and other diagnostic tests. Some of the tests are listedbelow: X-rays, which can show the shape, location and size of a bone tumor. If X-rays suggest that an abnormal area may be cancerous, the doctor will probably ask for some other imaging tests. The X-rays suggest that an abnormal area is benign, but the doctor may want to do other tests, especially if the patient experiences unusual or persistentpain. Bone scintigraphy, a test in which a small amount of radioactive material is injected into a blood vessel and passes through the bloodstream; it then collects in the bones and is detected by ascanner. A scanner (CT or CAT), which is a series of detailed images of areas inside the body, taken from different angles, that are created by a computer connected to an X-raymachine.
A magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) procedure, which useful in creating images of a particular area inside the body without using X-rays. This test gives detailed information that particular area. This test uses a powerful magnet connected to a computer to create detailedimages. A positron emission tomography (PET), In this test a little amount of radioactive glucose is injected into vein. Then computerized images were collected by scanner which shows the usage of glucose by cells in the tissue. If there is any abnormal usage in the glucose indicates thetumour. An angiogram (X-ray of the bloodvessels) Biopsy (taking a sample of tissue from the bone tumor) to determine if the cancer is present. The surgeon can perform an incisional biopsy or a needlebiopsy. During a needle biopsy, the surgeon makes a small hole in the bone and removes a tissue sample from the tumor with a needle-shaped instrument. In an incisional biopsy, the surgeon cuts into the tumor and removes a part of tissue. Biopsies should be performed by an orthopedic oncologist (a doctor experienced in the treatment of bone cancer). A pathologist (a doctor who identifies a disease by studying cells and tissues under a microscope) examines the tissue to determine if it iscancerous. Blood tests to determine the level of an enzyme called alkaline phosphatase. A huge amount of this enzyme is present in the blood when the cells that form the bone tissue are very active - when the children grow up, when a broken bone corrects itself or when a disease or a tumor causes the production of abnormal bone tissue . Since elevated levels of alkaline phosphatase are normal in growing children and adolescents, we cannot confirm bone cancer only by thidtest. What are the treatment options for bonecancer? Treatment options depend on the stage, location, size and type of the cancer, along with them age, general health of the person is also considered. There are four major options available for treatment like cryosurgery, radiotherapy, chemotherapy andsurgery. Surgery is most common option available for treatment. The surgeon removes the entire tumor with negative margins (no cancer cells are on the edge or edgeof
tissue removed during surgery). The surgeon can also use special surgical techniques to minimize the amount of healthy tissue removed with thetumor. Dramatic improvements in surgical techniques and treatment of preoperative tumors have allowed most bone cancer patients in an arm or leg to avoid radical surgical procedures (removal of the entire limb). However, most patients who undergo limb-saving surgery require reconstructive surgery to maximize limb function. Chemotherapy is the use of anticancer drugs to kill cancer cells. A combination of anti-cancer drugs are usually given to bone cancer patients. However, chemotherapy is not currently used to treatchondrosarcoma. Radiation therapy, involves the use of high-energy X-rays to kill cancer cells. Surgical procedure and radiation therapy are used combined in this treatment. It is often used to treat chondrosarcoma. It can also be used for patients who refuse surgery. Cryosurgery is the use of liquid nitrogen to freeze and kill cancer cells. This type of treatment may be used instead of conventional surgery to destroy thetumor. Which specialists treat bonecancer? Bone cancer patients are advised to visit medical oncologists (for administration or chemotherapy) and surgical oncologists or orthopedic oncologists (for surgical removal of the tumor). Radiation oncologists are involved in the treatment team if radiotherapy is needed. Palliative care physicians may be involved to manage pain andsymptoms. Is Bone CancerPainful? Yes. Bone Cancer is a painful disease. Analgesics (analgesics) treat pain caused by bone cancer. These may be over-the-counter or prescription medications. Mild to moderate pain is treated with drugs such as acetaminophen (Tylenol) or nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, including naproxen (Anaprox, Naprosyn, Aleve, Naprelan) and ibuprofen (Motrin, Advil). However, people taking cancer chemotherapeutic drugs may need to avoid nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs because of an increased risk ofbleeding.
