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1. Be-neath the cross of Je - sus I fain would take my stand,

1. Be-neath the cross of Je - sus I fain would take my stand,. The shad-ow of a might - y rock With - in a wea-ry land,. A home with-in the wil - der - ness, A rest up - on the way,.

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1. Be-neath the cross of Je - sus I fain would take my stand,

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Presentation Transcript

  1. 1. Be-neath the cross of Je-sus I fain would take my stand, The shad-ow of a might - y rock With-in a wea-ry land,

  2. A home with-in the wil-der-ness, A rest up - on the way, From the burning of the noontide heat and the burden of the day.

  3. 2. O safe and hap - py shel-ter, O ref - uge tried and sweet, O trysting place where heaven’s love and hea-ven’s justice meet!

  4. As to the ho - ly pa - tri - arch that wondrousdreamwasgiv’n. So seems my Savior’s cross to me, A ladder up to heav’n.

  5. 3. Up - on that cross of Je-sus mine eye at times can see The ver - y dy - ing form of One Who suf-fered there for me;

  6. And from my smit-ten heart with tears two won-ders I con-fess: The wonders of His glo-rious love, And my own worthlessness.

  7. 4. I take, O cross, thy shad-ow For my a - bid-ing place; I ask no oth - er sunshine than The sun-shine of His face;

  8. Con-tent to let the world go by, To know no gain nor loss, My sin-ful self my on - ly shame,My glo-ry all the cross!

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