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Comprehensive Solutions for Data Analysis Challenges in Experimental Physics

This presentation explores the application of IDS and Bin-to-bin corrections in unfolding experimental data, with examples and conclusions on iterative methods and stability.

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Comprehensive Solutions for Data Analysis Challenges in Experimental Physics

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  1. Some Examples of IDS unfolding & Bin-to-bin corrections Bogdan MALAESCU CERN 02/12/2010

  2. Outlook • Example with experimental data: IDS & Bin-to-bin • More complex example: IDS & Bin-to-bin (with iterations) • Another example for (iterative) Bin-to-bin • Conclusions

  3. Application for Experimental Data: IDS & Bin-to-bin pp • Resolution + FSR • Unfolding performed in one step (UR1) (iteration effect (UR2) is negligible) mm • Mainly FSR • Unfolding performed in one step (UR1) (iteration effect (UR2) is negligible) Number of events • Resolution • Main correction on the f at 1st step (UR1) • Result obtained after one iteration (UR2) (iteration effect important for new structures at high mass) KK Unfolding (resolution+FSR) From kinematic fits MXX(GeV/c2)

  4. IDS method tested for a complex example Original reconstructed MC Corrected spectrum Original generated MC + New structures Data The method simultaneously treats all the problems described before

  5. Bin-to-bin method tested for a complex example: 1st step

  6. Bin-to-bin method tested for a complex example: 1 iteration

  7. Bin-to-bin method tested for a complex example: 2 iterations

  8. Bin-to-bin method tested for a complex example: 3 iterations

  9. Bin-to-bin method tested for a complex example: 4 iterations

  10. Bin-to-bin method tested for a complex example: 5 iterations  Problem (fluctuations)

  11. Bin-to-bin method tested for a simple example: fluctuations due to numerical instabilities (not new structures) 1st step 5 iterations

  12. Bin-to-bin method - another example: no bias 1st step 5 iterations

  13. Bin-to-bin method - another example: with bias 1st step 5 iterations

  14. Conclusion • IDS method treats in a stable way complex problems • The bin-to-bin method would also need iterations to treat problems with data/MC differences • Numerical instabilities produce large fluctuations when iterating the bin-to-bin method, without regularization

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