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Who am I ?. M.Sc. (Siv.Ing.) in Telematics from NTNUBeen interested in InfoSec for over 10 yearsLast 7 years been working for NorCERTFull member of The Honeynet Project. 45 min Agenda. Briefly about the projectWalk-through of a series of helpful toolsQ
1. ISF Hřstkonferansen1. September, 2010 Tor Inge Skaar
2. Who am I ? M.Sc. (Siv.Ing.) in Telematics from NTNU
Been interested in InfoSec for over 10 years
Last 7 years been working for NorCERT
Full member of The Honeynet Project
3. 45 min Agenda Briefly about the project
Walk-through of a series of helpful tools
4. The Honeynet Project
5. Organization
6. Chapters around the world
7. A bunch of geeks...
8. More about the project
9. What's the threat? IKT trussel- og sĺrbarhetsbilde by NorSIS & NorCERT ...yesterday.
The Stuxnet Case by Norman ...up next!
Trusler & Trender by TSOC at 12:15
10. Tools Nepenthes
11. Non-THP tools Kippo
12. User vs. Developer
13. Honeywall - Roo Bootable CD-ROM
All-in-one; Data capture, data control og data management
GenII and GenIII honeynets
Walleye Web-interface (but also CLI)
Distributed as Honeystick as well
A bit old... :(
14. Sebek Capture attackers activities on a honeypot
Keystrokes, passwords and file uploads
Client-Server model
Covertly data transfer over UDP
Bogus or non-existent dst-IP
KYE paper: http://old.honeynet.org/papers/sebek.pdf
15. Low interaction honeypot
Shellcode detection based on pattern recognition
Modularized (Vulns, Shellcode, Fetch, Submission, Log)
Large deployment base (companies, academia, gov, even CERTs)
No support for new or unknown vulnerabilities
Emulation of vulnerabilities instead of protocols
Lots of issues with SMB and 445/tcp in general
Difficult to keep up with new vulns and exploits
No detection of new and unknown shellcode
C++ is both its strength and weakness
16. Low interaction honeypot
Dynamic handling of incoming connection requests (no point in listening on all 65k+ ports)
No vulnerability modules
Focus on the attack vector, not the malware itself.
Poor-man's honeypot
17. Small library written in C
Generic shellcode detection
Emulation of x86 CPU instructions
The library can also execute the shellcode and also profile its behavior
Designed to be a central part of the core of new IDS/IPS and honeypots
18. Dionaea Still a low interaction honeypot
No more C++, and in with C and glib
Integrated with Python (via Cython) and a series of other std libraries; libev, liblcfg, libemu, libcurl, libpcap, +++
Emulate e.g. the SMB protocol and cmd.exe
Shellcode detection > Profiling > Actions
Handles multistage shellcodes
Mirror-mode :)
Log to sqlite
Complete vm-images are available for download
19. Dionaea - Top attackers
20. Nebula Automatic IDS signature generator
Snort syntax
Receives attacks from Honeytrap and Argos
21. alert tcp any any -> $HOME_NET 8800 (msg: "nebula rule 2000001 rev. 1"; content: "GET / HTTP/1.0|0d 0a|User-Agent\: DFXPDFXPAAA|eb 03|Y|eb 05 e8 f8 ff ff ff|II"; offset: 0; depth: 51; content: "A0A"; distance: 23; within: 91; content: "XP8"; distance: 1; within: 21; content: "Oy"; distance: 18; within: 525; content: "|0d 0a|Authorization\: Basic 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|0d 0a 0d 0a|"; distance: 58; within: 1845; sid: 2000001; rev: 1;)
22. Honeysnap Analysis tool (CLI)
Packet and connection overview
Flow extraction of ASCII based communications
Protocol decode; DNS, FTP, HTTP, IRC, Socks, Sebek
Binary file transfer extraction
Flow summary of inbound and outbound connections
Keystroke extraction of v2 and v3 Sebek data
23. Capture-HPC High interaction client honeypot
It's mission is to discover servers serving out malware
Runs in a virtual environment
Look for changes in state; file system, registry, processes etc..
Uses VMware VIX libraries
24. Web Application Honeypot
Low interaction
Attack handler (not template-based)
Focus on RFI, LFI and SQL-injection
Handles multi-stage attacks
Data are stored in a MySQL database
Functional web-interface
KYT-paper coming soon this autumn
25. HoneyMole Secure Ethernet over TCP/IP
Easy deploy and mgmt of honeypot farms
Written in C, using libpcap and libnet
Using openssl for authentication and encryption
26. CC2ASN IPv4, IPv6 and AS-numbers for every country
Data fetched from the 5 RIRs; ARIN, RIPE NCC, APNIC, LACNIC and AfriNIC
Updated every day
ISO-3166-1 alpha-2 country codes as input
Service available on both 80/tcp (http) and over 43/tcp (whois)
27. CC2ASN $ whois -h atari.honeynor.no om
$ whois -h atari.honeynor.no ipv4 om
$ whois -h atari.honeynor.no ipv6 om
28. CC2ASN Whois limitation ? Netcat :)
Enhanced Database (port 44/tcp) more info at: http://www.honeynor.no/tools/cc2asn
29. SSHpot Modified version of OpenSSH v. 4.1.p1
Stores every login attempt
Honeypots deployed at 6 different ISPs in Norway for over a year
Ca. 5.5 million bruteforce attacks
30. SSH usernames
31. SSH passwords
32. Bruteforce
33. Kippo Low interaction SSH honeypot
Written in Python and uses Twisted framework for emulation of sshd
Designed to capture bruteforce attacks
But also the user interaction! :)
34. Kippo Fake file system with files and directories (basic FHS)
Fake commands (static and dynamic)
Session logs stored in UML format for easy replay
Stores files downloaded with wget
Outgoing SSH connections are intercepted and simulated
Fake termination of the SSH connection :)
Simple randomization of a Kippo installation
35. Suricata Open source IDS
Open Information Security Foundation (OISF)
Multi-threaded, native IPv6, Snort syntax, Unified2 output, Statistical anomaly detection, File extraction, High-speed Regex, IP reputation, Hardware and GPU Acceleration
36. Daemonlogger Packet logger
Software Tap
Written by Marty Roesch (Mr. Snort)
libpcap and libdnet
High speed ring-buffer (-r)
Several rollover functions; -s <bytes>, -M <pct>, -t <time>
http://www.snort.org/users/roesch/Site/ Daemonlogger/Daemonlogger.html
37. SURFids Distributed IDS
Developed and maintained by SURFnet (Dutch NREN)
Sensors are booted of a USB stick
OpenVPN between sensors and server
Tunnels all traffic to a central point
Minimal maintenance
Nepenthes, Glastopf, Argos, Dionaea, Amun, GeoIP, ++
L2 detection; ARP poisoning, rouge DHCP
Updated frequently
http://ids.surfnet.nl Argos - An emulator for capturing zero-day attacks
Amun HoneypotArgos - An emulator for capturing zero-day attacks
Amun Honeypot
38. Forensics Challenges Do your own analysis, and share your findings
Yes, there are prizes!
PCAP attack trace, Browsers under attack, Banking troubles, VoIP analysis ...
Next challenge (log analysis) today!!
Old SotM challenges
39. Summary There are many threats on the Internet
There are many tools available to assist you in your defence
...hope this presentation has given you some pointers in the right direction :)