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Anti-Bullying Week at Mann Middle School. General Information. Purpose: Create awareness of: What is bullying? What are the effects of bullying? What is our responsibility to stop bullying? Anti-bullying week will take place for one week
General Information • Purpose: Create awareness of: • What is bullying? • What are the effects of bullying? • What is our responsibility to stop bullying? • Anti-bullying week will take place for one week • It will begin Monday, January 13th and will end Friday, January 17th
Day 1: Monday, January 13th • Assembly with guest speakers: • Officer Flores, SDUSD School Police • Rahim Amir, SDUSD Race & Human Relations • The schedule is as follows: • Period 2 – 6th & 7th Grade • Period 3 – 8th Grade • During lunch, a table will be set up with activities for students to make a pledge to stop bullying
Day 2: Tuesday, January 14th • Writing prompt in ELA classrooms • Article and prompt TBA • Teachers will select the top 3 student essays from each class to submit to administration by Friday, January 24th • Administration will select one student essay from each grade level to win a prize • During lunch, students will participate in a “Words Hurt” activity • Anonymous Bullying Box
Wednesday, January 15th • No activities this day • There will be a raffle for tickets students earned participating in Monday and Tuesday lunch activities
Day 3: Thursday, January 16th • During lunch: • High school students will facilitate small group activities • Students will write a previous bullying incident on a piece of paper, crumple it up, and place it in a trash bag. • Students will pick on incident from the trash bag and discuss the effects the incident had on the victim
Day 4: Friday, January 17th • During lunch: • Students will create a “Responsibility Wall” that addresses how we will stop bullying at Mann Middle School • After school (or Monday), there will be a final drawing for raffle tickets earned during Thursday and Friday lunch activities
What you can do to support • Come during lunch and help with the table activities!
Questions? • Thank you for all your support!