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Do Now- September 5th

Do Now- September 5th. Do you feel you need to understand the background of an author in order to fully understand his/her work? Why or why not? **There will be a quiz later next week on today ’ s notes. Latin American Literature. History and Background. Latin America.

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Do Now- September 5th

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  1. Do Now- September 5th Do you feel you need to understand the background of an author in order to fully understand his/her work? Why or why not? **There will be a quiz later next week on today’s notes

  2. Latin American Literature History and Background

  3. Latin America • Latin is the base language of Spanish, Italian, Portuguese, and French • For example, in Spanish the word for cave is “cueva,” in Portuguese “cova,” Italian “cava.” Now you can describe that in 4 languages!

  4. Latin America • Latin America is a geographic location • Every nation from Mexico to the tip of South America is considered “Latin America” • Approx. 21 countries

  5. Four Main Population Groups Indian (Native American) White Mixed Heritage Mestizo= Indian and White Mulatto= Black and White Black

  6. Latin America • INTERESTING FACT: • People from Latin America are all Latin, but not all Hispanic • For example, Brazilians speak Portuguese, making them Latin not Hispanic.

  7. Languages

  8. Use of Metaphor-Turn & Talk Like texts of other nations, Latin American stories use many metaphors Metaphor is the master trope/device. 1. Define metaphor. 2. Create an example of a metaphor?

  9. Metaphor & Theme-Turn & Talk Metaphors help build the theme of a story. 3. Define theme. 4.List an example of a theme from something you’ve read/watched?

  10. Latin American Literature: Common Topics • Like many cultures, Latin American stories revolve around universal themes and explore interpersonal relationships. • Roots in legends and myths • Oral tradition • Often, Latin American stories have religious or political content.

  11. Common Themes: Family and relationship loyalties Poverty Gender Roles Social Protest & Exploitation Religion Magical Realism

  12. Family Family is considered one's strongest bond and loyalty

  13. Poverty Poverty is largely an issue because of the desperate situations in which many Latin American countries find themselves.

  14. Gender Roles Traditionally, older customs and cultural traditions prevail. Women were expected to be obedient and uphold the family honor.

  15. Political: social protest and exploitation • Many Latin American countries have gone through periods of social unrest. • Cuba = communism • Dominican Republic = dictatorship

  16. Religion: Catholicism • Many Latin American countries have large Catholic populations. 5. Describe the Catholic iconography in this painting.

  17. The Boom (Starting in late 1950‘s) • a huge BOOM in number of important novels produced • Used literary invention in narratives to express cultural heritage • Experimented with language and structure, often injecting fantasy and fragmenting time and space

  18. Gabriel Garcia Márquez (Columbia)_- Nobel Prize Winner

  19. Magical Realism Dreams, Magic, Unexpected, & Supernatural Everyday Reality (Regular Life Events) Magical Realism Much more information to come about this topic in a future lesson.

  20. Conclusion • Latin American literature is rich with culture and social commentary. • Themes are based on life experiences • We will use the term “Latin Americans”

  21. Exit Slip (turn in) List 2 things you learned today in class. List one question you have.

  22. Ms. DeMichi PLEASE STOP HERE: ) Ms. Mitchell’s PPT: http://alohakumu.pbworks.com/w/page/11428613/FrontPage THIS POWERPOINT WAS MODIFIED BY MS. FISCHER FROM THE ABOVE SOURCE. ALWAYS CITE YOUR SOURCES.

  23. Do Now-September 8th Describe your experience with the 3 day benchmark. Did you find it easy/hard? What grade do you feel you deserve? Explain. HW: L.A. background quiz-Wed.

  24. Group Agenda Read and annotate your assigned article w/your group Decide on at least 5 most important facts from your article. Be prepared to share your article findings. YOU ARE THE EXPERT!

  25. Groups-Period 4 Group 3 Devin George Felicia Alexis Group 4 Mackenna TJ Lina Brandon Group 5 Norma Adrianny Brianne Group 6 Malik Gian Jose Group 1 Orlando Kevin Cathy Giuseppe Group 2 Maritza Keke Matt

  26. Groups-Period 5 Group 3 Rory Hannah Doris Colin Kelly Group 4 Dylan Rachel Elaine James Paul Group 5 Fabiola Katherine Griffin Trevor Michelle Group 6 Kevia Jessica F. Kiara Madison Group 1 Jessica A. Mileny Michael G. Philip Steven Group 2 Shaelyn Quinessa Tiana Simon

  27. Exit Slip Based on the PowerPoint Notes and the articles you discussed today in class, what do you predict to read about in the L.A. unit?

  28. Groups-Period 1 Group 5 Marissa Kelly Andrew Alex Group 6 Daniela Tumani Jack Group 3 Matt Jacqueline Tatiana Group 4 Pat Abby Grant Group 1 Brenda Daniel Campbell Pietro Kameron Group 2 Kylie Daniel Carvalho David Alec

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