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Study about economically active persons over 50 years old in voivodeship podlaskie. Presentation of results. Research assumptions. Main target of research.
Studyabouteconomicallyactivepersonsover 50 years old invoivodeship podlaskie Presentation of results
Main target of research. Diagnosis of thesituationpersonsover 50 years old on thelabour market and efficiencyanalisys of supports (institutions and organizations) granted for personsover 50 years old invoivodeship podlaskie .
Researchmethodology. • DeskResearch • Individual In-Depth Interview • voivodeshipWork Office (N=1) • Information and PlanningCareer Center(N=1) • Employers (N=18) • IndividualTelephone Interview • Designers (N=4) • Semi-Structured Interview • Powiat Work Office(N=4) • Computer AssistedTelephone Interview • Residents of voivodeship Podlaskie(N = 1001) • Biographicalnarrative interview • Personsover 50 years old(N=8)
Theshare of persons 50+ in countrywide inyears 2002-2010 ( in %) Negative trend of the decreasing fertility rate in Poland is accompanied by increase in the proportion of people aged 50 + in the population and the so-called aging population process.
Theshare of persons 50+ invoivodeship podlaskie inyears 2002-2010 (in %) Similar to the whole country, labor resources are changing in podlaskie voivodeship as well. There is an increasing number of people beyond retirement age and decrease of people in both pre-working and working age.
ECONOMICALLY ACTIVE AND INACTIVE Economically active and inactive in fourth quarter 2010 in voivodeship podlaskim (in thousands ) Among economically inactive persons over 50 years old in voivodeship podlaskim the largest group in terms of size are persons over 55 years old
ECONOMICALLY ACTIVE AND INACTIVE Number of unemployed persons over 50 years old in terms of sex in years 2005-2010 in voivodeship podlaskim (at the end of 2010) From year 2005 maintains advantage unemployment of men over unemployment of women over 50 years old in voivodeship podlaskie
ECONOMICALLY ACTIVE AND INACTIVE Economically active and inactive in fourth quarter 2010 in Poland (in thousands) Both Poland and voivodeship podlaskie group persons over 50 years old is least the second large group of workers
ECONOMICALLY ACTIVE AND INACTIVE Economically active and inactive in fourth quarter 2010 in UE 27 (in thousands) * PL (Poland) Group of working persons 50-64 years old is more numerous than group of working persons over 15-24 years old, both in the EU 27 and in the Poland
ECONOMICALLY ACTIVE AND INACTIVE Economically active and inactive in fourth quarter 2010 in UE 15 (in thousands) Structure of economically active and inactive persons in the UE 15 is analogous to the UE 27
ECONOMICALLY ACTIVE AND INACTIVE Activity rate in fourth quarter 2010 in voivodeship podlaskie, Poland, UE (in %) Economically activity rate in fourth quarter of 2010 year for all population in voivodeship podlaskie was 54,6%. Which means that co oznacza, że 100 persons over 15 years old and more accounted for nearly economically active persons over 55 years old
EMPLOYMENT Structure of employed by age in fourth quarter 2010 in voivodeship podlaskie, Poland i UE (in %) Structure of working people in term of age differs most in the group persons 45-54 years old between voivodeship podlaskie and Poland
EMPLOYMENT Employment rate in fourth quarter 2010 in voivodeship podlaskie, Poland i UE (in %) Despite positive results scale of unemployment and employment growth in Poland among persons over 50 years old is significantly lower from medium of the EU
UNEMPLOYMENT Structure of unemployed by age in fourth quarter 2010 in voivodeship podlaskie, Poland i UE (in %) In structure of unemployment persons over 55 years old is more in voivodeship podlaskie than in the Poland
UNEMPLOYMENT Unemployment rate in fourth quarter 2010 in voivodeship podlaskie, Poland i UE (in %) Unemployment rate in group persons over 55 years old is higher in voivodeship podlaskie than in the Poland but lower in group 45-54 years old
ECONOMICALLY INACTIVE Structure of economically inactive in fourth quarter 2010 in voivodeship podlaskie, Poland i UE (in %) Structure of economically inactive persons over 55 years old in voivodeship podlaskie is very similar to nationwide
Existingcapabilities of supporteducation and employmentpersonsover 50 years old invoivodeship Podlaskie. • Powiat Work Offices from voivodeship Podlaskie have used existing capabilities in range of support education and employment unemplyed persons over 50 years old working with educational institutions in range of education, trainings and professional activation. Respondents drew attention, that is missing institutions which offers support directed to persons over 50 years old (SSI) • Can be take more initiatives if the market would be more expanded in range of this group (SSI) • Provided support by educational institutions have good quality. So its scale is still insufficient to needs (SSI)
Diagnosis of thesituationunemployedpersonsover 50 years old invoivodeship Podlaskie. Scale of phenomenon unemployment persons over 50 years old Unemployed people representing the age category 'over 50' pose about one fifth of all unemployed both in Podlaskie voivodeship as well as countrywide.
