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CIS 206: Business Software Applications Week 2

CIS 206: Business Software Applications Week 2. Dr. Jesús Borrego Regis University. Agenda. Review of Homework #1 Key Terms Research Paper Introduction MS Word introduction Homework #2. Homework #1.

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CIS 206: Business Software Applications Week 2

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  1. CIS 206: Business Software ApplicationsWeek 2 Dr. Jesús Borrego Regis University

  2. Agenda Review of Homework #1 Key Terms Research Paper Introduction MS Word introduction Homework #2

  3. Homework #1 In business, we need to obtain a computer system that meets the needs of the user, such as Operating System Processor Memory (RAM) Optical disks Video Cards Sound Cards Monitors Software Printers Number of USB ports

  4. Homework #1 Besides from selecting the computer, we need to determine the skills required for your job To complete the research homework first select your desired job area Then, research the Internet to understand the type of software, hardware, peripherals, and computer skills needed for the position

  5. Homework #1 – Part 2 Based on your results, share the computer type, including the computer type, hardware, peripherals and required software to succeed in your job, and explain why the equipment and software are necessary

  6. Homework #1 The document must be written in Spanish in APA format, including title page and references Submit before week 2

  7. Key Terms Design – Diseño Landscape page – Página horizontal Page Layout – Página de diseño Portrait Layout – Página vertical Review – Revisar Ribbon – Cinta Template – Patrón o Plantilla Tracking – Rastrear Translate - Traducir

  8. Research Paper The research paper is due by Saturday of Week 8 at midnight MST. It is extremely important to work on this assignment each week. You must complete a rough draft before you can complete the case assignment and participate in the discussion assignment during topic 7.

  9. Research Paper (Cont’d) The final research paper will constitute 20% of your final grade and should demonstrate an understanding of your readings, scholarly research, and analysis of the topic you select. In your research paper, you will describe how the selected topic affects your social responsibilities, service to others, personal and business needs, culture, and beliefs.

  10. Research Paper Topics Review the topics provided in the Content area Examples: Artificial intelligence, electronic commerce, gaming, internet systems, hardware architecture, smart cards, software applications, operating systems, robotics, security, privacy, social networks, social applications of technology

  11. Introduction to MS Word Menus File – Open, Close, Exit Home Insert Page Layout Review View Help

  12. Launching Word • From Start, Program Files, MS Office • Unless you stored in a different location • From Word icon on the desktop • If you selected to have icons on the desktop • Typing Start/New/ Word document

  13. Formatting text Enter text and do not press Enter until you reach the end of the paragraph Can select fonts Can select the size Can select bold, italic, underline, and others Bullets and numbers Highlight Strikethrough Spacing

  14. Page Layout Margins Center, left and right adjust Proportional Indent left and right Page break Orientation – portrait, landscape Header and footer

  15. Entering text • Start typing until you reach the end of the paragraph • Do not press Enter at the end of the line • The paragraph will ‘wrap’ • Choose the spacing (1.0, 1.5, 2.0, other) • Insert Page Break • Correcting mistakes • Automatic spell and grammar check

  16. Spell and grammar check Source: http://www.tutorialspoint.com/word_2010/word_spell_check.htm

  17. Saving a document • To save your work periodically, File/Save • Will save the file with the current name, in the current location • Can click diskette icon on the upper left of menu • To save with a new name, File/Save As • Will open the Windows browser so you can select the directory and file name • To save and exit, File/Exit • Will save the file and exit Word • If you try to Exit and some work has not been saved, you will be asked if you want to save

  18. Creating a new document - blank When you select File/New, you are asked for the type of document to create Select Blank for a new file with no template

  19. Creating a new document - blank When you select File/New, you are asked for the type of document to create Select Blank for a new file with no template

  20. Creating new document - template When you select File/New, you are asked for the type of document to create Select a template

  21. Available Templates

  22. Common shortcuts <Ctrl>-A: Selects all fields <Ctrl>-C: Copy to clipboard <Ctrl>-V: Paste whatever is on the clipboard <Ctrl>-Z: Undo <Alt>-F: Opens File Menu

  23. Course References In WorldClass, review Topic 2, under Readings and Research Microsoft Training resources Technology blogs Office Resources Special Technology Areas Help in every program YouTube

  24. MS Office Help Source: http://office.microsoft.com/en-us/support/getting-started-with-office-2010-FX101822272.aspx

  25. Tutorialspoint Web Page http://www.tutorialspoint.com/word_2010/index.htm

  26. Activity 1 – YouTube Resources • Word 2010 for beginners: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zQWT6tpfVf0 • Many others • In Spanish: • Curso Word 2o1o Paso a Paso – Mi Primer Documento: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YAlNkwz4h-M

  27. Activity 2 – New Document • We will create a brand new document from scratch • We will use the Course Syllabus (in PDF) and will attempt to create as closely as possible • You will help me • Everybody will participate • Ready?

  28. Activity 3 – Business Letter Create a new document using a letter template Open Word Select File/New Select Letters template Demo

  29. Homework #2 When working in a professional environment, from time-to-time, you may be required to write letters Task Description: Your task is to write a professional letter. Select the link below to view the required steps in a new window, and then follow the instructions provided to complete the letter and resume: https://worldclass.regis.edu/content/enforced/145911-BC_CIS206-DLC_DL70_14S8W2/case_assignments/topic2_ca.html?_&d2lSessionVal=gP5RU1OFTR3nVbRzbLNgzntOE&ou=145911

  30. Homework #2 (Cont’d) • Submit your Letter of Interest (Cover Letter) and Resume as two separate documents to the Week 2 Dropbox before week 3 • One page each • The documents must not be in APA format • User proper punctuation and grammar • Can use a letter template for the cover letter • Find an appropriate resume format • Must be in English

  31. Homework #2 Rubric

  32. ¿Questions?

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