International Conference of Serres 26 – 27 June 2004The Management of economic opportunitiesand the risks for the Departments of Serres and Drama following Bulgaria’s accession to the E.U.« Cross-border Co-operation :for more business opportunities,more employment and social insertion»Presentation by Mr. Alkis KalliantzidisGeneral Co-ordinator of the Project «L.I.F.E.S.»17, Aggelaki Str. – 54621 ThessalonikiTel. : +302310228833– Fax : +302310260350E-mail : emloc@otenet.gr – Site : www.emloc.gr 26/06/2004
What do we mean byCross-border Co-operation ? • A bilateral, trilateral or multilateral co-operation of local and regional authorities which are located in areas with common borders (i.e.Serres – Drama – Blagoevgrad). In this co-operation local private, social, semi-state, academic, political and athletic actors must be included who altogether will make up what we call a « Citizen’s society ».
To what does cross-border co-operation contribute ? • For the European Union : to better integration and to restriction of economic &social splintering which the national borders necessitate. • For the people : in the realization of « Citizen’s Europe » they will become better acquainted, learn to understand their differences («Se connaître pour se comprendre ») thusmutual approximation, something which is more important than the approximation of the states themselves.
When is a productive cross-border co-operation ensured ? When all those interested on both sides of the Borders benefit, in terms of • Modern infrastructures • New technologies & new know-how • Economy • Employment • Society • Culture • Administration
Thus when there is a « people’s foothold » and a profitable co-operation of all the interested parties on both sides of the Borders. Otherwise the cross-border co-operation is consumed by an ephemeral exchange of good intentions « about enormous co-operation potential... » which however remains void.
What should be the intrinsic aim of the cross-border co-operation ? • The completionof a cross-border zone in order to become a distinct and reputable « Euroregion ». How then will the Serres – Drama – Blagoevgradtriangleacquire a common European identityin the enlarged European Union of 27 members ? • The shared solutions to common problems, i.e. unemployment, economic decline, digital illiteracy, geographical isolation from the national and community Centre, etc. • These are not our personal unsupported allegations. They are included in the C-192/37-12.8.2002Opinion of the « Committee of Regions » of the European Commission in 2002.
Why the Enlargement of the E.U. to Bulgaria could and should make up the ignition mechanism of a fertile cross-border co-operation ? • Because the region of the Departments of Serres & Drama as of 2007 will cease to be a communityfrontiergeographical zone (extremity) of the E.U. of 27. It will find itself closer to the community Centre of Brussels in contrast to the Bulgarian seafront regions.The centre of gravity is altering easterly. • Because the region of Blagoevgrad, that makes up an external border region of the E.U. of the 25member states of today, as of 2007, it will find itself closer community wise to the same community Centre in contrast to Sofia the capital of Bulgaria. Because these two border zones have the opportunity to be transformed into a « Euroregion », by means of a gradual development of a fertile Cross-border Co-operation.
Can we however talk seriously about a « Euroregion » without high competivity ? NO of course not.What makes up the competivity of each region ? • The level of training of its peopleon which their employability depends today. • The continuous adaptability of its enterprises and its employees to worldwide mutation. • The level of its attractiveness for new investments and for creative people (Local government) What is its infrastructure ? What is its cultural and recreational life ? What is its environment ?
In order to gradually form a distinct,recognized and competitive « Euroregion » Serres – Drama - Blagoevgrad, these 3 common synthetical elements (individual, enterprise, local government)must co-operate in harmony and also combine horizontally with :
Horizontal Supplementary Components Cross-border Co-operation • A developed proximity financing. • An unobstructed cross-border mobility of labour & local enterprises. • A wider exploitation of Information & Communication Technologies. • Equal opportunities for men, women and those with special needs. • Multi language learning activities (Greek, Bulgarian) and transcultural understanding and exchange.
