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The taste sense. Traditionally the presence of the taste sense in marketing has been limited to demonstrations and tastings in shops.
The taste sense Traditionally the presence of the taste sense in marketing has beenlimited to demonstrations and tastings in shops. Generally, the taste sense is neglected in marketing, which undermines the aim of creating brand awareness and establishing a sustainable brand image. Taste buds workhard, and theyarequicklyworn out. In just over a weektheyarereplaced by new ones. At the age of fiftythisrenewalprocessslowsdown, and the palatebecomesweaker over the years. Childrenlikessweets, which is importantwhenwewant to make marketing.
Anotherimportentissue is, thatchildren must taste a product at least 12 times beforetheygotflavor for it. • The taste sense is primarily a social sense and most peoplehate to eatalone, and many business is done over a so called business lunch. • Rememberthat the presentation of food and bevarages as a senseexpression is important to the teste experience.
Colors of plates, decorations, furnitureect…. • To makegood taste experiencesfirmsshoulbeaware of howdifferent tastes worktogether and be more flexible and dynamic in creating the taste experience for customers. • A taste is oneway to express a person’sidentity and emphasizelifestyle as a senseexpression. (peopleaddvanillaflavor to theircoke.
A strong brand can give the impression of betterproductquality and a better teste evenif a blind test wereshowingthat the productwas not the bestso • The taste experience is not alwaysbased on the actualquality of a product. • A firm has to considerhow to stimulate the individual,s taste sense as much as possible, evenifitsproduct has nonatural association with taste.
The touch sense • Material as a senseexpressioncanelucidate a brand’sidentity and values. • Touching the surface of a product in order to feelitstexture, stability, or temperature increases the possibilities for describing the experiencethattouchingleads to. • Temperature as a senseexpression is registered by the individual’s receptors for warmt and cold.
Weight is also an essentialsenseexpression for the individual’s touch experience of a brand or a product. Heavy objectsarethought to symbolizequality, whereas light and plastic products areoftenperceived as cheap and of lowquality. • Form canbeoneway to differentiateitself from competing brands.
One problem is, thatpeoplewill not payextra for the comfort but willchose the firm with the ”bestchairs – flycompany) • Experts have asked, if it is possible to touch a feeling – the answer is yes the new television campains have given people the sense of touching 3D. • People canremember the touch from earlier by using the words ”feelssoft and smoothagainst the skin”
The brand as sensorymarketing a conclusion One of the mainreasons for the growing interest in the five human senses is an ambition amongfirms to try to offer a customertreatment – that is more individualized and more personalizedthanbefore. To succed in the global marketplace it is no longer enough to produce and deliver colorful and informative advertisements or tv commercials on mass-marketing principles. You must have a customertreatmentbased on a symbiosisbetween the brand and the individual
Figur 18.1 • How should a firm applysensory marketing? • We start with strategic marketing, where the firmsidentity and valuesareclarified. • Thenwe have sensors expresseswhere a firm canusedifferentdevices or digital equipment to which the human sensesrespond to transmittriggers, or stimuli, to customers or to receive signals, or information aboutcustomerspurchasingbehavior.
The concept of sensations captureshow a firm canexpressitself as a brand by transmittingtriggers or stimuli deliberately but unconsciously via differentsenseexpressions to the human brain. • A brand with a soul must represent the corevalues of a firm – such as integrity, quality and selfrespect. A brand have a soul iftheyinvolve emotions, delight and values.
A brands soul canbeclarified in a firmssensorialstrategiesthroughdifferent sensors, sensations and senseexpressions • A sensorymarketingframework is a new perspektive and is mainly a result of the increasingindividualizationthatcharacterizes the culture of the binary society.