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Submission of Journal Articles

Submission of Journal Articles. Performance Assessment by Publication. Minimum requirement: 4 articles - a copy of the paper together with the certified translation of the abstract MUST BE PROVIDED.

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Submission of Journal Articles

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  1. Submission of Journal Articles

  2. Performance Assessment by Publication • Minimum requirement: 4 articles - a copy of the paper together with the certified translation of the abstract MUST BE PROVIDED. • Ph.D. Students may apply to the Doctoral Examination (Comprehensive Exam) and the Dissertation Pre-evaluation, Evaluation and Defence only if they have fulfilled the publication requirements and have collected at least 30 points. • Publications with co-authors are considered by rate of contribution.

  3. Performance Assessment by Publication 1. Journal ArticlesCategory Points • Refereed journals in Hungarian A 10 • Refereed journals in Hungarian B 8 • Refereed journals in Hungarian C 6 • Refereed journals in foreign languages A, B 30 • Refereed journals in foreign languages C, D 12 • Other Journals 0-6

  4. Performance Assessment by Publication 2. Books, lecture notesPoints • Book chapter (in Hungarian)8-10 • Book chapter (in foreign languages) 12-15 • Textbooks15-25 • Lecture notes (study materials)10-12

  5. Performance Assessment by Publication 3. Conferences Points • Study published in Conference proceedings in Hungarian 3-6 in foreign languages 5-8 • Conference presentation in Hungarian 1-2 in foreign languages 2-4 • Book introduction in Hungarian 1-2 in foreign languages 2-4

  6. Journal Ranking

  7. Journal Ranking • The relevant system for Journal Ranking (with categories from A+ to D) adopted by the faculty for performance assessment is the one developed at the University of Vienna. Please, refer to: • Regarding the list of refereed Hungarian journals please, refer to: IPhD Office as well as the homepage of the program http://bach.wu-wien.ac.at/bachapp/cgi- bin/fides /fides.aspx/fides.aspx?journal=true;lang=EN

  8. Impact Factor

  9. Impact Factor (IF) • It is a measure of citations to science and social science journals. • It is used as a proxy for the importance of a journal to its field. • IFs are calculated each year by Thomson Scientific for those journals it indexes → in Journal Citation Reports.

  10. Impact Factor (IF) • IF for a journal is calculated based on a three-year period and can be viewed as an approximation of the average number of times published papers are cited in the two calendar years following publication. • For comparisons: It is only relevant to consider the rank of a journal in a category of its peers, rather than the raw IF value. The comparison of impact factors between different fields is invalid!

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