Diagnosis of thesituationunemployedpersonsover 50 years old invoivodeship Podlaskie. Structure of unemployed persons over 50 years old becouse on sex In the gender structure of the general population of unemployed in the podlaskie voivodeship women have a dominant position, this trend is not however reflected in the age group of 50+. Here, the dominant group is men.
Diagnosis of thesituationunemployedpersonsover 50 years old invoivodeship Podlaskie. Structure of education unemployed persons over 50 years old Both structure of unemployment of men and straucture of unemployment of women is the largest numbers of people with lover secondary education level
Diagnosis of thesituationunemployedpersonsover 50 years old invoivodeship Podlaskie. Unemployed persons over 50 years old by time spent without job Amog persons over 50 years old the largest category are unemployed persons over 24 month
Diagnosis of thesituationunemployedpersonsover 50 years old invoivodeship Podlaskie. Unemployed persons over 50 years old by work seniority Among the unemployed persons over 50 years old the largest category are persons with work seniority over 21-30 years
Diagnosis of thesituationunemployedpersonsover 50 years old invoivodeship Podlaskie. Unemployed persons over 50 years old by residence Compared with structure of total number of unemployed persons, less unemployed persons over 50 years old people are village residents
Analisys of thesituation on economicinactivityamongpersonsover 50 years old invoivodeship Podlaskie. • 2% of persons over 50 years old consider themselves as a economic inactive in voivodeship Podlaskie (CATI) • View respondents from research SSI persons over 50 years old consider themselves as an old persons. So justifies desire transition for their pension. • In case 74% of respondents form group over 50 years old the time spent without job is over 3 years (CATI). • Obtained result indicates that significant differences between reality rzeczywistą a and registered time’s lenght spent without job by persons ober 50 years old in voivodeship Podlaskie
Analisys of thesituation on economicinactivityamongpersonsover 50 years old invoivodeship Podlaskie. • Comparable percentage of persons over 50 years old in voivodeship Podlaskie 50+ is still without job through 13-24 months (10%), 6-12 months i 6-12 months (at 8%) (CATI) • Next receives pensions (32%) or retirement (32%) the most frequently causes of being without job among group persons over 50 years old in voivodeship Podlaskie are: lack of job offers (21%) and personal situation (17%) (CATI) • A common excuse for economic inactivity is apprehension from stress related with job searching(SSI) • Employers think poorly about long-term unemployed and economic inactivited as a potential employees (IDI employers)
Analisys of thesituation on economicinactivityamongpersonsover 50 years old invoivodeship Podlaskie. • Employers think that persons over 50 yeras old are characterized by specific features which determine choice a economi inactivityZdaniem pracodawców specyficzne cechy grupy 50+ powodują, że jako najkorzystniejsze wyjście bezrobotne 50+ wybierają bierność (IDI employers) • Employers are careful on employment of persons over 50 years old. This is the result of attitudes persons over 50 years old (IDI employers) • 83,5% of persons over 50 years old in voivodeship Podlaskie haven’t looking for a job (CATI)
Analisys of theexperiencesamongpersonsover 50 years old invoivodeship Podlaskie (jobsabroad and grey market). • 42% declared experience amouting over 30 years (CATI) • Experience among persons over 50 years old should judged moderately. Employers fear that this experience is obsolete (IDI employers) • 23% of persons over 50 years old in voivodeship Podlaskie got experience in abroad’s job. But often this experience is obsolete (CATI)
Analisys of theexperiencesamongpersonsover 50 years old invoivodeship Podlaskie (jobsabroad and grey market). • Grey’s market job declared just 0,5 % of persons over 50 years old (CATI) • The hardest situation concerns persons over 50 years old which got a small experience (SSI) • Many respondents declared that job performed before the period of Transformation gave them much freedom (biographical interviews) • According to officials from Powiat Work Offices the black economy’s experience is shared at least of 50% persons over 50 years old (SSI)
Needs and expectationspersonsover 50 years old invoivodeship Podlaskie ineducation and life-long learning. • 70% of respondents declared unwillingness to further education (CATI) • To continue a further education have thinking most of all persons which finished education at secondary school certificate (CATI)
Needs and expectationspersonsover 50 years old invoivodeship Podlaskie ineducation and life-long learning. Lowest level interest among persons over 50 years old in voivodeship podlaskie show to applying for work courses
Assessment of thepossibility for finding a jobatlocal market by personsover 50 years old invoivodeship Podlaskie. • Employees over 50 years old benefits by employers which employ persons over 50 years old: • Discipline; • Availability; • Experience; • Patience • Attachment to the labor; • Responsibility; • Ability to plan work.
