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TEST 1 PARTIAL REVIEW Caution: This is NOT a complete review. You still need to go over the power points, notes, and readings. Answer the Following:. What are the 3 general properties of living things? What are the 3 parts of the cell theory?
TEST 1 PARTIAL REVIEWCaution: This is NOT a complete review. You still need to go over the power points, notes, and readings.
Answer the Following: • What are the 3 general properties of living things? • What are the 3 parts of the cell theory? • Who was involved in the formation of the cell theory? • Know life’s hierarchy in order. • How many naturally occurring atoms are there?
Biotic Abiotic Pathogen Unicellular Binary Fission Fimbriae Pili Biofilms Phagocytosis Pleomorphic Monomorphic Taxis Phototaxis Magnetotaxis Chemotaxis Positive Taxis Negative Taxis Porins Define
Periplasmic Space Hypertonic Hypotonic Isotonic Lysozyme Plasmids Endospores Invertebrate Vertebrate Chemoheterotrophic Phospholipid Bilayer Saprophytic Cyst Predator Prey Alleopathy Schizogony Pseudopodia Fecal Oral Route Vector Define
Cutaneous Leishmaniasis Visceral Leishmaniasis Outbreak Decomposer Hyphae Mycelium Mycology Mycosis Kala-azar Apical Complex Systemic Subcutaneous Opportunistic Septa Aseptate/Coenocytic Rhizoids Facultative Anaerobe Candidiasis Define
Thrush Chlamydospore Blastospore Obligate Aerobes Chiten/Cellulose Sputum Phycoerythrin Irish Moss (Blanca Mange) Nori Coralline Algae Darling’s Disease Dimorph Granuloma Hypersensitivity Truffles Fairy Rings Phytoplankton Agar Carrageenan Centrate Pennate Define
Diatomaceous Earth Fucoxanthin Laminaria Sargassum Alginic Acid Biotherapy Generation Time Direct Count Indirect Count Streak Plate Red Tide Ciguatera Paralytic Shellfish Poisoning Biflagellate Saxitoxin Lag Phase Log Phase Stationary Phase Death Phase Define
Pour Plate Petroff-Hausser Slide Turbidity Psychrophile Mesophile Thermophile Hyperthermophile Buffers Gas Pack Jar Most Probably Number Acidophiles Neutrophiles Alkalophiles Extreme Alkalophiles Obligate Anaerobe Aerotolerant Anaerobe Microaerophile Define
Answer the Following: • What is an atom? Molecule? • Name some common organelles. • How many cells are in the human body? How many different types of cells? • What is a tissue? What is the study of tissues called? How many different types of tissues are in the human body? • What is an organ? Name an organ system.
Answer the Following: • What is an organ system? Name some common organ systems and the organs they contain. • What is an organism? Population? Community? Ecosystem? Biosystem? • What type barrier does the cell membrane provide? • Know the four different types of proteins embedded in the cell membrane and what each does. • What are ribosomes? What doe they do? How are they measured?
Answer the Following: • Describe the elemental composition of the cell. • When did the Earth form? When did life appear? What type of life first appeared? What type of life followed? • How do prokaryotes and eukaryotes differ? • Name the two groups of prokaryotes. Name the one group of eukaryotes. • Is the nucleus the same as the nucleoid?
Answer the Following: • What are Archeabacteria? Eubacteria? • How do Archeabacteria differ from other forms of bacteria? • What is a methanogen? Halophile? Hyperthermophile? Thermoplasm? • Know and be able to identify different shapes of bacteria. • What is the glycocalyx? Slime layer? Slime Capsule?
Answer the Following: • How is slime beneficial to bacteria? Why do they form it? • What are the parts of a flagella? • Be able to identify different forms of flagellar arrangement. • Bacteria Flagella is composed of protein which acts as an ______ when introduced into the human body. How is this beneficial to us?
Answer the Following: • What type of flagella do spirochetes have? What is another name for this type of flagella? • Are spirochetes and spirilla the same? • How do the cell walls differ between g+ and g- bacteria? • Which are more susceptible to breakage? • How many chromosomes in a human? In a bacteria. What shape in each?
Answer the Following: • What can endospores resist? • Given a picture of an endospore be able to tell what type it is. • Protistans are important in issues of ____ quality. • Which forms of protistans need water? • Which forms are drought resistant? • What is the active form of a protistan called? The inactive form? • Protozoans are critical in the digestion of _____.
