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Just the Facts, Please. Faculty Retreat 2011. We are God’s People. and we must hear the “call” as “the chosen ones” Psalm 95: 6-7 Deuteronomy 7:6 Psalm 100:3 Zechariah 12:5 1 Peter 2:9. We are God’s People. Psalm 95:6-7 (ESV)
Just the Facts, Please Faculty Retreat 2011
We are God’s People • and we must hear the “call” as “the chosen ones” • Psalm 95: 6-7 • Deuteronomy 7:6 • Psalm 100:3 • Zechariah 12:5 • 1 Peter 2:9
We are God’s People • Psalm 95:6-7 (ESV) • Oh come, let us worship and bow down; let us kneel before the LORD, our Maker!For he is our God, and we are the people of his pasture, and the sheep of his hand.
We are God’s People • 1 Peter 2:9 (ESV) • But you are a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people for his own possession, that you may proclaim the excellencies of him who called you out of darkness into his marvelous light.
Higher education has changed profoundly over the last 30 years due to a variety of factors • The latest rhetoric calls upon us to change “the DNA of Higher Education from the Inside Out” • “The landscape of higher education will soon witness dramatic change as technology coupled with new business models provides customized education to more people at lower cost. For unprepared institutions, the winds of change may be disruptive” (see Christensen and Eyring’s, The Innovative University).
Essential Questions • Who are we at CSP? • Who do we want to be at CU?
A number of ways to look at this – who are we? • Our public documents/descriptions/PR stuff • Our Synod and our Governing Board • Our Presidents • Our Initiatives, Actions, and Progress • Our Student Profiles and Comparisons • Our Faculty Profile • Our Financial Benchmarks • Our Facilities
Mission • The mission of Concordia University, Saint Paul, a university of the Lutheran Church – Missouri Synod, is to prepare students for 1. thoughtful and informed living, 2. for dedicated service to God and humanity, and 3. for enlightened care of God’s creation, 4. all within the context of the Christian Gospel.
Vision The vision of Concordia University is to be: an exemplary Christian university an educational community where the Good News of the Christian faith provides the context for intellectual inquiry and committed service to society
In all its programs and practices, Concordia University values: • High academic quality • A dynamic Christian spiritual experience with a clear expression of Christian vocation • Access to opportunity for excellence
… values • A diverse, student-centered community that lives in the spirit of Christian harmony. • An education that includes experiential learning through innovative partnerships and engagement with the community. • Exploration of the relationship of human learning to the Christian faith.
A comprehensive Lutheran Christian university • that is different place than a traditional Liberal Arts college • rather a professional university grounded in the liberal arts and with significant graduate programs
A comprehensive Lutheran Christian university • Carnegie Foundation classification • Private, not-for-profit • 4-year or above • Professions focus, some graduate coexistence • Master’s College and Universities (larger)
A comprehensive Lutheran Christian university • that is comprised of 4 colleges and 2 “schools” • CAS, CBOL, COE, CVM • School of Graduate Studies • School of Continuing Studies
A comprehensive Lutheran Christian university • that is “called” to ministry and service • and a faculty that is “called” to ministry and service to God and humanity
A comprehensive Lutheran Christian university • that has changed in its 118 years • from German “gymnasium” to church work institution to comprehensive and diverse Lutheran Christian university • that will likely continue to change
A comprehensive Lutheran Christian university • that offers coursework face to face, online, in a blended manner, and sometimes at remote locations throughout Minnesota • that has a global reach with online programs
A comprehensive Lutheran Christian university • that is a member of the Concordia University System (CUS) • that is a member of the Minnesota Private College Council (MPCC)
A comprehensive Lutheran Christian university • that has had 8 previous presidents • Buenger, Graebner, Poehler, Stoegemoeller, Hyatt, Harre, Johnson, Holst • that is now privileged to have President Tom Ries
A comprehensive Lutheran Christian university • that is fully accredited by the Higher Learning Commission and is a member of the North Central Association of Colleges and Schools (HLC and NCA) since 1967 and through 2018
A comprehensive Lutheran Christian university • that has “all” academic programs approved by the Minnesota Office of Higher Education (MHE)
A comprehensive Lutheran Christian university • with its BBA programs accredited by the Accreditation Council for Business Schools and Programs (ACBSP) since 2004 and through 2014 • with its FLE programs accredited by the National Council of Family Relations (NCFR) since 2000 and through 2014
A comprehensive Lutheran Christian university • with its teacher education programs (initial and advanced/graduate) approved by the MN Dept. of Educ. • and fully accredited by the National Council for Accreditation of Teacher Education (NCATE) since 1969 and through 2015
A comprehensive Lutheran Christian university • A comprehensive Lutheran Christian university that is struggling – but making progress – to discern its place in Christian higher education • whose “light is not dying” (Burtchaell) • who is maintaining “quality with soul” (Benne) • that is unique and important and situated
A comprehensive Lutheran Christian university • that has 4 distinct “pools” of students • traditional undergraduates • PSEO students (on campus and off campus) • degree completion undergraduates • graduate students
A comprehensive Lutheran Christian university • that has students existing somewhere on a “continuum” • “church work” students • students looking for a Lutheran or Christian higher education experience • students attending CSP for a solely “academic” reason
