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The Emergence of the Political Machine & Politics of the Gilded Age. Chapter 15 Sections 1 & 2. I Political Machines. Industrialization, rapid urbanization, & Social Darwinism opened door for the political machine, city boss, & graft to take hold
The Emergence of the Political Machine & Politics of the Gilded Age Chapter 15 Sections 1 & 2
I Political Machines • Industrialization, rapid urbanization, & Social Darwinism opened door for the political machine, city boss, & graft to take hold • Graft=illegal use of political influence for personal gain
A. The Political Machine • Political machine= organized group that controlled activities of a pol. Party in a city who offered services to voters & businessed in exchange for pol. and financial support
Precinct captainswardbosscity boss • In return for securing votes they get city jobs • Gained support of poor by doing favors & provided services
B. The Role of the political machines • City boss controlled city jobs, business licenses, influenced cts., provided gov’t support for businesses • some owed influence to solve prob. Of urbanization • Solving problems= ensure voters support
C. Immigrants & the Political Machine • Immigrants received services from political machines & in turn became loyal supporters • Many bosses were 1 or 2 gen. removed which allowed them to understand immigrant struggle & speak their language
II Municipal Graft and Scandal • Many political machines and bosses gave into greed & corruption as their power grew
A. Election Fraud & Graft • Bosses increase vote count by used dog names, children, & ppl who have died • Once candidate is elected, they could take advantage of opportunity for graft • Hire construction co. for projectbill higher than actual cost> extra $$ kicked back into the political machine • Kick backs=illegal payments • Kickbacks made machine & politicians wealthy • Police didn’t interfere because they were hired by bosses
B. The Tweed Ring Scandal • William tweed=head of Tammany hall & tweed ring • Tweed Ring= a group of corrupt politicians led by boss tweed • Tweed Ring constructs NY county Ct. Housecharge tax payers 11 mil when it really cost 3 mil • Eventually indicted and jailed