On these components 20 months ago we built our collective Cross-border Project L.I.F.E.S approved by the European Commission and under realization for the past 14 months. Local Intervention for the Future of Employment and socio-cultural Development in the departments of Serres & Drama
For us the Enlargement constitutes NEITHER AN ONCOMING HELLNOR AN IMPENDING PARADISE It is an inevitable community development which contains possible risksbut also MANY OPPORTUNITIES :
Freed from insecurities, fears and over rated protectionisms of immobility, we consider that the ENLARGEMENTof the E.U.to the neighbouring Bulgaria in 2007 meanstheoretically the development of CROSS-BORDER CO-OPERATION, of course on the condition that a constituted and cohesiveCROSS-BORDER CO-OPERATION STRATEGYwill be formed.For the first time not only Greece but also the Departments of Serres and Drama will have open ground economic borders within breathing distance,with the community country of Bulgaria,
Instead of putting great emphasis on« How and when Bulgaria will accede to the E.U. », we should be more concerned with • « What will happen after Bulgaria’saccession ? » and« what policies are required in our area for the Enlargement of the E.U. to Bulgaria? », particularly in the field of LOCAL EMPLOYMENT.
Bulgaria’s accession to the E.U. means : • Abolishment of the economic Borders of Greece – Bulgaria. Meaning free circulation of individuals, goods, services and capital. • It means potential development of Cross-border Co-operation, if it is desired both by the local population on both sides of the Border and also by their representative actors:Local authorities, Chambers, Syndicates, non-government organizations etc. • It means that the factors that obstruct and those that promote Cross-border Co-operation must be researched.
What factorsOBSTRUCTthe Cross-border Co-operation ? • The lack of political free will of local actor officials. • The language barriers, cultural differences and modern phobias (xenophobia, economic migration, etc.). • The legal restrictions which are enforced through national and community legislation.
What factorsOBSTRUCTthe Cross-border Co-operation ? • The differences relevant to the responsibilities of the limited administrative ranks on both sides of the border. • The problems relative to the adaptation of the partial financial sources, i.e.the lack of transfunctioning of the Interreg III & Phare / CBC programmes. • The limited experience of Cross-border Co-operation and implementation of developmental and management programmes.
What factors PROMOTEthe Cross-border Co-operation ? • The politicalvoluntarism of the local actor officials. • The mutual trust and co-operation based initially on company relations and mutual benefit. • The establishment of a cohesiveCross-border Co-operation Project for dealing with common problems and also the realization of common visions.
What factorsPROMOTEthe Cross-border Co-operation ? • The creation and development of common cross-border mechanisms (structures)within whose framework the Cross-border Co-operation will be realized. • The disposition of adequatefinancial sources through the community initiative INTERREG III & PHARE/CBC for example.
The PRINCIPALS of a fertile Cross-border Co-operation • The mutual understanding of both sides and co-operation with third parties. • The co-operation to be propelled « from the base upwards ». The higher administrative ranks must ensure the appropriate legal and financial conditions for the production of the Cross-border Co-operation.
The PRINCIPLE GUIDELINES of a fertile Cross-border Co-operation • The greateraim of the Co-operation must be the improvement of competivity of the frontier regions on both sides of the borders. To examine the possibility of shrinking the programmes INTERREG III & PHARE/CBC into one. • The local and regional authorities must gain more power and responsibility in order to develop their border regions.
Some specific ideas for successful Cross-border Co-operation • The development of « Cross-border Bridges » (Transregional structures), i.e.communication and exchange networks, such as : the railways, the vertical axle of the Egnatia Highway,telecommunications, etc., such as : cultural development& common historical tradition,such as : the protection & development of the cross-border environment (Kozlontoui, the waters of the rivers of Strimonas & Nestos). • The establishment of the « European Passport » for the abolishment of the border controls.
Some specific ideas for successful Cross-border Co-operation • The common method of « qualification recognitionfor tertiary education ». • The creation and development of a « Cross-border Audiovisual Space »with the contribution of local MM, such as : DIAVLOSTV Rodolivos, STAR TV Drama, ORBEL TV Petritch, MASTER FM, etc. which will promote the Cross-border Co-operation.
Some specific ideas for the success of Cross-border Co-operation • The establishment of afortnightly cross-border television programme(in Greek & Bulgarian) supply & demand of labouron both sides of the border. • The publication of acommon « Tourist,Museum & Recreational Guide » (in Greek, Bulgarian, English) for the common promotion of the local touristic,cultural & recreational « industry ».
Some specific ideas for the successof Cross-border Co-operation • The common « Presentation of the Frontier Beles Mountains » (description of the geographical, architectural, cultural heritage). • The Cross-border Co-operation at university levelbetween the Technological Training Institutes (TEI), of Serres - Kavala – Drama and the university of « Neofit Rilski » of Blagoevgrad.