Assessment of thepossibility for finding a jobatlocal market by personsover 50 years old invoivodeship Podlaskie. • Employees over 50 years old defects by employers which employ persons over 50 years old: • Diseases; • Fatigue life; • Alcoholism; • Babysitting grandchildren Zdezaktualizowania wiedza; • Lack of mobility; • Slow learning; • Routine.
Assessment of thepossibility for finding a jobatlocal market by personsover 50 years old invoivodeship Podlaskie. • 60% of respondent assesses very low possibility of finding work on local market (CATI) • Particularly badly rated opportunities for persons without experience and long-term unemployed (IDI employers) • Biggest competitors for persons over 50 years old on local market are young people after graduation (IDI employers) • More than 50% of persons over 50 years old considers that employers discriminate perosns over 50 years old (CATI) • Employers defends itself against employment persons over 50 years old if this person long time not worked (SSI)
Assessment of thepossibility for finding a jobatlocal market by personsover 50 years old invoivodeship Podlaskie. • Most of employers which employment person over 50 years old stated that itself does not discriminate person over 50 years old (IDI employers) • Discrimination can be prevented if offered more trainings for person over 50 years old (IDI employers) • Incentive would be to grant job poitions for persons over 50 years old and social campaigns (IDI employers)
Ways to jobsearch by unemployedpersonsover 50 years old invoivodeship Podlaskie. • Persons which actively seeking job most frequently used by Internet (28%), from friends (20%), from Work Office (18%) and press (15%) (CATI) • Greatest difficulties in finding work makes job offers search and contacting the employer (by means of Internet, E-mail), preparation of application documents and self-presentation (IDI) • During interviews involving persons over 50 years old often reveals a lack of faith in himself (IDI employers)
Personsover 50 years old towardoffertraining and employmentinvoivodeship Podlaskie. • 33% of respondents identified their willingness to work associated with commuting at very high level. 35% of respondenta at rather high level (CATI) • View Work Office representatives and employers persons over 50 yeras old are attached to the place of residence and its very difficult for them to decide to move(SSI, IDI) • For many persons over 50 years old never before to work didn’t require removal (biographical interviews). • Persons over 50 years old have good organization and are favorable to accesses ro work (SSI)
Personsover 50 years old towardoffertraining and employmentinvoivodeship Podlaskie. • Persons over 50 years old are ready to pick up job binding of a journey within 30 kilometers (IDI employers) • Persons over 50 years old are inflexible in terms of commuting (IDI employers) • Unemployed persons over 50 years old are poorly motivated to work. They prefere to be customers of social welfare (ITI) • Only 10% of persons over 50 years old declare declares a very high willingness to work abroad (CATI). • Among the general persons over 50 years old require individual attention long-term unemployed (SSI, ITI, Desk research).
Assessment of the quality of support and benefitsarisingfromit for personsover 50 years old. • 21,5% of respondents says labour market institutions aware of the needs and expectations persons over 50 years old (CATI) • 21,5% of respondents says labour market institutions apply special measures for persons over 50 years old (CATI) • 62% of respondent says labour market institutions do not use all possibilities to assist persons over 50 years old (CATI) • Persons over 50 years old Osoby 50+ eager to use individual counseling, and well they assessed(IDI)
Assessment of the quality of support and benefitsarisingfromit for personsover 50 years old. • Persons which who participated in projects for persons over 50 years old says uznały, że addressed to them was to support a very high quality (30%) i high quality (35%) (CATI) • Persons over 50 years old appreciate specific skills (ITI) • Obtaining permissions and certificates improves self-esteem persons over 50 years old (ITI) • The factor that determines if person over 50 years old participating in the training are employed afteris to allow her contact with the employer during training (ITI). • Participation in projects primarily brings to participants and to increase the acquisition of new skills already possessed (40%) and the acquisition of new skills (36%) (CATI)
I. In view of the projected increase in the share personsover 50 years old invoivodeship Podlaskie recommends the continuation and intensification of previously conducted for the benefit of future activities for personsover 50 years old. II. Shouldcontinues to support employers in hiring and in maintaining the positions occupied bypersonsover 50 years old. III. Existingcapabilities of support, education and employment personsover 50 years old are too small in relation to the scale of needs. IV. There is low awareness of the benefits to work by persons over 50 years old invoivodeship Podlaskie. It is therefore carried out a public campaign.
V. Pressureshould be placed on the support of women's over 50 years old. VI. There is a need for more training of a practical nature for personsover 50 years old. VIII. It should put more pressure on the need to change attitudes amongpersonsover 50 years old.