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Journal: Articles. This quick guide PowerPoint will explain how to find Journal Articles using the Library’s Databases. There is another quick guide which explains how to use the Encore service to find articles. First, what is a Database?
Journal: Articles This quick guide PowerPoint will explain how to find Journal Articles using the Library’s Databases. There is another quick guide which explains how to use the Encore service to find articles. First, what is a Database? Databases contain collections of articles from journals, magazines, trade publications and newspapers. They do not allow the general public, or any outside entity, to add an item into the database (unlike the Internet). Many Databases provide scholarly/peer-reviewed articles recommended for academic research.
We need to make sure you know how to access the Library’s website: http://www.athens.edu/library/ . You can also click on the Library link at the top of the ASU Homepage: After you get to the Library’s main webpage, click on the link, in the menu on the left side, called Find Journal Articles. This will take you to the Database list.
Here are some of the Databases on the list. The ASU Library subscribes to over 35 Databases. These Databases can be divided into two types: General and Subject Specific. A general Database will provide articles on a variety of topics/subjects. A subject specific Database will provide in-depth coverage of one particular area/subject/topic. A person searching for articles must first decide which Database(s) to use. To help in this decision, a brief description of each Database is provided.
When in doubt, select one of the general databases: Academic Search Premier Expanded Academic ASAP JSTOR Credo Reference Newspaper Source Oxford Reference Online ProQuestNewsstand Complete To select a Database, simply click on the title of the Database in the list. As an example, I will use Academic Search Premier.
Example of using a Database to find an article: Academic Search Premier. Note: We get several Databases from the same vendor. It is important for citation purposes that you do not confuse the vendor’s name with the Database’s name. A partial list of vendors and their databases can be found at the end of this PowerPoint.
Since this is a quick guide, I will only go over four main areas of using this Database: Basic Search box Advanced Search box Full Text limiter Scholarly/Peer Reviewed limiter The Database opens to the Basic Search option by default.
The basic search option usually will have only one text box available for typing in your search term (s). You can type in one term, multiple-word terms, or even titles to articles. For anything over one word long, it is recommended that you place “” around the whole phrase: example, I want to search for Diseases of the brain. I type in “diseases of the brain”. I could also link words together using the word AND (typed in all caps). Example: diseases AND brain. You do not need the “” when using AND. Lets look at a search using Diseases AND brain…
We find 15,647 articles using those two terms. Here we see the complete listing for the first article recommended. You can read the whole article by clicking on the PDF Full Text button. Clicking on the title of the article will provide you with a more complete description of the item, usually with an abstract. See next slide…
Here we see the complete article record. Notice the Abstract. Also, notice the Cite button on the right side. This will provide a full citation for whichever style you choose: MLA, APA, Chicago… You will need to check it for accuracy. If you choose to read the whole article, you select the PDF Full Text button (or HTML Full Text if option).
Over 15,000 hits is way too many for one person to scan through. We must learn how to limit our searches to fine-tune them. One way is by searching for only Full Text articles and a second way is by using only Scholarly/Peer-Reviewed articles. Many Databases provide a way to use these limiters. Academic Search Premier allows for this: The Full Text limiter is already selected by default. You can also place a check-mark in the box for Scholarly Journals. Most professors require that you use Peer-reviewed articles and journals. This limiter will guarantee that all the articles you find will be peer-reviewed.
Using the Advanced Search option. Most Databases offer an Advanced Search option. Similar to the Basic Search, but it will have more than one text box for typing in your terms, and it will allow you to select what Field each term is to be searched under. The Full Text and Scholarly limiters are still there, but you must select them.
Here we can see the full list of Field options available. Here is one way to use this feature: Let’s say I need an article in this Database. Here is the citation I was provided: Billiet, C. R., & Bellis, T. (2011). The Relationship Between Brainstem Temporal Processing and Performance on Tests of Central Auditory Function in Children With Reading Disorders. Journal of Speech, Language & Hearing Research, 54(1), 228-242. doi:10.1044/1092-4388(2010/09-0239)
I select two major terms from the title and the primary author’s last name: brainstem, auditory and Billiet. I place those into the three Advanced Search boxes and select the appropriate field for each term: title, title and author.
I get exactly what I was looking for!! I get only one hit, and it is the correct article. When using the Advanced Search option, it is best to think of at least three key terms for the research you are conducting and to use all three terms in your search. One other recommended way to limit the number of hits you get is to select a date range. Perhaps you want nothing older than 10 years old. This can be done using the sliding date bar and clicking on Update.
While most Databases look and function the same way as this example did, some do not. Whenever you need help using a Database, contact the Reference Librarian on duty at refdesk@athens.edu or 256-216-6661. To use the Encore service to find articles, see the quick guide: Encore: Articles. Vendor : EBSCOHostProQuestGale Databases: Academic Search Premier ABI/Inform Complete Business & Company Resource Center ATLA Religion Ethnic NewsWatch Contemporary Authors Business Source Premier ProQuest Computing Expanded Academic ASAP ERIC ProQuest Criminal Justice General Business File ASAP Health Source Nursing ProQuest Education LegalTrac History Reference Center ProQuest Newsstand Literature Resource Center Newspaper Source ProQuest Religion Opposing Viewpoints Resource Center Professional Development Collection PsycARTICLES PsycINFO Regional Business News SocINDEX