.Antarcticais a largecontinentlocatedatthe far southoftheworld. ItislargerthanEurope. Theweatherthereisverycold. About 98% ofAntarcticaiscoveredwithsnowandice. Thismeansthatitismostlywhite. Veryfewpeople live there, except in thesmalltownsofMcMurdoandPalmer on thecoast. Thereis a science station (a fewbuildingswherescientists live) attheSouth Pole whereexperiments are done. These experimentshave to do withtheweatherandouterspace
Peoplewhowant to go to Antarcticamostly go there in anairplane, butpeoplecanalsotake a boat to visit thecontinent. BoatscanleavefromAustralia, New Zealandor Argentina. • Antarctica has no government, althoughsomecountriesclaimpartsofit as theirown. New countrieshave not beenallowed to do thissince 1959.
There are veryfewplants in Antarctica; theonlylargeairbreathinganimals are penguins, sealsandwhales. There are no polarbears (whitebearsthat live atthenorth pole) living in Antarctica. • Antarctica is surrounded by the Pacific Ocean, the Atlantic Ocean, and the Indian Ocean, but the seas right around it are also called the Southern Ocean. The nearest other continent is South America.
In Antarctica, it is always dark during the winter, but in the summer the sun shines 24 hours a day. Thereisonevolcano in Antarctica. Itisnamed Mount Erebus. Mount Erebusisverytallandsometimeshot.