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Parallel Computation of the Minimum Separation Distance of Bezier Curves and Surfaces. Lauren Bissett, lauren.bissett@uconn.edu Nicholas Woodfield, nicholas.woodfield@uconn.edu REU Biogrid, Summer 2009 University of Connecticut Storrs, CT 06269. Presentation Summary.
Parallel Computation of the Minimum Separation Distance of Bezier Curves and Surfaces • Lauren Bissett, lauren.bissett@uconn.edu • Nicholas Woodfield, nicholas.woodfield@uconn.edu REU Biogrid, Summer 2009 University of Connecticut Storrs, CT 06269
Presentation Summary • Background • Overview • CUDA • Bezier Curves • Bezier Surfaces • Benefits/Future work
Background • Animation relies on continuous movement between frames to give the illusion of motion. • When an unexpected change occurs between frames, this is known as temporal aliasing.
Background • One method of dealing with temporal aliasing is detecting self-intersections in geometric objects. • If self-intersections are unnoticed by an animator, it could lead to the animation looking 'off'. • A scientist looking at a visual of a complicated molecule likewise could not determine if there are self-intersections.
Background • One method to detect self-intersections is finding a geometric object's minimum separation distance. • The minimum separation distance is the smallest doubly normal segment between any two points on the object. • A segment is doubly normal if both its endpoints are normal to the curve/surface.
Background • The algorithm for finding the minimum separation distance is time-consuming and not practical for use. • Therefore NVIDIA's CUDA parallel programming langauge will be used to implement the algorithms so that they run fast enough for practical use.
CUDA • CUDA was developed by NVIDIA for parallel programming on the GPU. • Allows the launch of thousands of parallel threads of execution. • Unlike most GPU programming, CUDA development is relatively easy, because it extends C (with additional bindings for C++ and Fortran). • It also allows for general programming, no prior knowledge of graphics required
CUDA Memory Model • Threads – basic element of execution, has own register and local memory • Blocks – composed of threads, has own shared memory • Grid – composed of blocks, contains global, constant and texture memory
Our Machine • The machine used for this research used a QuadroFX 5800 GPU running Windows Vista. • 512 threads per block • 32 registers per thread
Minimum Separation Distance • To find the minimum separation distance, there are three major steps: • Generate candidate double normal segments • Newton's method • Find segment of minimum segment length
Finding Candidate Segments • The method of finding potential double normal segments is simple but time-consuming. • For a given sample size (n), take n sample points and pair with all other points in the sample. • Then check if each pair is creates a double normal segment.
Newton's Method • The initial estimates are run on Newton's method until they converge. • When finished, the double normal segment is compared to determine if it is of smallest length.
Bezier Curves • Curve case implemented first • It's simple – only two parametric values – (s,t) – to worry about
Bezier Curve Kernel Organization • Used a 1-Dim grid composed of 1-Dim blocks • Blocks divided into groups, one for each curve • Threads responsible for one s parametric value on only one curve • Each thread tests its sample points vs all other points on it's parent curve and all other curves • If the candidate segment passes the double normal test, we run newton's method on it • Each thread ultimately returns the shortest segment from its search
Bezier Curve Kernel Organization • What problems can arise? • Sample size > maximum thread allowance • Register usage • Must ensure consistency among multiple blocks • E.g. If we used a thread's built in index value, and we used 2 blocks per curve, each block would then only test values between 0 and .5! • This required equations to calculate which thread belonged to whom
Bezier Curve Kernel Results • Double normals returned in a 2D array • Rows are blocks • Columns are threads in a block • Launched a second kernel to collapse the array into a 1-Dim array the size of the # of blocks • Iterated over those segments, and found the shortest which is our minimum separation distance
Results • 8x to 200x speedup
Bezier Surfaces • Next we moved onto surfaces – bicubic bezier meshes.
Bezier Surfaces • Surfaces are just an extension of curves, but with two parametric values – u and v. • Each thread in the kernel handles a u,v pair. It then checks against all other u,v pairs on the surface. • Blocks were extended into 2 Dimensions, to represent the unit square.
Bezier Surfaces • Similar to curves, the thread determines if the segment is doubly normal, and if necessary, discards an old one of greater length if it finds a short one. • And again, Newton's method is run on each doubly normal segment. • Finally, a similar search through results to find the minimum separation distance
Bezier Surfaces • The thread results are again searched for the smallest segment, which is the minimum separation distance.
Results? • The mesh algorithm was largely completed in the last few days • Curve case, although simple, took two weeks of tweaking until the code was sastifactory • Mesh case still needs some tweaking • Still confident we'll observe similar results to the curve case • However, we do not have comparable C code to compare results
Benefits/Future work • How does this tie into bio-grid? • Nature of the problem: • Self-intersections in molecule simulations are of interest • Leveraging the GPU for general programming • 'Supercomputing for the masses' • Tremendous speedups for low costs • Useful for when supercomputing power is not present nor available • Future work: Finish the mesh case!
Questions and Answers • Any Questions?
Images • CUDA Memory Model, Dr. Dobbs Supercomputing for the Masses: http://www.ddj.com/architect/208401741?pgno=3 • Double normal segments & surfaces double normals, Ed Moore's Ph.D. Thesis • Newton's method: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Newton%27s_method • Bezier surface w/control points: http://www.cs.cf.ac.uk/Ralph/graphicspics/bez.GIF