Answer the Following: • What is the subphylum for the amoeba? • What causes amoebic dysentery? How do we contract it? • Acanthamoeba is a problem in Oklahoma. Why? • Giardia lambia results in ___. Trichomonas vaginalis results in _____. Trypanosoma bruicei gambiens results in _____. All are found in subphylum ____. • Trichomonas vaginalis occurs in _______.
Answer the Following: • Know the vector and reservoir for African Sleeping Sickness and Chaga’s Disease. • What causes Beaver Fever? What type of diarrhea does it produce? How is it spread? • What is the most common protozoal intestinal disease in the United States? • Visceral leishmaniasis – What is the vector? What is the reservoir? • Where has leishmaniasis been found in Oklahoma?
Answer the Following: • What is the only pathogenic ciliate? How is it contracted? What is unusual about its nucleus? • Know the life cycle of Malaria. • Which has killed more people – AIDS or Malaria? • Who identified the causative agent of malaria? Who discovered that mesquites carry malaria? • What protistan do we worry about with pregnant women? What is the carrier? How else might I contract it other than from a cat or litter box?
Answer the Following: • What is Cryptosporidium? • Where was the nation’s largest outbreak? What was the cause? • Where do we find Cryptococcus neoformans? What organ does it affect? • Describe the macroappearance of a mold. • When collecting a gastric sample for determination of a mold infection, use a ______ sample. • Molds can be identified by their ______.
Answer the Following: • A mold infection is usually termed ______. • The name of the mold may tell you which part of the body it occurs on. Give an example. • ____ preparations are used to diagnose Cryptococcus neoformans infections. • The advent of _______ escalated the number of Cryptococcus neoformans infections. • Crytococcus is spread by _________.
Answer the Following: • Where is Histoplasmosis a problem in the United States? What is a carrier? • Why is black mold a problem? • What is another name for the Zygomycota? Name common members of this group? Sexual Reproduction by? Asexual Reproduction by? • What is another name for the Basidiomycota? Name common members of this group. Sexual Reproduction by? Asexual Reproduction by?
Answer the Following: • What is another name for the Ascomycota? Name common members of this group. Sexual Reproduction by? Asexual Reproduction by? • Know the divisions for each of the algae groups. Know common names for algae found in each division. • What are the shells of diatoms composed from? • Know how to label a strand of kelp.
Answer the Following: • What is unusual about the chromosomes of dinoflagellates? • Which group of algae is bioluminescent? • Who was JoAnn Burkholder? • Spirogyra reproduces by ____. • How are algae beneficial? • How are algae harmful? • What are the three phyla of worms?
Answer the Following: • How severe are worm infections? • What are symptoms of worm infections? • What are folk remedies? Name some. • What are the only annelids that feed on humans? • How have leeches proven to be useful?\ • What can be assume if we see the same remedy being used all across the globe?
Answer the Following: • Pinworms are also called ____. What test do we use to check for them? Where do they live? How are they spread? • What is the most common worm infection in the United States? • Which worm is found in pork and bear? How is it spread? What is the reservoir? • How do I get hookworms. What organ system can they be found in? • Why are Ascaris worms so dangerous?
Answer the Following: • Which worm crawls just under the skin and can be wound on a stick? • Which worm crawls across the eye and results in River Blindness? • Which worm has a scolex and proglottids? • What were early diet pills. • How do flukes differ from other worms? • Which worms have intermediate hosts?
Answer the Following: • What region of the world has the loa loa worm? • What worm causes elephantitis? • What body system does elephantitis affect? • What is another name for elephantitis? • What is another name for swimmer’s itch? • How is swimmer’s itch contracted? • A whip worm infection may result in a _____.
Answer the Following: • What tells us we have microbial growth? • Know which methods are direct methods of counting bacteria and know which methods are indirect methods. • What are some physical requirements that bacteria have in order to grow. • What are the cardinal temperatures? • What are some chemical requirements that bacteria have in order to grow?
Answer the Following: • How is media classified? • What are the physical states of media? How do they differ? Give examples of each. • What is synthetic media? What is non-synthetic media? • What is selective media? Differential Media? Enrichment Media? • What are the five I’s.