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I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful. Psalm 139: 14a. How It All Begins. Ages are given in gestational age (up to 2 weeks before fertilization age).
I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful. Psalm 139: 14a
How It All Begins Ages are given in gestational age (up to 2 weeks before fertilization age)
At 3-4 weeks, gestational age, the embryo has the beginning of eyes, spinal cord, nervous system, thyroid glands, lungs, stomach, liver, kidney and intestines. The heart begins to beat around the 21st day. Size is 1/8” long.
At 4 weeks gestational • age, the heart has to be powerful enough to get the blood around the entire embryo. (red bulge is heart)
Week 5 (Gestational) The heart is the size of a poppy seed and the heartbeat begins… lungs are forming, brain, arm and leg buds appear. Lenses of the eyes appear, nostrils are formed, intestines and pancreas grow. WOW!
Week 7 Elbows form, fingers start to develop, feet appear with notches for toes, little mouth with lips, early tongue, buds for 20 milk teeth. Embryo is 1/3” but intricate in detail!
Gestational Age: At week 8 – the embryo (Greek = to swell) becomes a fetus (Latin = little one, young)
Week 9 The little one is flexing and bending and can curve fingers around an object (other fingers, toes, ears, nose) ¾” long and weighs almost 1/8th of an ounce
Week 10 A critical part of the baby’s development is complete Placenta begins to function this week
Nearly all structures and organs are formed and beginning to function. Approx. 1.22” in length
Week 11 Fingers and toes have separated – the hair and nails begin to grow Genitals begin to take on gender characteristics. Baby is approx. 2” long and can yawn and suck. Kidneys begin to produce urine.
Week 12 Vocal chords begin to form – Ears shift to normal place on side of head, Liver begins to function. Baby is approx. 2.13” in length and weighs around 0.49 ounces.
Week 13 The baby is around 2.9” and weighs around 0.81 ounce (about the same weight as 4 quarters). If you could peek in, you may spot your baby as he begins to practice inhaling and exhaling movements. The eyes and ears continue to move and develop, the baby's neck is getting longer, and the chin no longer is resting on his chest. At this point all nourishment is received from the placenta.
Week 14 The baby can urinate and swallow – sucking movements are evident. Lanugo (very fine hair) covers the body and will until 26 weeks (protects baby’s skin while in water) Baby is 3-1/2” long.
Week 15 Hearing capacity is developing. Fingernails and toenails are growing, eyebrows are growing and hair on the head is beginning to grow. Baby is approx. 4” long and 2.47 ounces.
Week 16 You could possibly determine whether it’s a boy or girl at this point by ultrasound.
Week 17 The baby is near 5.12” and weighs around 4.97 oz. The baby holds his/her head more erect and the body and limbs are longer in proportion to her head. Pads are forming on his tiny fingertips and toes.
Week 18 Tiny air sacs called alveoli begin to form in lungs. Vocal chords are formed and features of your baby's heart, including ventricles and chambers, should be visible during an ultrasound. The baby measures about 5.59 inches and weighs about 6.7 ounces.
Week 19 • Scalp hair becomes apparent. Permanent teeth buds will begin to form. If baby is female the uterus starts to develop. If you’re having a girl, the vagina, uterus and fallopian tubes are in place. If the baby is a boy, the genitals are distinct and recognizable.
Week 22 The baby weighs close to a pound at this point and is 11” long! Week 24 Your baby can now hear your conversations more clearly than before! When you talk, read, or sing, expect her to hear you. Week 26 Eyelids and eyebrows are fully formed. Look at the detail!
Week 23 The nerve cells for taste, smell, hearing, seeing, and touch are now developing in specialized areas of the brain. Sounds outside the womb can be heard.
Week 23 Bones in middle ear harden, eyes are formed. If born now, the baby has a 15% chance of survival.
Week 24 Baby is considered officially viable.
Week 25 Structures of the spine are formed. Blood vessels of the lungs develop. The baby's nostrils begin to open, swallowing reflexes are developing.
Week 26 Baby’s eyes are opening and blinking and can distinguish between light and dark. Baby weighs approx. 2 lbs. and is almost 14” in length.
Week 28-29 The baby can produce tears. The baby is now about 15” long and weighs 2-1/2 pounds. With the support of intensive care, a baby born at this stage is capable of breathing air.
Week 32 All 5 senses are engaged now. Toe and fingernails are completely formed.
Week 33 The baby’s head size has increased 3/8ths of an inch due to rapid brain growth. The baby’s brain is developing skills needed to thrive as a newborn. This week, he may be able to coordinate sucking and swallowing with breathing.
Week 35 • The baby weighs around 5-1/2 lbs. Most babies born now will survive and without many long term problems. Hearing is fully developed.
Week 36 The baby has a fully developed pair of kidneys an the liver has begun processing some waste products. The average size is now 18.66” and 5.78 lbs. Between now and birth the baby will gain about an ounce a day.
Week 38 The baby is officially full term. The baby will turn it’s head toward light outside of the uterus.
Week 39 His lungs are maturing and surfactant production is increasing and fully prepared to take on the outside world! There isn’t much room for the baby to move.
Week 40 D – DAY Delivery Day! God is so good!