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Explore the evolving landscape of tech in student financial aid. Predictions on internet growth, outsourcing, and customized experiences. Insights on educational attainment and IT investment in higher education.
U.S. Department of Education ·Student Financial Assistance ·Greg Woods, COO NASFAA2000 Greg Woods,Chief Operating OfficerStudent Financial AssistanceU.S. Department of Education
U.S. Department of Education ·Student Financial Assistance ·Greg Woods, COO Prediction 1: Technology will be everywhere, used by everyone, all of the time. NASFAA2000
U.S. Department of Education ·Student Financial Assistance ·Greg Woods, COO 2000 1x 10x 2001 Megabit 2003-4 T H E W E B NASFAA2000
U.S. Department of Education ·Student Financial Assistance ·Greg Woods, COO InternetAccess Fees NASFAA2000 Login/Logoff 15%Drop $$$/ hour Always On 1999 2000 2003
U.S. Department of Education ·Student Financial Assistance ·Greg Woods, COO 1999 Growth in Internet Users(Growth in Visitors to Websites) NASFAA2000 18% 16% 14% 12% 10% 8% 6% 4% 18.4% 6.8% 6.2% 17.9% 1999 Internet Report by Media Matrix
40% 75% U.S. Department of Education ·Student Financial Assistance ·Greg Woods, COO 1999 2005 $200B in Pure Web Sales $600B of Brick & Mortar Retail Sales RESEARCHED ON THE WEB Internet Influence on Retail Shopping NASFAA2000 Internet DID NOTInfluence Purchase Internet InfluencedPurchase Retail Sales - 2005
U.S. Department of Education ·Student Financial Assistance ·Greg Woods, COO % Web, Brick and Mortar, and Hybrid Businesses NASFAA2000 1999 PricewaterhouseCoopers World Economic Forum
U.S. Department of Education ·Student Financial Assistance ·Greg Woods, COO 1996150M 1999600M 20011B + Worldwide E-mail Usage NASFAA2000 = 50 million mailboxes
U.S. Department of Education ·Student Financial Assistance ·Greg Woods, COO Prediction 2: More of your budget will be spent on technology, but you won’t have to learn as much about it. NASFAA2000 $ Outsourcing!
U.S. Department of Education ·Student Financial Assistance ·Greg Woods, COO Web Enabled Outsourcing - ASPs NASFAA2000 What factors have or will lead your company to outsource? ASPStreet.com
U.S. Department of Education ·Student Financial Assistance ·Greg Woods, COO Selective Outsourcing Trends NASFAA2000 0% 25% 50% 75% 20% 45% Data Center 15% 45% Network Services 50% 20% App. Maintenance 60% 35% New Apps Dev. 25% 55% Distributed Svcs 30% 15% IT Planning YE98 YE03 The Gartner Group
U.S. Department of Education ·Student Financial Assistance ·Greg Woods, COO NASFAA2000
U.S. Department of Education ·Student Financial Assistance ·Greg Woods, COO Today StudentSFA UniversityWashington, DC An individual,customizedexperience. Everyonedifferent, everyonespecial. Automation and the Customer: Customization over Mass Production NASFAA2000 Before 0101010100 0101011011 1110101000
U.S. Department of Education ·Student Financial Assistance ·Greg Woods, COO Prediction 3: School will be booming --and so will the need for aid. NASFAA2000
U.S. Department of Education ·Student Financial Assistance ·Greg Woods, COO Income by Educational Attainment NASFAA2000 (thousands) www.postsecondary.org
U.S. Department of Education ·Student Financial Assistance ·Greg Woods, COO NASFAA2000 The World of Higher Education- 2005 - What do omnipresent technology, increased investment in IT, and increasing enrollments mean to you and me?