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Explore criminal law concepts, classification of crimes, criminal procedures, and more in this module. Understand legal English effectively. Strengthen your language skills and excel in examinations with guidance from the course book.
WELCOME TO THE COURSELEGAL ENGLISH III Modulethree– Branchesof English law The course book L. Sočanac, M. Matijašević, M. JavornikČubrić, S. Husinec, I. H. Bilić – ENGLISH FOR THE LEGAL PROFESSION, NN, Zagreb, 2017 (canbeboughtin Narodne Novine, Jurišićeva 1a, Trg žrtava fašizma 15, Ilica 73, Ul. Grada Vukovara 60)
Students’ obligations • Attendance (3 unexcused missed classes) • EXAMS: written + oral part • PRESENTATIONS optional for the students, who showspecialinterest • TUTORIALS – on Fridays, 11.30 – 12. 30, Gundulićeva 10, room 2A
OUR COOPERATION What isrecommendable: - contact your teacher per mail or in tutorials whenever you have a question (icajko@pravo.hr) - connect the content of other lectures with the units in the English course - read newspapers and listen to news reports - don’t learn by heart, think and speak - start working on your general language weaknesses today
OUR COOPERATION What isnot recommendable: - do not come to the class without your textbook, notebook or an electronic device to make notes!!! (vocabulary lists are „a entrance ticket” for the oral exam) - do not think that you high proficiency in general language is a guarantee to passing the exam in LLP - don’t ask your teacher to solve a problem you should have taken care ofindue time - don’t think that you can prepare for your English exams over a cup of coffee or a day before the exam term
Whatis are themaindifferencesbetween: Civil procedures / liability Criminalprocedures /liability ?
Definitionofcrime…. A crime is anyactor omission (ofanact) thatviolatesthelawand is punishablebythe state. Crimes are consideredinjurious to society or thecommunity. (Source: Brieger Nick: Professional English, Penguin, 2006.)
Purposesotcriminallaw, p. 128: to protect____________________, to regulate___________________, to provide ___________________.
Basicelementsof a crime(p. 128) A + B = a crime A is _______________ B is ________________
Explainthefollowingtwoconcepts (p. 128): „provingthedefendant’sguiltbeyondreasonabledoubt” presumptionofinnocence (pointofconviction)
CLASSIFICATION OF CRIMES ENGLISH LAW, p. 128 1. Analyse types andfeatures of criminaloffences. 2. Provide examples for eachtype. ..... Only ... Summary... Triable...
Provide a definition(p. 129): Adversarial system of law....
HRVATSKA ENCIKLOPEDIJAttp://www.enciklopedija.hr/natuknica.aspx?id=31045 Akuzatorni se postupak najprije javio u državama Grčke i Rima i temeljio se na ideji o kaznenom djelu kao privatnom deliktu. Poslije se afirmirao u Engleskoj, pa se proširio na gotovo sve države koje je Engleska kolonizirala (SAD, Australija, Novi Zeland, Indija, Pakistan i dr.) i u kojima suvremena inačica toga postupka postoji i danas. Akuzatorni postupak organiziran je kao spor ravnopravnih stranaka pred nepristranim sudom koji osigurava pravičnost postupka i jednakost stranaka. Glavna su mu procesna obilježja javnost, usmenost, neposrednost i kontradiktornost. Teret dokaza leži na tužitelju. U početku se kao ovlašteni tužitelj javlja oštećenik. Poslije se razvila doktrina prema kojoj je kazneno djelo povreda pravnoga poretka koji je dobro cijele zajednice, pa su zato na tužbu ovlašteni svi građani (tzv. popularna tužba). U suvremenim se postupcima kao tužitelj javlja i određeno državno tijelo (npr. policija, javni tužitelj). S političkog stajališta o tom se tipu postupka govori kao o demokratičnom i s dobrim položajem okrivljenika, iako iskustvo pokazuje da su i u tom tipu postupka prava građana katkad bila na ozbiljnoj kušnji.
CriminalproceedingsinEnglandand Wales, p. 129 Read the text and make notes: PART I - the role of CPS (CriminalProsecution Service) PART II - stepsofcriminalproceedingschronologically 1. 2. 3.
Sentencing (pp. 129 – 130) What are thepurposes(CriminalJusticeAct 2003)? Criteria for passing sentences? Typesofsentencesrelated to thecourtthatimposesthem…
Vocabularywork, p. 131 Do theexercises VII and VIII
Exemptionfromcriminalliabilty, p. 132 Studypossibledefencesthatcanbeused as evidence to disprovethemensreaofintentcrimes. → EXEMPTION FROM CRIMINAL LIABILITY - to exempt a crimnaldefendentfromcriminalliability Translatethe 7 possibledefencesinto Croatian
DiminishedResponsibility Provide thedefinitionof DR based on theHomicideAct 1957, page 135 Studythecase, pp. 135 - 136
CLASSIFICATION ofcriminaloffences ACCORDING TO THE TARGET OF OFFENCE a) Offences against the Stateandpublic peaceandorder b) Offences against the person c) Offences against the property
ACTORS and ROLES IN A “CRIME STORY” The criminal / accused – commits a guilty act Assistingoffenders– assistthemaincriminal Personsguiltyofincitementto a crime The prosecutor – secures conviction - proves that the accused is guiltyofa crime
Whichtypeof a crime is it? • An attempt to use illegal force on another person is _____ • The unlawful killing of a person without malicious intent and therefore without premeditation is ______ • Any instance in which one party deceives or takes unfair advantage of another is ______ • The unlawful taking of another’s property using a dangerous weapon is _______ • The crime of breaking into a private home with the intention of committing a felony is ________ • Taking the property of another without right or permission is ___________
Read the following parts from the Croatian Criminal Law and compare with the English system. - Part I Članak 8. • (1) Kazneni postupak za kaznena djela pokreće Državno odvjetništvo u interesu Republike Hrvatske i svih njezinih građana. • (2) Iznimno za određena kaznena djela može se zakonom propisati da se kazneni postupak pokreće privatnom tužbom ili da Državno odvjetništvo pokreće kazneni postupak povodom prijedloga. ZAKON O KAZNENOM POSTUPKU (Urednički pročišćeni tekst, "Narodne novine", broj 152/08, 76/09, 80/11, 91/12 – Odluka i Rješenje USRH, 143/12, 56/13, 145/13 i 152/14
Part II - Children and criminal liability Članak 10. Kazneno se zakonodavstvo ne primjenjuje prema djetetu koje u vrijeme kad je počinilo kazneno djelo nije navršilo četrnaest godina života. Članak 11. Prema mladim počiniteljima kaznenih djela (maloljetne osobe i mlađe punoljetne osobe) primjenjuje se ovaj Zakon osim ako posebnim zakonom za mlade počinitelje nije drukčije propisano.
Translate the following definition of a guilty act. KAZNENO DJELO • Članak 25. • (1) Kazneno djelo može se počiniti činjenjem ili nečinjenjem. • (2) Kazneno djelo je počinjeno nečinjenjem ako je počinitelj koji je pravno obvezan spriječiti nastupanje zakonom opisane posljedice kaznenog djela to propustio učiniti, a takvo je propuštanje po djelovanju i značenju jednako počinjenju tog djela činjenjem.