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Accreditation & Designatio n QUALITY IMPROVEMENT IN CANCER CARE IN EUROPE Brussels Febr . 2014 Prof. W.H. van Hart

Accreditation & Designatio n QUALITY IMPROVEMENT IN CANCER CARE IN EUROPE Brussels Febr . 2014 Prof. W.H. van Harten MD. PhD. President OECI. OECI Improving Cancer Care. Technological innovation and complexity Complexity of services will stimulate Centralization/Cancer centers

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Accreditation & Designatio n QUALITY IMPROVEMENT IN CANCER CARE IN EUROPE Brussels Febr . 2014 Prof. W.H. van Hart

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  1. Accreditation & Designation QUALITY IMPROVEMENT IN CANCER CARE IN EUROPEBrussels Febr. 2014Prof. W.H. van Harten MD. PhD.President OECI

  2. OECIImproving Cancer Care Technological innovation and complexity Complexity of services will stimulate Centralization/Cancer centers Impressive variation in performance between and within countries Bottom up system of Accreditation and Designation Benchmarking, Knowledge transfer & Excellence

  3. OECI Improving Cancer Care Comprehensive character of oncology increases: - ongoing (sub-)specialization - multidisciplinary character - supportive infrastructure: pathology, genomic services, molecular diagnostics, MRI/Pet etc. - society & patients demand higher degree of patient centeredness

  4. TIL (tumor infiltratingT cel) therapyforadvancedmelanoma Digestie en kweek tumor Dag 0 expansie fase TIL Dag 6 - Dag 14 Infusie T175 flask x 35 WAVE

  5. OECI Institutional platform; 73 European Cancer Institutions Accreditation & Designation, Guidelines, Education, Molecular Pathology, Health Economics, etc. USA: 41 NCI designated CCC’s, 27 designated CC’s

  6. European “improvement” perspective Performance of Health Systems (’95-’99 –‘03) EJC 2009 Confirmed in OECD report 2013 and EuroCare 103

  7. OECI: Improvingcancersurvival Patient oriented comprehensive Cancer Care (Focused Factories/Integrated Practice Units Porter) often part of larger organizations. “Comprehensive”= translational research and innovation “Networks” step forward--internationally: “middle of the road” (OECD: UK-networks not successful, abandoned)

  8. OECI Improving Cancer Care Trend towards Cancer Center designation: USA, France, Germany, Italy, UK-networks-,…… OECI: Accreditation (2009) and Designation (2011) of comprehensive cancer care in Europe (NCI like system, covering both care and research) Eurocan Platform Excellence Designation 2011-2015 BenchCan EU benchmarking program

  9. AccreditationandDesignation Accreditation is focused on Quality & comprehensiveness of Care & of Translational Research Designation combined Qualit./Quant. assessment: CCC and Clinical CC 15 EU centers- 2 AMC’s; 9 EU countries Agreement Italian Government 12 centers Alignment process Germany started. Oslo, Inst. Curie, Kings College, 2 AMC’s Netherlands

  10. Added Value OECI Accreditation & Designation8 centers; 24 interviewees • Managers: Credibility: visibility, quality improvement, funding, data integration • Role dynamics: Professional role Nurses, autonomy. • Communication & Critical thinking: Involvement Clinicians; care pathway, supportive/survivorship care • C&C: Research translation, lab & clinic

  11. Added Value Comprehensive Cancer CentersScanning study 2013: - survey: 34 EU-centers - 24 interviews / 6 CCC’s Outcomes: 5-10yr (DF) survival -- case mix! Specialization (volume) and focused organization Focused mission and strategy, pathways Translation & Innovation speed Impact on guideline development (practice changing innovations) Patient satisfaction 2014 Combined Survey AACI-USA

  12. Excellence Designation system: Contribute to infrastructure for translational EU platforms EU + National funded Platform(s) of highest performing Comprehensive Cancer (research) Centers Survey/Consensus/Expert opinion based system (endorsed by) European Academy of Cancer Sciences Intercontinental site visit team; existing (national) reviews 3 pilot sites to review Q3 2014

  13. CCC-Excellence Designation

  14. Excellence criteria (themes-examples) Organizational Policies and strategies (communication MDT’s, at least 3 major cancer types, quality culture) People management (MD-PhD programs, leadership, support PI’s, Gender issues, recruitment, Research-Clinical) Research infrastructure/competencies (PK.PD monitoring phase I/II trials, animal models, biobanks, health economics) Clinical trial management (internal review, groundbreaking trials, patient enrollment, quality of care) Internationally recognized excellence (output, impact, peers, practice changing innovations) Financial expertise (success grants, grant management)

  15. Pilots OECI Accredited EACS governance NCI-Canadian experts Sep 1st week Sep 2nd week Sep 3rd week

  16. Activities planned 2014-2015 2014 2015

  17. OECI, What’s next…. Enrollment in A&D program 50% (now 30%) Review A&D and Add outcome indicators (Annual Meeting Cluj/Rumania June 2014) + Sessions on Organizing Cancer Care, & Central and Eastern Europe educational meetings Exchange with AACI: relevant trends, excellence and added value of organizational concepts Health Economics, Molecular pathology, Education EAHC sponsored..BenchCan: developing Format for benchmark of Comprehensive Cancer Care (2013-16)

  18. Acknowledgements:Board, support staff and A&D groups OECI,BenchCan Partners,EurocanPlatform Partners

  19. Accreditation & Designation QUALITY IMPROVEMENT IN CANCER CARE IN EUROPEBrussels Febr. 2014Prof. W.H. van Harten MD. PhD.President OECI

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