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Closed Point of Dispensing (POD) Partnership

Closed Point of Dispensing (POD) Partnership. What is point of dispensing (POD) and when might a POD be needed?. A site where medications or vaccines intended to prevent disease may be given quickly to a large number of people in the event of a public health emergency Needed if:

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Closed Point of Dispensing (POD) Partnership

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  1. Closed Point of Dispensing (POD)Partnership

  2. What is point of dispensing (POD) and when might a POD be needed? • A site where medications or vaccines intended to prevent disease may be given quickly to a large number of people in the event of a public health emergency • Needed if: • An exposure of an infection is causing illness AND • Disease from that infection may be prevented through the use of antibiotics or a vaccine

  3. Local Public Health Responsibility • Get medications/ antibiotics (prophylaxis) into 100% of population within 36 hours.

  4. Why 36 Hours? • Worst Case Scenario based on Aerosolized Anthrax • Spores proliferate, spread and produce toxins rapidly within the lungs when inhaled • Life-Threatening infectious disease • Not likely but possible • Plans can be utilized to address other slower moving health issues such as pandemic flu

  5. 8 Public Health Regions in Minnesota • Northwest • Northeast • West Central • Central • Metro • Southwest • South Central • Southeast

  6. Populations – 2010 Census • State of Minnesota – 5,303,925 • Metro Counties Total – 2,751,294 – (51% of state) • Hennepin (1)– 1,152,425 • Ramsey (2) – 508,640 • Dakota (3) – 398,552 • Anoka (4) – 330,844 • Washington (5) – 201,130 • Scott (10) – 89,498 • Carver (11) – 70,205

  7. Strategies • Open Point of Dispensing (POD) Sites • Closed Point of Dispensing (POD) Sites • Health Care • Long-Term Care/ Assisted Living • Clinics • Home Care Agencies • Community Based Organizations • Businesses

  8. What are the benefits? • Business Continuity/Asset Protection • Keep your business open and going • Providing prophylaxis will prevent employees, clients and their family members from becoming ill • Good for you and for the public who will need supplies and services • The Prep Act, passed by Congress in 2005, assures: “…protection from liability…unless wilful misconduct.” • Incentive for employees to come to work • Good Public Relations • Internally – tells your employees that you value them and realize they are your most valuable resource • Externally – tells the public that you value your employee along with customers and want to stay open to serve them

  9. How does this help us all? • Consistent with basic National Incident Management System (NIMS) principles • All disasters begin locally • All responses must begin locally • Fewer people at Open PODs • More people receive prophylaxis in timely manner • Less chance of spread of disease • Less public fear and chaos

  10. What are we asking of you? • To partner with us to fulfill this responsibility by becoming a Closed Point of Dispensing (POD) • Prevent the spread of illness by providing prophylaxis • Help to decrease the amount of time it takes to dispense to 100% of our population • Decrease the number of people who will need to go to an Open Point of Dispensing Site • Provide more direct access to needed medications for your employees, clients and their families

  11. What does it require from you? • Complete online Closed POD training (less than30 minutes) • Develop plans to provide prophylaxis • Identify and train people to fill roles within the Closed POD • Pick up antibiotics from Local Distribution Node (LDN)

  12. Responsibilities

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