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YOU CAN’T SEND A DUCK TO EAGLE SCHOOL. A few years ago I was having lunch with a top executive from a company known for the legendary service. I asked him how they did it and he said something I never Forgot…. He said, "you can’t send a duck to eagle school”. I said, “Excuse Me.”.
A few years ago I was having lunch with a top executive from a company known for the legendary service
I asked him how they did it and he said something I never Forgot…
He said, "you can’t send a duck to eagle school”. I said, “Excuse Me.” He Repeated “You can’t send a Duck to eagle school,
You can’t teach some one to want to serve;you can’t teach people to smile;you can’t teach personality…
But we can hire people, who have those qualities and teach them our product and then our culture.”
I never forgot what he said that day…I wish I had heard it 10yrs sooner!
Here are a few other "Lesson’s learned "in my Recent years as an entrepreneur.
If your company mission is to climb a tree,Which would you rather do;Hire a Squirrel, or…Train a horse?
BURN BRIGHTLY WITHOUT BURNING OUT.Wisdom is knowing the right path to take….INTEGRITY is taking it.
PROCRASTINATIONis attitude’s natural assassin.Less is almost always MORE.
And finally an old Chinese poem that I love: • Go to the people • Live among the people • Learn from them • Start with what they know • Build on what they have. • But of the best leader’s,
When their Task is accomplishedTheir work is doneThe people will say…We have done it ourselves
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