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Longest Increasing Subsequences in Windows Based on Canonical Antichain Partition. Erdong Chen (Joint work with Linji Yang & Hao Yuan) Shanghai Jiao Tong Univ. Outline. Problem Definition Canonical Antichain Partition Sweep Algorithm Complexity Analysis Conclusion.
Longest Increasing Subsequences in WindowsBased on Canonical Antichain Partition Erdong Chen (Joint work with Linji Yang & Hao Yuan) Shanghai Jiao Tong Univ.
Outline • Problem Definition • Canonical Antichain Partition • Sweep Algorithm • Complexity Analysis • Conclusion
Longest Increasing Subsequence (LIS) Input sequence: All Longest Increasing Subsequences:
LIS in a Window Sequence a Window The length of LIS within the window is 2
6 6 9 9 9 8 8 2 2 3 3 5 5 3 3 5 5 1 4 6 9 8 2 2 3 3 5 5 1 4 7 7 Longest Increasing Sequence in A Set of Variable-size Windows (LISSET) Length of LIS = 2 + Length of LIS = 3 + Length of LIS = 2 + Length of LIS = 4 = OUTPUT = 11
6 9 2 3 5 3 5 2 3 5 7 Longest Increasing Sequence in A Set of Variable-size Windows (LISSET) Length of LIS = 2 + Length of LIS = 3 + Length of LIS = 2 + Length of LIS = 4 = OUTPUT = 11
Related Works • Knuth proposed an O(n log n) algorithm for LIS problem • Fredman proved an Ω(n log n) lower bound under the decision tree model • An O(n log log n) algorithm is possible by using van Emde Boas tree on a permutation.
Related Works (Cont.) • Longest Increasing Subsequences in Sliding Windows (LISW problem) (by Michael H. Albert et al), Time Complexity O(OUTPUT + n log log n) • We called it Longest Increasing Subsequences in Fixed-size windows
OUTPUT = 14 = 6 Length of LIS = 1 + 6 9 Length of LIS = 2 9 2 6 8 2 3 8 9 8 3 2 5 + 6 9 Length of LIS = 2 + 9 Length of LIS = 1 + 2 3 Length of LIS = 2 + 2 3 5 Length of LIS = 3 + n+w-1 = 8 windows 3 5 Length of LIS = 2 + Length of LIS = 1 5 LISW Problem n = 6 w = 3
Our Contribution • A algorithm for the generalized problem LISSET • To solve the sub case LISW problem, our algorithm runs in O(OUTPUT) time. The best result among previous attempts on LISW is O(OUTPUT + n log log n)
p2(2,9) p3(3,8) p9(9,7) p1(1,6) p6(6,5) p8(8,4) p5(5,3) p4(4,2) p7(7,1) Canonical Antichain Partition The sequence: 6, 9, 8, 2, 3, 5, 1, 4, 7
p2(2,9) p3(3,8) p9(9,7) p1(1,6) p6(6,5) p8(8,4) p5(5,3) p4(4,2) p7(7,1) Points in this region dominates p1 Points in this region dominates p4 Dominance Order a<b iff xa<xb & ya<yb
p2 p3 p9 p1 p6 p8 p5 p4 p7 Height of points by Dominance Order Height = 1
p2 p3 p1 p6 p8 p5 p4 p7 Height of points by Dominance Order Height = 2 Height = 1
p2 p3 p1 p6 p8 p5 p4 p7 Height of points by Dominance Order Height = 4 Height = 2 Height = 3 Height = 1
L(1) L(3) L(2) L(4) p2=HEAD(2) p3 p9=HEAD(4) =TAIL(4) p1=HEAD(1) p6=HEAD(3) p8=TAIL(3) p5=TAIL(2) p4 p7=TAIL(1) Antichain: xi<xi+1 & yi>=yi+1 Antichain and Chain
L(1) L(3) L(2) L(4) p2 p3 p9 p1 p6 p8 p5 p4 p7 Chain: xi<xi+1 & yi<yi+1 Max Element Min Element Antichain and Chain The sequence: 6, 9, 8, 2, 3, 5, 1, 4, 7 The longest chain <p4,p5,p6,p9> corresponds the LIS <2,3,5,7>
6 9 8 9 8 2 Sweep Algorithm • Sweep from left to right • Operations • DELETE operation (Delete at left) e.g.: delete 6 • INSERT operation (Insert at right) e.g.: insert 2 • QUERY operation • Algorithm Flow
L(1) L(3) L(2) p4 p5 p2 p6 p1=pdel p7 p3 DELETE operation D(1) = {p1} D(2) = {p2} D(3) = {p4,p5}
p4 p5 p2 p6 p1=pdel p7 p3 D(2) D(3) L(3)/D(3) L(2)/D(2) L(1)/D(1) DELETE operation (Cont.)
L’(3) L’(2) L’(1) p4 p5 p2 p6 p1=pdel p7 p3 After the Delete operation
Analysis of Delete operation • Theorem 2. The cost of one DELETE operation equals the total number of points whose height decreases, i.e., O(|D|).
INSERT & QUERY operations • Theorem 3. The cost of INSERT operation equals the length of the LIS with the pINS as the maximum element. • Theorem 4. The cost of outputting a longest chain equals to the length of the output subsequence.
Algorithm Flow • Step 1: Sort the windows Wi by their left endpoints (if two windows share the same left endpoint, the longer window comes first) O(n+m) • Step 2: initialize current window to ∅ • Step 3: slide the window from Wj to Wj+1 (j=1,2,…m-1)
Details of Step 3 • Move from Wj to Wj+1, Wj=(a1,b1), Wj+1=(a2,b2) • Disjoint • Overlap • Contain • Same left endpoint • Different left endpoints • QUERY(r2) to output a LIS within Wj+1
Amotized Complexity Analysis • Given a sequence π = π1π2 . . . πn • depthiis defined to be the largest height that πiachieved in the m windows. In other words, among all increasing subsequences in m windows, depthiis the length of the longest one with πias the maximal element.
Complexity of each operation by Amortize Analysis • QUERY operation: O(OUTPUT) • INSERT operation: • DELETE operations: (A point pi can decrease at most depthi times)
Complexity Analysis of LISSET • Theorem 5 (LISSET Problem). The algorithm described above computes the m longest increasing subsequences, one for each window, in total time:
Complexity Analysis of LISW • depthi equals the length of the output in window πi-w+1, πi-w+2, …, πi • So, • And, • Thus,
Complexity Analysis of LISW • Theorem 6 (LISW Problem). Our algorithm finds the longest increasing subsequence in a sliding window over a sequence of n elements in O(OUTPUT) time.