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The Neural Fate of Consciously Perceived and Missed Events in the Attentional Blink. Marois et al. 임상상담 전공 이지은. Attentional stage. Unconscious stage. Two stages of attention. identification, consolidation, & conscious report. Rapid, global, & highly efficient categorization.
The Neural Fate of Consciously Perceived and Missed Events in the Attentional Blink Marois et al. 임상상담 전공 이지은
Attentional stage Unconscious stage Two stages of attention identification, consolidation, & conscious report Rapid, global, & highly efficient categorization
Single-target test Dual-target test Attentional blink (AB) paradigm Rapid Serial Visual Presentation(RSVP) A T F G Shapiro et al., 1997
연구의 목적 -the different neural substrate for the two stage of attention 연구 AB paradigm –의식적으로 보고한 target과 보고되지 않은 target간에 서로 다른 뇌영역 관여할 것 Parietofrontal cortical network –capacity-limited attention-demanding stage Inferior temporal cortex -visual categorization & representation -연구의 가설 1) reported & unreported 시각자극 둘 다 occipitotemporal cortex에까지 이르는 high-level stage에 관여될 것 2) reported & unreported 시각자극은 정보처리의 뒷 단계인 parietofrontal network of attention에서 차이날 것
실험절차 • 행동실험 • -dual task 실험 • :T1 & T2 detection • -single task 실험 • :T2 detection • 2) FMRI 실험 • -localizer task • -dual task • Neural response • to T2 processing
Parahippocampal Place Area Hit –o o Miss –o x CR -x x FA -x o Parahippocampal Place Area의 Timecourse of the hemodynamic response PPA는 제시되는 자극이 의식되지 못하더라도 반응 -physical representation
Parietofrontal cortex Parietal & frontal cortex의 Timecourse of the hemodynamic response Frontal cortex는 자극이 의식될 때만 반응 -explicit perception
Attentional stage Frontal cortex -consciously reported world Unconscious stage Medial temporal cortex -physical visual world Neural substrates of AB
Neural correlates of a perceptual decision in ventral premotor cortex 임상상담 전공 이지은
Ventral premotor cortex(VPC) VPC :sensory information을 action으로 연결시키는 과정에 관련 1) parietal & prefrontal cortex로부터 입력 & motor area, subcortical, & spinal cord로 입력 2) VPC에 감각, 운동 neurons 존재, 복잡한 sensorimotor action 입력 3) VPC의 inactivation은 sensorimotor task에 영향
과제 및 절차 Ventral Premotor Cortex (VPC) 실험조건: Base frequency보다 Comparison frequency가 높은지 낮은지 판단 통제조건: 빛나던 button을 누름 결과 분석: 자극 -f1, f2, f2-f1 반응 -hits & errors
VPC의 4 neurons의 반응
Neuronal & Behavioral response
VPC Sensation action 과거와 현재 정보의 통합 dynamic cross-talk 논의
Reward-dependent gain and bias of visual responses in primate superior colliculus 임상상담 전공 이지은
•superior colliculus(SC) :sensory signals를 가진 정보들이 입력되어 눈과 머리의 움직임을 orienting하는 sensorimotor mechanisms •수많은 경쟁적 자극 중 선택의 문제 : “past experience of reward” •연구 목적 :investigate whether the SC is involved in the selection of visual targets by reward
실험 방법 •Memory-guided saccade task (one-direction rewarded version) -cue :RF / cue :non RF -reward :RF / reward :non RF •single-unit recording into SC •measures -gross visual response -base activity -net visual response =gross-base Cue 100ms Base activity gross visual response
gain Gain type
Preceding Anticipatory activity bias type
Preceding Anticipatory activity Gain & bias type
Reward-contingent Increase RF rewarded RF nonrewarded
각 neuron에서 Net visual response와 base activity간의 관계
Distribution in depth of reward-contingent modulation of SC response
Discussion • Using asymmetrically rewarded version of the memory-guided saccade task, Cue 자극이 앞으로 올 보상을 의미할 때 SC neurons의 visual response가 증가함 -gain type / bias type Bias type •SNr & SC의 연결부위 – SC의 중간층 =SC의 bias neurons의 위치 saccadic activity •supplementary eye field (Coe et al., 2002) Basal ganglia cuadate nucleus(CD) Substantia nigra Pars reticulata(SNr) Superior colliculus (SC) Gain type •SC의 response latency (40-80ms) << SNr & CD response latency (90-200ms) • early portion of SC response -cortical eye fields Saccadic behavior
Discussion Cortical areas gain Gain & bias CD bias SNr 500원