A comprehensive Lutheran Christian university • that is continually seeking to further develop its worshipping community and a vibrant spiritual life among faculty, staff, and students
A comprehensive Lutheran Christian university • that is working to fully address newer federal regulations related to higher education – e.g., • financial aid and calendars • student “engaged” or learning time • graduation rates • student indebtedness and “gainful employment” • “last date of attendance” records
A comprehensive Lutheran Christian university • that is right now, financially stable but still financially fragileand currently operates in a lean manner • model of students first, then faculty
A comprehensive Lutheran Christian university • that offers the following academic programs: • 53 undergraduate majors • some in both traditional UG program and in degree completion UG programs • 35 minors • 17 graduate programs
A comprehensive Lutheran Christian university • that has a diverse student body • that has a one-third of its trad. UG students in an athletic program – and they are quite successful (D II) • that has as an emphasis among its faculty on “the scholarship of teaching”
A comprehensive Lutheran Christian university • that offers church work programs – some unique – but looking for ways to grow enrollment and keep the curriculum focused on the needs of the Church • that is “re-energizing” its general education focus and curriculum • that is creating “a culture of assessment” related to student learning outcomes
A comprehensive Lutheran Christian university • that has a CVM faculty that is of the highest quality in the Concordia University System • that has a successful graduate program in Strat. Comm. Management - now all 4 colleges have graduate programs • that has fine arts programs that are “strong” and “on the verge”
A comprehensive Lutheran Christian university • that is in transition from a long-term Presidency to a new era • that has a new VP for Advancement • that has dedicated “on campus” spaces to art, music, science, theatre, and athletics
A comprehensive Lutheran Christian university • that is building and improving its facilities and infrastructure • that continues to have a teacher education program of “strength”
A comprehensive Lutheran Christian university • that has “well developed”, growing, and innovative business programs • that has seen wonderful growth in its business graduate programs (MBA, MBA/HCM, MLM, conversion process) • this has been no small accomplishment • foreign study options as well
A comprehensive Lutheran Christian university • that has a wonderful and gifted faculty that publishes, does research and presentations, and provides quality service in a variety of venues • that has a unique, innovative, and “well-run” School of Continuing Studies focused on graduating students
A comprehensive Lutheran Christian university • that is “answering the call” for new programs in the health sciences • that sponsors a “bioscience rsch institute” • that is developing a “cadaver” laboratory • that continues to have strong social and behavioral sciences programs (psychology) and has a burgeoning criminal justice program
A comprehensive Lutheran Christian university • that is looking for opportunities to develop mathematics as “a destination” program – applied and teaching; social emphasis • that is developing partnerships with community and technical colleges to assist students in earning an undergraduate degree
A comprehensive Lutheran Christian university • that is using a “center” concept for various endeavors – old and new • Hoffman Institute • Center for Hmong Studies • SEAT and the Hmong Culture and Language Program • Service learning, global studies, and leadership development (CALL)
A comprehensive Lutheran Christian university • that has a department of English and ML trying new ways to attract students (emphasis areas and publishing opps) • that is trying to take advantage of its prime location in the Twin Cities – History and Political Science
A comprehensive Lutheran Christian university • that is “outsourcing” functions where it makes sense to do so including recruitment of graduate and now online students not “working in the field” • that is moving forward with plans to “remove some barriers” related to student enrollment in online programs
A comprehensive Lutheran Christian university • that is at the forefront of educational technology (laptops, Blackboard, WebX) • that “authorizes” 9 charter schools and has a Child Care Center providing unique opportunities for teacher education students
A comprehensive Lutheran Christian university • that is developing graduate programs in new areas (Arts and Sciences, Business, and Education) • that is capitalizing on the “real” learning that comes through internships – continuing and new (e.g., history)
A comprehensive Lutheran Christian university • with a diverse student body Tr DC G T of color (%) 30 19 18 24 African American 12 8 8 10 Asian/Pac.Islander 11 7 5 8 Hispanic 2 2 2 2 Multiethnic 4 2 2 3
A comprehensive Lutheran Christian university • with a diverse student body Christian denomination LCMS (%) 27 trad. 18 tot. Other Luth. (%) 18 23 Other Prot. (%) 10 14 Roman Cath. (%) 14 16
A comprehensive Lutheran Christian university • that desires to have its students “Prepare to Succeed” • that has a “small campus and a big mission” • that has something called “the Concordia Advantage” • and does it all “in the context of the Christian Gospel”
A comprehensive Lutheran Christian university • that has a lower than desired retention rate (from freshman to sophomore year) • that has a lower than desired graduation rate (4-yr, 5-yr, 6-yr) in undergraduate programs – both traditional and cohort programs • that desires to fix both of these
A comprehensive Lutheran Christian university • that has a tuition/R&B structure that is low for MN and high for the CUS • that has students with too much debt • that has an endowment lower than we would like or than we need • that has an “unfunded discount rate” higher than we wish to have
A comprehensive Lutheran Christian university • that desires to “make continuous improvement” in all of these areas – as God blesses us • that prepares students for thoughtful and informed living…all in the context of the Christian Gospel