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Bullying In Middle School

Bullying In Middle School. MMS takes a stand against bullying. What is Bullying?.

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Bullying In Middle School

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  1. Bullying In Middle School MMS takes a stand against bullying

  2. What is Bullying? • Bullying- physically, mentally or emotionally abusing another person for personal satisfaction and to feel a sense of empowerment over another. It can be in a direct form, such as teasing or taunting, or an indirect form such as spreading rumors.

  3. First things first! Bullying is NOT a NORMAL part of growing up! No one deserves it!

  4. Examples of Bullying • Physical • Verbal • Relationship

  5. Physical Bullying • Hitting, kicking, or pushing someone….or just threatening to do it • Stealing, hiding, or ruining someone’s things. • Making someone do things he or she doesn’t want to do

  6. Verbal Bullying • Name-calling • Teasing • Insulting

  7. Relationship Bullying • Refusing to talk to someone • Spreading lies or rumors • Making someone feel left out or rejected

  8. What do they have in common? They are all examples of ways one person can make another person feel hurt, afraid, or uncomfortable.

  9. If you have been subjected to any of these behaviors repeatedly, you are a VICTIM!

  10. What to do if you are a victim • Remove yourself from the situation • Remember you are NOT the one with the problem, it’s the bully who has the problem. • Talk to an adult! It’s not “tattling” or “snitching.” It’s asking the people who love you to provide help when you really need it. (parents, teachers, etc.)

  11. Do not keep it inside. • Do not plan revenge against the bully or take things into your own hands.

  12. Are you a bully?

  13. Signs of a bully • Hot-tempered and quick to anger • Impulsive • Low tolerance for frustration • Difficulty conforming to rules • Needs to dominate others • Brags about his/her superiority over other students • Aggressive toward adults • Tries to talk themselves out of situations • Little empathy • Engages in antisocial behavior • Enjoys putting down others • Treats animals cruelly • Disrespects authority • Enjoys fighting • Refuses to admit fear

  14. Stop the behavior! If you are a bully, STOP the behavior! Practice self control- remember you are the only one responsible for you!

  15. Bullying could lead to future problems For the bully, they have to learn • How to cope • Manage their emotions • Communicate effectively • How to have a “real” relationship with someone • How to care for another’s needs If they cannot learn to conform to society, they could possibly lead a criminal life.

  16. Today’s bullies can become tomorrow’s criminals.

  17. For the victim They have to learn how to deal with 1. Emotional scars • Physical scars • Depression • Fear • Low self-esteem • Anxiety They must realize that they are not the one with the problem. People who cannot see that experience all of the problems listed above and it could lead to suicide.

  18. Again, if there is trouble, see assistance from an adult. We are here to protect you!

  19. You are who you are! • Celebrate differences • Be tolerant • Be forgiving • Respect yourself and others

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