Prescription drugs are used for moderate to severe cancer pain. Opioids - more powerful narcotic analgesics - such as fentanyl, hydromorphone, morphine, oxycodone and codeine may be needed to control severe pain. Sometimes a combination of drugs is used to treat cancer pain. Opioid medications may be associated with side effects like constipation, nausea, anddrowsiness. Is follow-up treatment necessary? What does thisimply? Yes. Bone cancer sometimes metastasises, especially in the lungs, or can reappear (come back), either in the same place or in other bones of the body. People who have had bone cancer should consult their doctor regularly and report any unusual symptoms immediately. Monitoring varies for different types and stages of bone cancer. Generally, patients are frequently checked by their doctor and routinely undergo X-rays and blood tests. People who have had bone cancer, especially adolescents and children, have an increased chance of developing another type of cancer, like leukemia, later in life. Regular follow-up care allows you to discuss health changes and deal with problems as quickly aspossible Best Bone Cancer Hospitals InIndia Best Bone Cancer Hospitals InHyderabad American OncologyInstitute The American Oncology Institute, the flagship international center of CTSI (Cancer Treatment Services International) based in the United States, aims to bridge the gap between standards of care in India and the United States. To do this, they have transferred all the benefits of the latest cancer treatments from the world's most advanced countries to the people of India. This ensures that all patients will receive care at the level of what is available in the Westernworld. Address: 1-100/1/CCH, Near aparna Sarovar, Nallagandla, Serilingampally, Hyderabad, Telangana530019 Phone: 040 6719 9999 Yashoda CancerInstitute
For two decades, the Yashoda Hospital Group has been providing quality health care to people with diverse medical needs. People trust this hospital because of the strong relationships they have built with their patients over theyears. Address: Old Malakpet, Nalgonda cross road, Hyderabad, Telangana500036 Hours: Open 24hours Phone: 040 45674567 Best Bone Cancer Hospitals In NewDelhi Dharamshila Narayana SuperspecialityHospital The Dharamshila Hospital and Research Center is the first and only cancer hospital in India that has been accredited by NABH. They also have NABH accredation for all its allied specialties and its laboratories. Dr. S. Khanna is the founder of this hospital. Address: Vasundhara Enclave, Near New Ashok Nagar Metro Station, Dallupura, New Delhi, Delhi110096 Hours: Open 24hours Phone: 1860 2080208 Founded:1990 Motto: Cancer isCurable Dr Dinesh Bhurani, Hematologist In India, Bone Marrow Transplant Specialist, HematologyCentre The idea of Bone Marrow India was conceptualized by Dr. Dinesh Bhurani, a prominent bone marrow transplant specialist who has successfully conducted approximately 400 bone marrow transplants at the Rajiv Gandhi Cancer Institute & Research Center, New Delhi. There is a team of five transplant specialists who provide transplant care on yourdoorstep. Address: Rajiv Gandhi Cancer Institute & Research Centre,, Sector 5, Rohini, Near Rohini West Metro Station, West Delhi, New Delhi, Delhi110085
Phone: 09971500861. Best Bone Cancer Hospitals InMumbai Tata MemorialHospital Tata Memorial Hospital is located in Mumbai, India. It is a specialized center for cancer treatment and research, closely associated with the Advanced Center for Cancer Education, Treatment andResearch. Address: Dr. E Borges Road, Parel, Mumbai, Maharashtra400012 Hours: Open 24 hours Phone: 022 24177000 Established: February 28,1941 P.D. Hinduja Hospital & Medical ResearchCentre The P.D. Hinduja National Hospital and Medical Research Center is a multi- sectoral tertiary care hospital. The Hinduja National Hospital and the Medical Research Center were founded by Parmanand DeepchandHinduja. Address: Veer Sawarkar Marg, Mahim West, Mahim, Mumbai, Maharashtra 400016 Opening Hours:8AM Phone: 022 67668181 Number of beds:402 Founded:1951 Best Bone Cancer Hospitals InBengaluru 1. Sri Shankara Cancer Hospital and ResearchCenter The hospital provides expertise in all super-specialties of cancer, has 42 highly qualified and dedicated medical consultants. To date, SSHRC has treated21,000
new cancer patients and has consistently sought to achieve its primary goals of providing affordable treatment, including free cancertreatment. Address: 1st Cross, Shankara Matt Premises, Shankarapuram, Basavanagudi, Bengaluru, Karnataka560004 Hours: Open 24hours Phone: 080 26981100 2. Kidwai Memorial Institute ofOncology Kidwai Memorial Institute of Oncology is a cancer care hospital located in Bangalore, India. It is an autonomous institution of the Karnataka government and a regional cancer center funded by the Government ofIndia. Address: KMIO Campus, Dr M H Mariagowda Road, Near Bangalore Dairy, Bengaluru, Karnataka560029 Phone: 080 2609 4000 Established: June 26, 1973 ss